curriculum vitae - University of South Alabama Health System

NAME: Michael Stuart Bronze, MD., MACP, FIDSA
Department of Medicine
PO Box 26901, WP1140
Oklahoma City, OK 73126-0901
High School:
East High School, Memphis, TN June, 1972
University of Memphis, Sept., 1972- June 1975, BA with distinction
(Political Science), July 1975.
University of Memphis, July, 1975- July 1978,
BS with distinction (Physical Science) August 1978.
Graduate/Professional School:
University of Tennessee, Memphis, August 1978 - June 1982, MD.
Medicine Internship, University of Tennessee, Memphis, July 1, 1982-June
30, 1983
Internal Medicine, University of Tennessee, Memphis, July 1, 1983-June
30, 1985.
Chief Medical Resident, VAMC/UT Memphis, July 1, 1985- June 30, 1986.
Fellow, Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine,
University of Tennessee, Memphis July 1, 1986-June 30, 1988.
Phi Kappa Phi, University of Memphis Chapter, 1975
Valedictorian, University of Memphis, 1975.
Alpha Omega Alpha, University of Tennessee College of
Medicine, 1981
Recipient of training funds under NIH Grant No. USPHS AI- 07238,
Recipient of Golden Apple Teaching Award, UT, 1992
Recipient Distinguished Service Award, Southern
Section, American Federation for Medical Research,
Recipient of Outstanding Clinical Instructor Award, UT
Recipient "Top Twenty Teachers" Award from House Staff,
Fellow, Infectious Diseases Society of American, 1999.
Recipient, “Top Twenty Teachers” Award from House Staff, UT, 2000.
Recipient, “Outstanding Faculty Award”, Department of Medicine,
OUHSC, 2001-2002.
Kerr-McGee Presidential Professorship, July 2004-June 2008, University of
Oklahoma Health Sciences Center.
Charlotte S. Leebron Memorial Trust Fund Award, April 2005 presented by
the Oklahoma State Medical Association.
Fellow, American College of Physicians, 2005.
Charlotte S. Leebron Memorial Trust Fund Award, April 2007, presented
by the Oklahoma State Medical Association.
Selected for the Best Doctors in America recognition (multiple years).
America’s Top Physicians, Consumers Research Council of America, 2009
Oklahoma’s Top Doctors, 2009, 2011.
Recipient, Founder’s Medal, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation,
February, 2011.
David Ross Boyd Professor of Medicine, OUHSC, 2011- present
Internal Medicine Award for Superior Teaching, Department of Medicine,
OUHSC, Fall 2011.
Inaugural Member, Academy of Teaching Scholars, OUHSC, 2012-present.
Recipient, “Outstanding Teaching Faculty Award”, Department of
Medicine, OUHSC, AY12-13.
Tenth Ebert Visiting Professor, University of Arkansas School of Medicine,
November 2013
OU Medicine Award for Outstanding Patient Service, 2013.
Master, American College of Physicians, 2014
National Board of Medical Examiners, 1983.
American Board of Internal Medicine, 1985
American Board of Internal Medicine's Subspecialty Exam in Infectious
Diseases, November 1, 1988.
Tennessee, MDO14828, July 1983-2000.
Oklahoma, 21683, July 2000
American Federation for Clinical Research, member
Lancefield Society, member
Memphis Infectious Disease Society
Memphis Academy of Internal Medicine
Association of Program Directors in Internal Medicine
American Society for Microbiology, member
Infectious Diseases Society of America, member
Infectious Diseases Society of Tennessee, member
Southern Society for Clinical Investigation (SSCI), member
American Society of Internal Medicine, member
Tennessee Society of Internal Medicine, member
American College of Physicians, member
American College of Physician Executives, member
Oklahoma County Medical Society, member
Oklahoma Chapter, ACP-ASIM, member
Oklahoma State Medical Association, member
American Medical Association, member
Association of Professors of Medicine
Association of Chiefs of General Internal Medicine
Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine
Association for American Medical Colleges (AAMC)
Instructor, Division of Infectious Diseases, University of Tennessee, Memphis,
October 1987.
Assistant Professor of Medicine, University of Tennessee, Memphis, July, 1988 1993.
Associate Professor of Medicine, University of Tennessee, Memphis, July 19931999.
Associate Professor of Medicine, University of Tennessee, Memphis with the
award of tenure, 1994-1999.
Professor of Medicine, University of Tennessee, Memphis, 1999-2000.
Professor of Medicine with tenure, University of Oklahoma Health
Science Center, Oklahoma City, 2000-present.
Chairman, Department of Medicine, OUHSC, 2000-present
Stewart G. Wolf Endowed Chair in Internal Medicine, OUHSC, 2004- present.
David Ross Boyd Professor of Medicine, OUHSC, 2011- present
Interim Chief Medical Officer, OU Medical Center, July 1, 2007-June 30, 2009.
Board of Directors, Academic Physicians Insurance Corporation, April 2006present.
1. Chair, Underwriting Committee, 2006-2009
2. Member, Claims Committee, 2009-present
3. Chairman, APIC Board of Directors, April 1, 2009-present
Chief, Medicine Service, OU Medical Center, 2000-present.
Member, Regional Centers of Excellence Regional Advisory Committee (UTMB,
Galveston], December, 2002- present.
Member, Advisory Board, Southwest Center for Public Health Preparedness,
University of Oklahoma, October 2002-present
Member, Board of Visitors, Department of Internal Medicine, OUHSC, 2011present.
Member, Board of Trustees, OU Medical Center, May 2011- present.
Chair, Board of Directors, Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine, 2013-2015
Member of Board of Governors, American College of Physicians, 2015-2019.
Member, Executive Committee, BOG, American College of Physicians- 2015-2016
Other appointments at UTHSC
Associate Chief Medical Officer, UT Medical Group, 1999 - 2000.
Associate Chairman, Clinical Operations, Department of Medicine, April 1997 to
Board of Directors, UT Medical Group, July 1997 to 2000.
Executive Committee, UT Medical Group, February 1999 to present.
Member at Large, Medical Executive Committee UT Bowld Hospital
1996 – 2000.
Associate Chairman Graduate Medical Education, Department of Medicine, July
1993 to June 1997.
Assistant Program Director and then Program Director, Internal Medicine
Residency, July, 1988-June 1997.
Associate Chief, Medical Service, VAMC, Memphis, July, 1988-1994
Co-Director, Infectious Diseases Fellowship Program, July 1, 1991 to 2000.
Associate Director, Internal Medicine Residency and Medicine- Pediatrics
Programs, October, 1987- June 1992.
Assistant Chairman, Department of Medicine, April, 1991- 1993.
Consultant Physician, Mid-South Foundation for Medical Care, July, 1989- 2000.
Consultant, Arlington Developmental Center (Physician Consultation Services,
Quality Assurance), 1993-2000.
Chairman, Professional Advisory Board, Kimberly Quality Care, Inc. 1989-1995.
University Hospital, Oklahoma City, OK, Active Staff, 2000- present.
VA Hospital Oklahoma City, Active Staff, 2000-present.
OU Medical Center Hospital, Active Staff, 2000-present.
UT Bowld Hospital, Memphis, TN, Active Staff, 1987-2000.
VA Medical Center, Memphis, TN, Active Staff, 1987-2000.
Regional Medical Center, Memphis, Active Staff, Infectious Diseases and
general Internal Medicine, 1987- 2000.
Baptist Memorial Hospital, Memphis, Active Staff, Infectious Diseases
and general Internal Medicine, 1987- 2000.
