
Section 3-2: Solving Systems
Algebraically (Pg.125)
By Ms. Beydoun
Section 3-2: Solving Systems
Algebraically (Pg.125)
• To solve a system by substitution and
• Not every system can be solved easily by
• Substitution allows you to find exact solutions
without using graphing
EX. 1. Solve by Substitution.
4x + 3y = 4
2x – y = 7
• Step 1: 2X – y = 7 ---> y = 2x – 7
• Step 2: Substitute the expression for y into other equation. Then, solve for
4x + 3(2x – 7) = 4
4x + 6x – 21 = 4
10x – 21 = 4
10x = 25
x = 2.5
• Step 3: Substitute value of x into either equation. Then, solve for y.
Y = 2(2.5) - 7
• The solution is (2.5, -2).
You can solve a system of equations using the Additive Property of Equality.
If the quantities you add contain a pair of additive inverses, you can eliminate
a variable. You can also eliminate a variable by subtracting like terms.
EX. 2. Solving by Elimination.
4x – 2y = 7
x + 2y = 3
Step 1: Two terms are additive inverses; so add.
4x – 2y = 7
+ x + 2y = 3
5x + 0 = 10
5x = 10
Step 2Choose one of the original equations then substitute for x.
x + 2y = 3
2 + 2y = 3
2y = 1
y= 1/2
• The solution is (2, 1/2).
Solving an Equivalent System
To make 2 terms additive inverses, you may need to multiply one or both equations in a system by a
nonzero number.
In doing so, you create a system equivalent to the original one. Equivalent Systems are systems that
have same solution(s).
EX. Solving an Equivalent System.
Solve system below by Elimination.
3x + 7y = 15
5x + 2y = -4
To eliminate the y terms, make them additive inverses by multiplying.
Step 1: (3x + 7y = 15)*2 6x +14y = 30
Step 2: (5x + 2y = -4)*-7  -35x -14y = 28
6x +14y = 30
+ -35x -14y = 28
-29x + 0 = 58
x = -2
Choose an original equation and solve for y.
3x + 7y = 15
3(-2) + 7y = 15
-6 + 7y = 15
7y = 21
Solving a system algebraically does not always result in a unique solution as in
EX. 3 & 4 on Pg. 126-127.
You may get an equation that’s always true or one that’s never true.
• Ex. Solving a system without a unique solution.
2x – y = 3
-2x + y = -3
2x – y = 3
+ -2x + y = -3
True Statement!
Infinite Number of Solutions
• Ex. Solving a system without a unique solution.
2x – 3y = 18
-2x + 3y = -6
2x – 3y = 18
+ -2x + 3y = -6
0 = 12
False Statement!
No Solutions
Practice 
Solve each system by Substitution.
2x – 3y = 6
x + y = -12
3x – y = 0
4x + 3y = 26
Practice 
• Solve each system by Elimination.
X + y = 12
2w + 5y = -24
3w – 5y = 14
Exit Slip 
• Solve each system by Substitution or Elimination
-3X = 5Y = 7
6X – 10Y = -14
-2x + 4y = 6
-3x + 6y = 8
H.W. Pg. 128 – 129 #’s 1 – 11, 19 – 41, 45 – 59 (ODDs)