Medical Student, University of Tennessee:
Second Year Courses:
1. Pathology CPC- 2 hours, entire class
2. Pathophysiology- 1 hour, entire class
Third Year Internal Medicine Clerkship: University of Tennessee
1. Attend on general medicine wards 2-3 mos. per academic year.
Contact occurs with 4-5 students at approximately 14-20 hours per
2. Conduct Professor's Conference with junior clerks on alternate
Fourth Year Infectious Diseases Elective/Junior Internship University of
1. Serve as attending physician on the ID consult service through which
students may elect a rotation. Contact time is approximately 10
hours per week.
2. Serve as attending physician for junior internship in internal
medicine 2 months per year. Contact is with 2-3 students at 15
hours per week.
3. Serve as attending physician in general internal medicine clinic for
senior students during their ambulatory clerkship.
Residency, Internal Medicine: University of Tennessee
1. Coordinated the recruitment, education and evaluation of the
Department’s Internal Medicine Residency. The residency consisted
of 125 trainees and 45 fellows.
2. Conduct Medicine Morning Report twice weekly.
3. Supervise Resident’s Continuity of Care Clinic, once on alternative
4. Faculty resident advisor.
Medical Student, University of Oklahoma:
Served as attending physician on General Medicine and ID Consult
Services for 2 to 3 months per year. Conducted Professor’s conference
on alternate weeks for M3 students.
Residency and Fellowship, University of Oklahoma:
Coordinated the Department of Medicine’s graduate education training
programs consisting of 120-130 residents and fellows. Involved in the
generation of curriculum, competency standards and accreditation of
the programs.
Editorial Boards:
Editorial Committee, American Journal of Medical Sciences
Chief Editor, Infectious Diseases section, Consumer Health Site,
Chief Editor, Infectious Diseases Section, 2006-present
Editorial Board,
Editorial Board, BioMed Central Journals, 2005-present
Editorial Board, American Journal of Medicine, 2005- present
Editorial Consultant, Physician’s Information and Education Resource (PIER),
American College of Physicians, 2005- 2009
Editorial Board, Journal of the Oklahoma State Medical Association, 2008present.
Reviewer, Infection and Immunity
Reviewer, Clinical Infectious Diseases
Reviewer, Medical and Pediatric Oncology
Reviewer, Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases
Reviewer, Southern Medical Journal
Reviewer, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society
Reviewer, American Journal of Medical Sciences
Reviewer, Consultations in Primary Care: Consultant
Reviewer, Mayo Clinic Proceedings
Reviewer, Biological Research for Nursing
Reviewer, Microbes and Infection
Reviewer, Medical Science Monitor
Reviewer, Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy
Reviewer, American Journal of Medicine
Reviewer, Expert Opinion on Drug Development
Bronze MS, Dale JB, Seyer JM, Beachey EH. Protective and Heart Cross reactive
Epitopes of Type 19 Streptococcal M Protein. Transactions of the Association of
American Physicians. Volume C: 80-84, 1987.
Bronze MS, Beachey EH, Dale JB. Protective and Heart Cross-Reactive Epitopes
Located Within the Amino-terminus of Type 19 Streptococcal M Protein.
Journal of Experimental Medicine. 167: 1849, 1988.
Beachey EH, Bronze M, Dale JB, Kraus W, Poirier T, Sargent SJ. Protective and
Autoimmune Epitopes of Streptococcal M Protein. Vaccine 6: 192-196, 1988.
Bronze MS, McKinsey DS, Beachey EH, Dale JB. Immunity Evoked by Locally
Administered Group A Streptococcal Vaccines. Journal of Immunology. 141:
2767, 1988.
Bronze MS, McKinsey DS, Beachey EH and Dale JB. Pathogenesis of Group A
Streptococci in Mice and Efficacy of Locally Administered Streptococcal
Vaccines. Transactions of the Association of American Physicians, Volume CI:
88-92, 1988.
McDonell AH, Baird RW, Bronze MS. Intramedullary Tuberculomas of the
Spinal Cord: A Case Report and Review. Reviews of Infectious Diseases, 12:432,
Baird RW, Bronze MS, Kraus W, Hill HR, Veasey G and Dale JB. Epitopes of
Group A Streptococcal M Protein Shared with Antigens of Articular Cartilage and
Synovium. Journal of Immunology, 146: 3132-3137, 1991.
Bronze MS, Courtney HS, and Dale JB. Localization of Cross-Protective Epitopes
of the C-Terminus of Group A Streptococcal M Protein. Journal of Immunology,
148:888-893, 1992.
Courtney HS, von Hunolstein C, Dale JB, Bronze MS, Hasty DL and Beachey EH.
Lipoteichoic Acid and M Protein: Dual Adhesins of Group A Streptococci.
Microbial Pathogenesis. 12: 199-208, 1992.
Bronze MS, Baird RW, Courtney HS, and Dale JB. Passive Protection Against
Group A Streptococcal Infection in Mice by Lipoteichoic Acid. Streptococci and
Streptococcal Infections XIth Lancefield Symposium. 22: 129-132, 1992.
Dale, JB, Baird, RW, Bronze, MS, and Beachey, EH Tissue-cross reactive Epitopes
of Streptococcal M Proteins. Streptococci and Streptococcal Infections, XI the
Lancefield Symposium. 22: 168-170, 1992.
Bronze MS and Dale JB. Epitopes of Streptococcal M Protein that Evoke
Antibodies that Crossreact with Human Brain. J. of Immunology. 151: 28202828, 1993.
Dale, JB, Baird, RW, Courtney, HS, Hasty, DH, and Bronze, MS Passive Protection
of Mice Against Group A Streptococcal Pharyngeal Infection by Lipoteichoic
Acid. Journal of Infectious Diseases. 169:319-323, 1994.
Wessels, MR and Bronze MS. Role of Hyaluronic Acid Capsule in Pharyngeal
Colonization and Invasive Infection by Group A Streptococci. Pathogenic
Streptococci: Present and Future. XII Lancefield Symposium, 455-457, 1994.
Lederer JW, Wessels MR, Bronze, MS, and Dale JB. Relative Contributions of
Hyaluronate Capsule and M Protein to Resistance to Phagocytosis of Types 18
and 24 Group A Streptococci. Pathogenic Streptococci: Present and Future. XII
Lancefield Symposium, 222-224, 1994.
Wessels MR and Bronze MS. Critical Role of the Group A Streptococcal Capsule
in Pharyngeal Colonization and Infection in Mice. Proceedings National
Academy of Sciences USA 91:12238-12242, 1994.
Courtney HS, Bronze MS, Dale JB, and Hasty DL. Analysis of the Role of M
Protein in Group A Streptococcal Adhesion and Colonization by OmegaInterposon Mutagenesis. Infection and Immunity, 62: 4868-4873, 1994.
Bronze MS. Rheumatic Fever. In Conn's Current Therapy. Ed. Rakel, R.
WEB. Saunders, Philadelphia: 117-119, 1995.
Bronze, MS. Management of Infective Endocarditis. Saunders Manual of
Medical Practice, ed. Rakel, R., 265- 268, 1996.
Bronze, MS and Dale JB. Re-emergence of Group A Streptococcal Infections and
Acute Rheumatic Fever. American Journal of Medical Sciences; 311:41-54,
Whitby S, Schaberg DR, and Bronze, MS. Infective Endocarditis Due to S.
pneumoniae Exhibiting High-Level Penicillin Resistance. Clinical Infectious
Diseases. 23:1176, 1996.
Whitby S, Madu E. and Bronze, MS. Candida zeylanoides Infective Endocarditis
Complicating Infection with Human Immunodeficiency Virus. The American
Journal of Medical Sciences: 312:138-139, 1996.
Almeida RA, Luther DA, Kumar SJ, Calvinho LF, Bronze MS, and Oliver SP.
Adherence of Encapsulated and Nonencapsulated Strains of Streptococcus
Uberis to Bovine Mammary Epithelial Cells and Extracellular Matrix Proteins. J
Vet Med B: 43:385-392, 1996.
Almeida RA, Luther DA, Kumar SJ, Calvinho LF, Bronze MS, and Oliver SP.
Adherence of Streptococcus Uberis to Bovine Mammary Epithelial Cells and to
Extracellular Matrix Proteins. Zentralbl Veterinarmed [B]: 43:385, 1996.
Bronze MS, Whitby S and Schaberg DR. Group G Streptococcal Arthritis: A Case
Report and Review of the Literature. American Journal of the Medical Sciences:
313:239 -243, 1997.
Calvinho LF, Luther DA, Almeida RA, Bronze MS, Drabik JJ and Oliver SP.
Detection of M-like protein and lipoteichoic acid in Streptococcus dysgalactiae
isolated from bovine intramammary infections. Proceedings National Mastitis
Council, 270-271, 1997.
Meacham RR, Headley AS, Bronze MS, Lewis JB, and Rester MM. Impending
Paradoxical Embolism. Archives of Internal Medicine, 158: 438 - 448, 1998.
Chuang AW, Lewis JL, Golden E, and Bronze, MS. Citrobacter freundii Empyema
in a Patient with Occult Pulmonary Histoplasmosis. The American Journal of
Medical Sciences; 315:314-316, 1998.
Bronze MS, Warr G, Spigel D, and Smalley D. False Positive HIV ELISA Due to
Acute Cytomegalovirus Infection. Clinical Infectious Diseases; 27:221-222, 1998.
Monkemuller KE and Bronze, MS. Immunoblastic Lymphadenopathy Presenting
as an Acute Abdomen and Mixed Bacteremia with Eikenella corrodens and
Group C Streptococci. Am J Gastroenterol; 93:652-653; 1998
Shirwany A, Sargent SJ, and Bronze MS. Urinary Tract Aspergillus Infection in a
Renal Transplant Patient. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 27:1336, 1998.
Bronze, MS. Clinical Competencies for HIV Care by the General Internist.
Federation Council on Internal Medicine Task Force on Clinical Competencies,
Graduate Education In Internal Medicine: A Resource Guide to Curriculum
Development. volume 1, 101-108, 1997.
Self TH, Chrisman CR, Baciewicz AM, and Bronze MS. Isoniazid Drug and Food
Interactions. The American Journal of Medical Sciences, 317:304-311, 1999.
Kanangat S, Meduri GU, Tolley EA, Patterson DR, Griffin JP, Meduri CU, Pak C,
Bronze, MS and Schaberg DR. Effects of Cytokines and Endotoxin on the
Intracellular Survival and Replication of Bacteria. Infection and Immunity,
67:2834-2840, 1999.
Bronze MS. Management of Infectious Endocarditis. Saunders Manual of
Medical Practice, second edition, ed. Rakel R, 355-359, 2000.
Self TH, Chrisman CR, Baciewicz AM and Bronze, MD. Isoniazid Drug and Food
Interactions: How to Manage or Avoid. Journal of Critical Illness, 14:396-397,
Bronze MS, Shirwany A, Corbett CE, and Schaberg DR. Pneumococcal Aortitis:
Case Report and Review of the Literature. The American Journal of Medicine
107:627-630, 1999.
McLellan D, Phillips K, Corbett CE and Bronze MS. Sternal Osteomyelitis Caused
by Mycobacterium tuberculosis: Case Report and Review of the Literature.
American Journal of Medical Sciences, 319:250-254, 2000.
Monier P, McKown K, Bronze MS. Osteonecrosis of Bone Complicating Highly
Active Antiretroviral Therapy in HIV Infection. Clinical Infectious Diseases,
31:1488-1492, 2000.
Kanangat S, Bronze MS, Meduri U, Postlethwaite A and Schaberg DR. Enhanced
Extracellular Growth of Staphylococcus aureus in the Presence of Selected
Peptide Fragments of Human IL-1ß. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 183:65-69,
Meduri GU, Kanangat S, Bronze M, Patterson DR, Meduri CU, Pak C, Tolley EA,
Schaberg DR. Effects of methylprednisolone on intracellular bacterial growth..
Clin Diagn Lab Immunol. 8 (6):1156-63, 2001.
Clinical Competencies in HIV Management by General Internists, update.
Federation Council of Internal Medicine Task Force on Clinical Competencies, in
Monier P and Bronze MS. Osteonecrosis of Bone Complicating HIV Infection.
Clinical Infectious Diseases, 33:269-270, 2001.
Gonzalez G and Bronze MS. Proteus Infections. eMedicine Textbook. October
Meduri GU, Kanangat S, Bronze M, Patterson DR, Meduri CU, Pak Chol, Tolley
EA, Schaberg DR. Effects of Methylprednisolone on Intracellular Bacterial
Growth. Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology, 8:1156-1163, 2001.
Bronze MS, Huycke M, Machado L, Voskuhl G, Greenfield R. Viral Agents as
Biological Weapons and Agents of Bioterrorism, American Journal of Medical
Sciences, 323:316-325, 2002.
Evans RG, Crutcher JM, Shadel B, Clements B, Bronze MS. Terrorism From a
Public Health Perspective. American Journal of Medical Sciences, 323:291-298,
Greenfield RA, Brown BR, Hutchins JB, Iandolo JJ, Jackson R, Slater LN, Bronze
MD. Microbiological, Biological and Chemical Weapons of Warfare and
Terrorism. American Journal of Medical Sciences, 323:326-340, 2002.
Greenfield RA, Drevets DA, Machado LJ, Voskuhl GW, Cornea P, Bronze MS.
Bacterial Pathogens as Biological Weapons and Agents of Bioterrorism.
American Journal of Medical Sciences, 323:299-315, 2002.
Bronze MS and Greenfield. Introduction to Bioterrorism. American Journal of
Medical Sciences, 323: 289-290, 2002.
Greenfield RA and Bronze MS. Symposium Introduction: Clinical Aspects of
Bioterrorism, J. Okla State Medical Association 9:583-586, 2003.
Bronze MS, Machado L, Voskuhl G, Greenfield RA. The Potential Role of Viral
Pathogens as Agents of Bioterrorism. J. Okla State Med Assoc 96:29-33, 2003.
Bronze MS and Greenfield RA. Therapeutic Options for Diseases Due to
Potential Viral Agents of Bioterrorism. Current Opinion in Investigational Drugs.
4:172-178. 2003.
Lutz BD, Bronze MS, and Greenfield RA. Influenza Virus: Natural Disease and
Bioterrorism Threat. J Okla State Med Assoc 96: 27-28, 2003.
Voskuhl GW, Cornea P, Bronze MS, Greenfield RA. Other Bacterial Diseases as a
Potential Consequence of Bioterrorism: Q Fever, Brucellosis, Glanders and
Meloidosis. J Okla State Med Assoc 96:214-217, 2003.
Bronze MS and Greenfield RA. Preventive and Therapeutic Approaches to Viral
Agents of Bioterrorism. Drug Discovery Today, 8:740-745, 2003.
Sawalha AH, Bronze MS, Saint S, Blevins S, Kern W. Step by Step. N Engl J Med
349:2253-2257, 2003.
Bronze MS, Huycke MM, Greenfield RA. Terrorism Symposium Update and
Conclusion. J Oklahoma State Medical Association, 96:575-578, 2003.
Greenfield RA and Bronze MS. Prevention and Treatment of Bacterial Diseases
due to Bacterial Bioterrorism Threat Agents. Drug Discovery Today, 8:881-888,
Gonzalez G and Bronze, MS. Proteus Infections. Emedicine. 2003.
Greenfield RA and Bronze MS. Current Therapy and the Development of
Therapeutic Options for the Treatment of Diseases Due to Bacterial Agents of
Potential Biowarfare and Bioterrorism, Current Opinion in Investigational Drugs,
5:135-140, 2004.
Bronze, MS and Greenfield, RA. Nipah Virus. In Fuchs, J., and Poda, M., eds.
Encyclopedia of Medical Genomics and Proteomics, Marcel Dekker, New York,
NY, 925-928, 2004.
Jackson, R and Bronze, MS. Overview and Management of Obesity in Adults.
Journal of the Oklahoma State Medical Association. 97:422-426, 2004.
Foote, E, Postier, RG, Greenfield, RA and Bronze MS. Infectious Aortitis. Current
Treatment Options in Cardiovascular Medicine, 2005, 7:89-97.
Sawalha, A, Saint S, Ike R, and Bronze MS. Consider The Source. New England
Journal of Medicine, 2005, 353:1503-1507.
Smith, BJ, Lerner MR, Sy B, Lucas EA, Hanas JS, Lightfoot SA, Postier RG, Bronze,
MS, and Brackett DJ. Systemic bone loss and coronary vessel disease in an
animal model of chronic inflammation. Bone. 2006
Mar; 38(3):378-86.
Gonzalez, G and Bronze, MS. Proteus Infections. Emedicine. 2005.
Bronze MS, Rivzi SM, and Tierney W. Overview of Hepatitis C Virus Infection.
eMedicine. 2005.
Bronze MS and Smith B. Metabolic Bone Disease in HIV Infected Individuals (in
Bronze MS. Address of the President of the Southern Society for Clinical
Investigation: On the Importance of Mentoring. Am J Med Sci., 2005, 330: 209212.
Greenfield RA, Cooper TW, Bronze MS. Symposium on Antimicrobial Therapy: I.
Principles of Antimicrobial Therapy. J. Okla State Med Assoc., 99:474-479, 2006.
Cooper TW, Gibbs WJ, Bronze MS, Greenfield RA. Symposium on Antimicrobial
Therapy II. Introduction to Beta-Lactam Antibiotics. J Okla State Med Assoc,
99:516-520, 2006.
Gibbs WJ, Cooper TW, Bronze MS, Greenfield RA. Symposium on Antimicrobial
Therapy. III. Penicillins. Okla State Med Assoc, 99:551-556, 2006.
Cooper TW, Gibbs WJ, Bronze MS, Greenfield RA. Symposium on Antimicrobial
Therapy. IV. Cephalosporins. J Okla State Med Assoc. 99:579-83, 2006.
Gibbs WJ, Cooper TW, Bronze MS, Greenfield RA. Symposium on Antimicrobial
Therapy. V. Other Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials. J Okla State Med Assoc, 100:2326, 2007.
Nanda N, Dang V, Cooper TW, Bronze MS, Greenfield RA. Symposium on Antimicrobial
Therapy. VI. Aminoglycoside and Polymyxin. J. Okla State Med Assoc, 100:60-64, 2007.
Dang VT, Nanda N, Greenfield RA, Bronze MS. Symposium on Antimicrobial Therapy.
VII. Macrolide, Azalides, Streptogramin, Lincosamide, and Ketalide Antibiotics.
Mar;100(3):75-81, 2007.
Salvaggio M, Bronze MS, Sud B, Greenfield RA. Symposium on Antimicrobial
Therapy XI. Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole, Chloramphenicol, Metronidazole,
Tinidazole, Rifamaxin and Nitazoxanide. J Okla State Med Assoc, 100:267-272,
Vincent S, Greenfield RA, Bronze, MS. Symposium on Antimicrobial Therapy X.
Tetracyclines and Glycylcyline Antimicrobials. J Okla State Med Assoc, 100:241247, 2007.
Smith BJ, Lightfoot SA, R. Lerner MR, Denson KD, Morgan DL, Bronze MS, Postier
RG, Brackett DJ. Induction of Cardiovascular Pathology in a Model of Chronic
Inflammation. J Cardiovascular Pathology, 18:1-10, 2009 (Epub ahead of press,
Hoffman-Roberts HL, Obritsch MD, Bronze MS, Greenfield RA. Symposium on
Antimicrobial Therapy. VIII. Glycopeptides, Oxazolidinones and Lipopeptides. J.
Okla State Med Assoc, 100:105-111, 2007.
Vincent S, Machado L, Cooper TW, Bronze MS, Greenfield RA. Symposium on
Antimicrobial Therapy. IX. Quinolone Antimicrobials. J. Okla State Med Assoc,
100:149-156, 2007.
Jackson RL, Toubia, N, Saint S, and Bronze MS. A Confusing Case of Confusion.
State Med Assoc, 101: 85-88, 2008.
J. Okla
Ali T, Scofield R, Greenfield R, Bronze MS. Gatifloxacin Induced Hypoglycemia. J. Okla
State Med Assoc; 100: 417-424, 2007.
Busse KH, Gentry CA, Bronze MS, Greenfield RA. Symposium on Antimicrobial Therapy.
XII. Antituberculosis Therapy. J Okla State Med Assoc, 100:296-301, 2007.
Busse KH, Gentry CA, Bronze MS, Greenfield RA. Symposium on Antimicrobial Therapy.
XIII. Systemic Antifungal Therapy. J Okla State Med Assoc, 100:331-338, 2007.
Lockhart SM, Salvaggio MR, Bronze MS, Greenfield RA. Symposium on Antimicrobial
Therapy XIV. Antiviral Agents Other Than Antiretrovirals: Therapy for Herpesvirus
Infections, Viral Hepatitis and Influenza. J Okla State Med Assoc, 100:388-395, 2007.
Stephens JR, Rathbun RC, Lockhart SM, Bronze MS, Greenfield RA. Symposium
on Antimicrobial Therapy XV. Antiretroviral Therapy for Human
Immunodeficiency Virus Infection; J Okla State Med Assoc; 100:425-428, 2007.
Blevins S, Greenfield RA, Bronze, MS. Blood smear analysis in babesiosis,
ehrlichiosis, relapsing fever, malaria and Chagas disease. Cleveland Clinic Journal
of Medicine, 75:521-530, 2008.
Shakir F, Dang V, Bronze M, Machado L. Mycobacterium bovis infection of an
axillary-femoral bypass graft after intravesical Bacille-Calmette-Guérin
immunotherapy for bladder cancer. Am J Medical Sciences, 337:63-64, 2009.
Drevets DA, Schawang JE, Dillon MJ, Lerner M, Bronze MS, Brackett DJ. Innate
Responses to Systemic Infection by Intracellular Bacteria Trigger Recruitment of
Ly-6Chigh Monocytes to the Brain. J Immunol, 181:529-536, 2008.
Drevets DA and Bronze MS. Listeria monocytogenes: Epidemiology, human
disease, and mechanisms of brain invasion. FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol,
53:151-165, 2008.
Smith BJ, Lightfoot SA, R. Lerner MR, Denson KD, Morgan DL, Bronze MS, Postier
RG, Brackett DJ. Induction of cardiovascular pathology in a model of chronic
inflammation. J Cardiovascular Pathology, 18:1-10, 2009.
Madhoun M, Fazili J, Bader T, Roberts DN, Bright B, Raskob G, Bronze M.
Hepatitis C prevalence in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma without
cirrhosis. Am J Med Sci, 339:169-173, 2010.
Ali, T, Lam D, Humphrey MB, Bronze MB. Osteoporosis in inflammatory
bowel disease. Am J Med, 122:599-604, 2009.
Bronze MS. Swine Influenza A (H1N1) Virus. eMedicine from WebMD.
Updated April 30, 2009. Available at:
Parija SC, Bronze MS, Gibbs B, Johnson DH. Naegleria infection. eMedicine from
WebM. Available at, 2009.
Struble K, Gonzalez G, Bronze MS. Proteus Infections. eMedicine from WebMD.
Updated July 31, 2009. Available at:
100. Blevins SM and Bronze MS. Robert Koch and the “golden age” of bacteriology.
International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2010 (Epub ahead of print)
101. Wayangankar S, Bronze MS, Jackson RL. Filariasis. eMedicine from WebMD.
Updated October 19, 2009. Available at:
102. Wayangankar S, Jackson RL, Bronze MS, Minnaganti VR. Plague. eMedicine from
WebMD. Available at:
103. Gaitan I and Bronze MS. Infection Caused by Rahnella aquatilis. Am J Med Sci,
339:577-579, 2010.
104. Bronze MS and Dale JB. Progress in the development of effective vaccines to
prevent selected gram-positive bacterial infections. Am J Med Sci. 340:218-225,
105. Bronze MS and Greenfield RA. Emerging pathogens and knowledge in infectious
diseases. Symposium introduction. Am J Med Sci. 340:177-180, 2010.
106. Weinberger SE, Pereira AG, Iobst W, Mechaber AJ, Bronze MS and the Alliance
for Academic Internal Medicine Education Redesign Task Force II. Competencybased education and training in internal medicine. Ann Intern Med, 153:751-756,
107. Fleckenstein J, Bartels S, Drevets PD, Bronze, MS, Drevets DA. Infectious agents of
food and water borne illnesses. Am J Med Sci. 340: 238-246, 2010.
108. Bronze MS. Diabetic Foot Infections. eMedicine from WebMD, 2009.
109. Ali T, Yun L, Shapiro D, Madhoun M, Bronze MS. Viral Infections in inflammatory
bowel disease patients on immunosuppressants. Am J Medical Sciences, 343:227232, 2012.
110. Ali N, Houchen C, May R, Sureban SM, Allam H, Umar S, Anant S and Bronze M.
Hepatitis C virus-induced cancer stem cell-like signatures in murine tumor
xenografts and cell cultures. J Virol, 2011 (Epub).
111. Syed SZ, Bronze MS. Bacterial overgrowth syndrome. eMedicine from WebMD,
112. Smith M, Harrison D, Ripley T, Grace S, Bronze MS, Jackson R Warfarin
Management using Point of Care Testing in a University Based Internal
Medicine Residency Clinic. Am J Med Sci, October 2012 - Volume 344 - Issue 4 p 289–293 2012.
113. Wayangankar SA, MPH, Golwala, Bronze MS. Refractory hypoxia in HIV patient – A
diagnostic challenge. Am J Emerg Med, 2011 (Epub).
114. Bronze MS. Southern society for clinical investigation Founder’s Medal
Acceptance. 342:97-98, 2011.
115. Janakiram, NB, Mohammed A, Bronze MS, Rao CV. Prophylactic vaccine approach
for colon and pancreatic cancers, Current Medicinal Chemistry. Epub Jun, 2012.
116. Patel B, Wayangankar SA, Ngo E, Chakrabarty S, Bronze MS. Primary
Retroperitoneal Abscess Due to Candida glabrata; Am J Med Sci, 344:332-334,
117. Bronze, MS. Diabetic Foot Infections, eMedicine (Medscape);
118. Ali T, Chakrabarty A, Mahmood S, Bronze MS. Risk of Nocardia infection with antiTNF therapy. Am J Medical Sciences, 346:166-168, 2013.
119. Drevets DA, Gipson JR, Nave JL, Schawang JE, Dillon JM, Blakey GL, Stoner JA,
McClosky CB, Bronze MS, and Gillasp AF. MicroRNA Expression during Bacterial
Infections of the Central Nervous System (submitted).
120. Ali N, Allam H, Bader T, Basalingappa KM, May R, Berry W, Bronze MS, Umar S,
Janknecht RG, Houchen CW. Fluvastatin targets doublecortin-like kinase
microtubule axis to inhibit hepatitis C virus. PLoS One. 2013 Nov 19;8(11):e80304.
121. Ali T, Kaitha S, Mahmood S, Ftesi A, Stone J, Bronze MS. Clinical use of TNF Alpha
blockers and increased risk of infections. Drug, Healthcare and Patient Safety, 5:121, 2013.
122. Patel N and Bronze MS. Histoplasma Infection of Aorto-femoral Bypass Graft. Am J
Med Sci, 347:421-424, 2014.
123. Bronze MS, Cunha BA. Diabetic Foot Infections. eMedicine from WebMD;
Updated August 03, 2012. Available at:
124. Bronze MS. H1N1 Influenza (Swine Flu). eMedicine from WebMD; Updated
October 15, 2012. Available at:
125. Syed S, Bronze MS. Bacterial Overgrowth Syndrome. eMedicine from WebMD.
Updated April 11, 2011. Available at:
126. Struble K, Bronze MS. Bacterial Pharyngitis. Medscape Reference. Updated April
05, 2013. Available at:
127. Wayangankar S, Minnaganti VR, Bronze MS, Jackson RL. Plague. Medscape
Reference. Updated July 23, 2013. Available at:
128. Parija SC, Bronze MS, Gibbs B, Johnson DH. Naegleria Infection. Medscape
Reference. Updated August 06, 2013. Available at:
129. Bronze MS. H1N1 Influenza (Swine Flu). Medscape Reference. Updated October
01, 2013. Available at:
130. Bronze MS, Cunha BA. Diabetic Foot Infections. Medscape Reference. Updated
November 04, 2013. Available at:
131. Bronze MS, Cunha BA. Diabetic Foot Infections. Medscape Reference. Updated
April 10, 2014. Available at:
132. Kanwar A, Jackson R, Hawkins B, Koehler M, Bronze MS. Journey of a strut: From
filter to missile. Am J Med Sci, 349:92-93, 2015.
133. Chandrakesan P, May R, Qu D, Weygant N, Sureban SM, Owen D, Ali N, Bronze
MS, Houchen CW. Dclk1+ cells display quiescent stem-like properties in the small
intestine. in press, Oncotarget.
134. Bronze MS. H1N1 Influenza (Swine Flu). Medscape Reference. Updated April 17,
2014. Available at:
135. Bronze MS, Cunha BA. Diabetic Foot Infections. Medscape Reference. Updated
May 30, 2014. Available at:
136. Wayangankar S, Minnaganti VR, Bronze MS, Jackson RL. Plague. Medscape
Reference. Updated July 16, 2014. Available at:
137. Syed S, Bronze MS. Bacterial Overgrowth Syndrome. eMedicine from WebMD.
Updated October 1, 2014.
138. Gonzalez G, Bronze MS. Proteus Infections. Medscape Reference. Updated
October 30, 2014. Available at:
139. Bronze MS, Cunha BA. Diabetic Foot Infections. Medscape Reference. Updated
December 08, 2014. Available at:
140. Bronze MS, Cunha BA. Diabetic Foot Infections. Medscape Reference. Updated
February 27, 2015. Available at:
141. Ali N, Chandrakesan P, Nguyen C, Husain S, Gillaspy A, Huycke M, Berry W, May R,
Qu D, Weygant N, Sureban S, Bronze MS, Dhanasekaran D, Houchen C.
Inflammatory and Oncogenic Roles of a Tumor Stem Cell Marker Doublecortin-like
Kinase (DCLK1) in Virus-Induced Chronic Liver Diseases. Oncotarget. 2015 Apr 29.
[Epub ahead of print]
142. Houchen C, Chandrakesan P, May R, Panneerselvam J, Taylor V, Qu D, Weygant N,
Sureban S, Ali N, Bronze M, Huycke, M. Dclk1 plays a key role in regulating the
ATM DNA damage response for intestinal epithelial survival and self-renewal in
response to radiation injury (submitted).
143. Syed S, Bronze MS. Bacterial Overgrowth Syndrome. eMedicine from WebMD.
Updated August 1, 2015.
144. Chandrakesan, P, Panneerselvan, J, Qu, D, Bronze MS, Houchen, CW. Cancer Stem
Cells and Epithelial Mesenchymal Transition: Links and Leads” (submitted).
145. Nguyen CB, Kotturi H, Waris G, Bowman D, Sureban S, Chandrakesan P, May R,
Weygant N, Qu D, Dhanasekaran DN, Bronze MS, Houchen C, Ali N. ZTrimethoxystilbene Exhibits Anti-Hepatitis C Virus and Anti-tumor activities by
Targeting Doublecortin-like Kinase-Microtubule Dynamics and Cell-Cycle
Progression (in preparation)
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Dale JB, Bronze MS and Beachey EH. Protective and heart cross-reactive
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Bronze MS, McKinsey DS, Beachey EH and Dale JB. Pathogenesis of mucosal
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Bronze MS, Beachey EH, Dale JB. Brain-cross-reactive epitopes of streptococcal
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Baird RW, Courtney HS, Bronze MS and Dale JB. Passive protection against
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Bronze MS and Dale JB. Localization of cross-protective epitopes of the cterminus of group A streptococcal M proteins. AFCR Meeting, Seattle,
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University of Tennessee and Arlington Developmental Center Study Group.
Cisapride use decreases hospital days and admissions for aspiration pneumonia
in a tube-fed developmentally delayed population, accepted AGA, 1999.
Meduri GU, Kanangat S, Tolley E, Patterson DR, Meduri CU, Pak C, Bronze, MS
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bacteria in Lipopolysaccharide-primed human monocytic cells. First
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Kanangat S, Bronze MS, Meduri U, Postlethwaite A and Schaberg DR. Enhanced
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Infectious Diseases, Bethesda, 1999.
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N Runyan, F Stentz, GU Meduri, and MS Bronze. Flow Cytometric Quantification
of NF-kB and GR- in TNF- Stimulated Human Granulocytes, Southern Section,
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Sriram, P, Kanangat S, Schaberg D, Meduri GU, and Bronze, MS. The Effect of
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and Intracellular Survival of S. aureus in Human Lung Epithelial Cells, Southern
Society for Clinical Investigation, New Orleans, Feb. 2000.
Postlethwaite A, Ingels J, Pifer L, Land M, Bronze M, and Palmieri G.
Pamidronate Treatment of HIV/AIDS Patients Increases TGF-Beta 1 Production
by Their Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Leukocytes. Southern Society for
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Abu-Qwaider Y, Variyam E and Bronze M. Amebiasis Epidemiology Revisited.
Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, New Orleans, LA. February, 2004.
Kirkpatrick AC, Rathbun SW, Whitsett TL, Bronze, MS, Raskob GE. Prevention of
Catheter Associated Deep Venous Thrombosis: A Systematic Review, Southern
Society for Clinical Investigation. New Orleans, LA February 2004.
Smith, BJ, Lerner MR, Lucas EA, Hanas JS, Lightfoot SA, Postier, RG, Bronze MS,
Brackett DJ. Alterations in Bone Mass and Micro-architecture as a Result of
Chronic Endotoxemia. Shock Society, Nova Scotia, 2004.
Drevets DA, Dillon MJ, Schawang JS, Lerner M, Bronze MS, and Brackett DJ.
Listeria monocytogenes infection of peripheral tissues triggers monocyte entry
and gene expression in the brains of experimentally infected mice. Southern
Society for Clinical Investigation, New Orleans, February 2005.
Denson K, Lerner M, Hanas J, Lightfoot S, Peyton M, Bronze M, Brackett D and
Smith B. Induction of cardiovascular changes in chronic inflammation model.
Shock Society, 2005
D. Brackett, E. Droke*, M.Lerner, Y. Gusev*, S. Lightfoot*, R. Postier*, M.
ISOFLAVONES. Shock Society, 2006.
Y. Gusev*, M.Lerner, J. Hanas*, S. Do*, S. Lightfoot*, M. Bronze*, R. Postier*, B.
Schawang JE, Lerner M, Brackett DJ, Dillon MJ, Bronze MS, and Drevets DA.
Microarray analysis of gene expression in the brain during experimental Listeria
monocytogenes infection. Infectious Diseases Society of America, Toronto,
October 2006.
Shepherd D, Lerner M, Lightfoot S, Bronze M, Postier R, Smith B, Brackett D.
Hepatic Steatosis in a Model of Chronic Inflammation. Shock Society, Baltimore,
June 2007.
Bader T, Korba B, Bronze M. Drug-resistant and wild-type strains of HBV are
inhibited equally by simvastatin. AASLD, San Francisco, October 2008.
Bader T, Korba B, Bronze, M. Simvastatin has in-vitro synergism with lamivudine
or tenofovir against HBV. Digestive Disease Week, 2009.
Bader T, Korba B, Bronze M. Simvastatin has significant antiviral synergism with
anti-HBV drugs. AASLD, 2009.
Bader T, Hughes D, Fazili J, Dunnam M, Cardello J, Bronze, M. Early results of a
phase II RCT of adding fluvastatin to peginterferon alfa 2a and ribavirin. DDW,
Gaitan I, Bronze MS. Septic shock due to Rhanella aquatilis. Stewart Wolf
Research Forum, OKC, 2010.
Nave JL, Schwang JE, Blakey GL, Gillaspy AF, Bronze, MS, Drevets DA. Micro RNA
expression in the central nervous system of Listeria monocytogenes infected
mice and in humans with meningitis. ICAAC, Boston, 2010.
Wayangankar S, Ngo E, Chakrabarty S, Bronze M. Primary candidal
retroperitoneal abscess. ACP Regional Meeting, Oklahoma, 2010.
Naushad Ali, Heba Allam, Randall May, Sripathy Sureban, Shrikant Anant,
Michael S. Bronze, Shahid Umar and Courtney W. Houchen. Role of
Doublecortin and CaM Kinase-like-1 (DCAMKL1) in Hepatitis C Virus-Induced
Hepatocarcinogenesis, DDW, 2011.
Ahmad S and Bronze MS. Disseminated Histoplasmosis as a Complication of
Infliximab Therapy in a Patient with Crohn’s Disease. Accepted, AGA October
Mahmood S, Ali T, Chakrabarty A, Bronze MS. Nocardial infections with AntiTNF Therapy. Case report and review. (OK Chapter, ACP, September 2012)
Thomas J, George A, Kanwar A, Jackson RL, Bronze MS. Using the stairs at
work—can it really make a difference in fitness? A prospective study among
house-staff at a teaching institution. Stewart Wolf Research Symposium,
OUHSC, May 2014.
Anubhav Kanwar¹, Rhett Jackson¹, Beau M Hawkins², Michael Bronze¹. Journey
of a strut: from filter to missile; Stewart Wolf Research Day, Department of
Medicine, OUHSC, May 2014
Chandrakesan P, May R, Qu D, Weygant N, Ali N, Sureban S, Bronze MS,
Houchen HW. DCLK1+ tuft cells display quiescent stem cell-like properties in
the small intestines. DDW, 2015
Asad Z, Te J, Chaudhary AMD, Vandenheuvel KA, Dogra M, Bronze, MS.
Disseminated histoplasmosis with bilateral adrenal gland involvement and
adrenal insufficiency in an immunocompetent patient. Oklahoma ACP Chapter
Scientific Meeting, September 2015.
Sivaram CA, Chakrabarty S, Bronze MS. ABIM’s Competency Based Medical
Education (CBME) Pilot in Internal Medicine-Cardiology. Education Day,
Academy of Teaching Scholars, OUHSC. September, 2015.
Asad Z, Te J, Chaudhary AMD, Vandenheuvel KA, Dogra M, Bronze, MS.
Disseminated histoplasmosis with bilateral adrenal gland involvement and
adrenal insufficiency in an immunocompetent patient. Submitted, ACP 2016
Asad Z, Te J, Chaudhary AMD, Vandenheuvel KA, Dogra M, Bronze, MS.
Disseminated histoplasmosis with bilateral adrenal gland involvement and
adrenal insufficiency in an immunocompetent patient. AMA Research
Presentation, 2015.
1. Bronze, MS, Baird RW, Courtney, HS, Dale, JB. Passive Protection Against Group
A Streptococcal Infection in Mice by Lipoteichoic Acid. In: New Perspectives on
Streptococci and Streptococcal Infections. Ed. Orefici, G. Zbl. Bakt. Suppl 22,
Gustav Fischer. 130-132, 1992.
2. Dale JB, Baird RW, Bronze MS, Beachey EH. Joint-Crossreactive epitopes of
Streptococcal M Protein. In: New Perspectives on Streptococci and
Streptococcal Infections. Ed. Orefici, G. Zbl. Bakt. Suppl 22, Gustav Fischer. 168170, 1992.
3. Bronze, MS, Morrey J, and Olsen A. Encephalitis Viruses as Potential Agents of
Bioterrorism. In: Biodefense: Principles and Practices edited by Bronze, MS and
Greenfield, RA. Horizon Bioscience, Norfolk, England, 619-665, 2005.
4. Bronze, MS, Mahanty S, Carabin H. Hemorrhagic Fever. In: Biodefense:
Principles and Practices, edited by Bronze, MS and Greenfield RA, Horizon
Bioscience, Norfolk, England, 339-412, 2005.
5. Voskuhl, GV, Greenfield RA and Bronze MS. Diseases due to other bacterial
pathogens. I. Brucellosis, glanders and melioidosis. In: Biodefense: Principles
and Practices, edited by, Bronze, MS and Greenfield RA, eds. Horizon
Bioscience, Norfolk, England, 455-492, 2005.
6. Bronze, MS and Greenfield, RA. Introduction. In: Bioterrorism: Principles and
Practices, Bronze, MS and Greenfield, RA, editors. Horizon Bioscience, Norfolk,
England, 1-24, 2005.
7. Greenfield, RA, Slater LN and Bronze, MS. Botulism. In: Biodefense: Principles
and Practices, ed. Bronze MS and Greenfield, RA, eds. Horizon Bioscience,
Norfolk, England, 217-248, 2005.
8. Kotb, M. and Bronze, MS. Other Biological and Microbiological Toxins:
Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B, Epsilon Toxin of Clostridium perfringens, Ricin and
Mycotoxins. In: Principles and Practices, ed. Bronze, MS and Greenfield, RA.
Horizon Bioscience, Norfolk, England, 413-454, 2005
9. Bronze, MS and Greenfield, RA. Editors. Biodefense: Principles and Practices.
Horizon Bioscience, Norfolk, England, 2005.
10. Bronze MS and Greenfield RA. Nipah Virus. In J Fuchs and M. Podda, ed.
Encyclopedia of Medical Genomics and Proteomics. Marcel Dekker, New York,
NY. 2004, pp. 925-928.
11. Freitag, NE, Bronze MS, Drevets DA. Listeria monocytogenes: an intracellular
pathogen of monocytes and the central nervous system. In: Meningitis: Cellular
and Molecular Basis; ed. M. Christodoulides; pp. 199-212; CAB International.
12. Marquis, H, Drevets, DA, Bronze, MS, Kathariou, S, Golos, TG, Iruretagoyen, I.
Pathogenesis of Listeria monocytogenes in humans. In: Emerging and Reemerging Human Infections. (in print)
Monier P and Bronze, MS. Reply. Clin Infect Dis, 33:269-270, 2001.
Weinberger SE, Pereira AG, Iobst WF, Mechaber AK, Bronze MS. Internal
Medicine Residency Redesign, Reply. Ann Intern Med 154: 442-443, 2011.
Bronze, MS. AAIM Board Chair Update. AAIM Insight, May 2014.
Bronze, MS. AAIM Board Chair Update. AAIM Insight, May 2015.
Bioterrorism. Eds. Bronze MS and Greenfield RA. Am J Med Sci, 323:289-357,
Antimicrobial Update. Eds. Greenfield RA and Bronze MS. J Okla State Med
Assn, 2006-2007.
Emerging Pathogens and Knowledge in Infectious Diseases. Eds. Greenfield
RA, Bronze MS. Am J Med Sci, 2010
University of Tennessee/UT Medical Group:
Program Director, Internal Medicine Residency, Department of Medicine,
UT, July, 1992-June 1997
Chairman, Internship Selection Committee, Department of Medicine, UT
Memphis, 1989-1997
Co-Program Director, Infectious Diseases Fellowship, Department of
Medicine, UT, 1991-2000.
Chairman, Committee on Resident Education, Department of Medicine, UT,
Chairman, Resident Competency Committee, Department of Medicine, UT,
Member, Graduate Medical Education Committee, UT Memphis, 1987-1997.
Chairman, Clinical Practice Committee, Dept. of Medicine, 1997 – 2000
Executive Committee, Faculty Organization of the College of Medicine,
December, 1992-2000.
President - Elect, Faculty Organization of the College of Medicine 1996 1997.
10. President, Faculty Organization of the College of Medicine, 1997 – May
11. Member, Medicare Compliance Committee, UTMG 1997 to 2000.
12. Member, Finance Committee, UT Medical Group, June 1997 to 2000.
13. Member, UT/Arlington Development Center Advisory Committee, 19932000.
14. Member, Chronic and Catastrophic Care Program Subcommitee, TLC Health
Plan Medical Advisory Committee, 1995-2000.
15. College of Medicine Council, June 1996- May 1998.
16. Five Year Planning Committee, College of Medicine, 1996-2000.
17. Committee and Academic Appointments and Promotion, 1997-2000.
18. Medical Executive Committee, UT/Bowld Hospital, 1996- 2000.
19. Chairman, Internal Review Committee for the Department of Pediatrics,
November 1997.
20. Member, Search Committee Dean of the College of Medicine, 1997-1998.
21. Member, Design Team UT Medical Group Germantown Clinic, 1997-1999.
22. Clinical Practice Advisory Subcommittees, 1997-2000:
a. Strategic Planning Committee
b. Quality Assurance Committee
c. Physician Productivity Committee
23. TLC/Memphis Managed Care Clinical Care Coordination Committee, 19972000.
24. UT/Bowld Hospital Strategic Planning Committee, 1998.
25. Task Force on Physician Compensation, UTMG, 1998.
26. UT Bowld Hospital/Baptist Memorial Hospital Merger Transition Steering
Committee, 1998
27. Member, TLC/Memphis Managed Care Corporation, Medical Advisory
Committee, 1999.
28. Executive Committee, UTMG Board of Directors, 1999-2000
29. UT Bowld Hospital Strategic Planning Committee, 1999.
30. Dean’s Task Force on the Future of the Department of Radiology, 1999.
31. Professional Practices Committee, UT Medical Group, 1999-2000.
32. Department of Medicine Promotion and Tenure Committee, 1999-2000.
VA Medical Center
Faculty Advisor, UT Memphis, 1989 - 1991.
Member, Computer Resources Committee, VAMC Memphis, 1989 - 1991.
Member, Utilization Review Committee, VAMC Memphis, 1989 - 1991.
Member, Education Committee, VAMC Memphis, 1991-1994.
Member, Professional Standards Board, VAMC, Memphis, 1991 - 1994.
Member, Research and Development Committee, VAMC, Memphis, October
1991 - September 1993.
1. Councilor, Southern Section for Clinical Investigation (SSCI), February 1999 2002.
2. Executive Council, Tennessee Society of Internal Medicine (TSIM), 1995 - 1998.
3. Member, Education Committee, Association of Program Directors in Internal
Medicine, July, 1993 - June, 1996.
4. President, Southern Section, American Federation of Clinical Research, 1997.
5. National Council, American Federation of Clinical Research, 1996 - 1998.
6. Education Committee, National American Federation of Clinical Research,
1996 - 1998.
7. Public Policy Committee, National American Federation of Clinical Research,
1996 - 1998.
8. Councilor, Southern Section, American Federation of Clinical Research, 19931996.
9. Medical School Representative, Southern Section, American Federation of
Clinical Research, January 1992-96.
University of Oklahoma: July 2000 – present.
Dean’s Chairman Committee, member, July 2000-present
UPMG Finance Committee, member, July 2000-present
UPMG Operations Committee, member, July 2000-present
UPMG Management Committee, member, July 2000-present
UPMG Advisory Committee, member, July 2000-present
Medicine Clinical Service Committee, UHP, Chair: July 2000-present.
OU Medical Center Medical Executive Committee, member, July 2000
Chair, Search Committee, Chief of General Internal Medicine, 2000-2001.
Chair, Search Committee, Chief of Nephrology, 2000-2001.
10. Search Committee, Chief of Endocrinology/Metabolism, 2000-2001.
11. Education Committee, Department of Medicine, Chair, 2000-present.
12. Clinical Practice Committee, Department of Medicine, member, 2000present.
13. OUHSC Faculty Board, member, 2000-present.
14. OUHSC Faculty Board, Secretary, 2002-2006.
15. UHP-UPMG Joint Clinical Operations Committee, 2000-present.
16. UHP-OUHSC Facilities Development Committee, 2000-present.
17. UHP-UPMG Physicians Recruiting Committee, 2000-present.
18. Department of Medicine Compensation/Productivity Committee, Chair,
19. Department of Medicine Section Chief’s Committee, Chair, 2000-present.
20. Department of Medicine Executive Committee, Chair, 2000- present.
21. Committee on the Development of University Centers Policy, Chairman,
22. Promotions Committee, Department of Medicine, 2000- present.
23. Awards Committee, Department of Medicine, 2001- present.
24. Task Force on the Definition of Centers of Excellence, OUHSC, Chair, 2001.
25. Task Force on Defining Financial Relationship between College of Medicine,
Faculty and Industry-Supported Clinical Trials, 2001.
26. Executive Committee, Faculty Board, University of Oklahoma, 2001-2002.
27. LCME Self-Study Task Force, College of Medicine, 2001, 2010
28. OUHSC Legislative Affairs Committee, 2001-present.
29. OUHSC Task Force on Development of Emergency Medicine Department and
Training Program, 2002.
30. Executive Committee, Faculty Board, University of Oklahoma, 2002-2004.
31. Secretary, Executive Committee, Faculty Board, University of Oklahoma,
32. By-Laws Committee, OU Medical Center, February 2004- present
33. Enterprise Leadership Committee, OUHSC and OUMC, February 2004- 2008.
34. Co-Chair, Finance Committee, OUHSC and OUMC, February 2004- present.
35. Resource Allocation Committee, OUHSC and OUMC, September 2004-2008.
36. OUHSC Research Strategic Planning Committee, August 2004.
37. Search Committee, ACOS for Ambulatory Care, Oklahoma City VA Medical
Center, 2004
38. Professional Liability Insurance Committee, OUHSC/OUP 2004- present.
39. Chairman, Underwriting Committee APIC Insurance Co., 2004-2008.
40. Member, OUHSC Cancer Institute Steering Committee, 2005-present.
41. Member, OUHSC Cancer Institute Operations and Finance Committee, 2005present
42. Member, Academic Affiliation Agreement Liaison Committee, July 2006present.
Interim Chief Medical Officer, OU Medical Center, July 1, 2007- June 30,
44. OU Medical Center Executives Committee- July 1, 2007- present
45. OU Medical Center Board of Trustees, July 1, 2007- June 30, 2009.
46. Steering Committee, Harold Hamm Oklahoma Diabetes Center, 2007present.
47. Executive Committee, Studer Work Group, OUHSC/OUMC, 2008-present.
48. Member, Claims Committee, APIC Insurance Co., December 2008-present.
49. Chairman, Board of Directors, APIC Insurance Co., April 2009-August, 2012.
50. Member, Board of Trustees, OU Medical Center, May 2011-present
51. Dean’s Task Force, Academy of Teaching Scholars, 2010-2011
52. College Of Medicine Strategic Planning Work Group, 2011
53. Vice-Chair, Peer Review Committee, OU Physicians, 2011.
54. Chair, Psychiatry Chair Search Committee, 2013.
Regional/National Committee/Organizations July 2000- present.
Council Member, Oklahoma Chapter, ACP-ASIM, January 2001- present.
Council Member, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation (SSCI), January
2000- present.
Member, Advisory Group, Southwest Center for Bioterrorism Preparedness,
President-Elect, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, February 20032004.
President, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, February 2004-2005
Chairman, Publications Committee, Southern Society for Clinical
Investigation, February 2002-2006. Chairman, Finance Committee, 2006present.
Abstract Review Committee, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation,
October 2002, 2003.
Member, Association of Chiefs of General Internal Medicine, 2002- present
Member, Productivity Task Force, Association of Chiefs of General Internal
Medicine, 2002- present.
10. Session Co-Chairman, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation Annual
Meeting, February 2002, 2004.
11. Education Committee, Association of Professors of Medicine (APM), July 1,
2004- 2008.
12. Test Writing Committee, United States Medical License Examination
(USMLE), Step 3, October 2004- present.
13. Session Co-Chairman, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation Annual
Meeting, February 2005.
14. Member, Finance Committee, Infectious Diseases Society of America,
September, 2005-2008.
15. Member, AAIM Task Force on Internal Medicine Residency Program
Requirements, Chicago 2007.
16. Chairman, Education Committee, Association of Professors of Medicine, July
1, 2008-June 30, 2010.
17. Member, Board of Directors, Association of Professors of Medicine, July 1,
2008- present.
18. Chair, Utilization of Resources Testing Committee, United States Medical
License Examination (USMLE), Step 3, July 2008-June 2012.
19. Member, Item Review Committee, United States Medical License
Examination (USMLE), Step 3, July 2008-2013.
20. Member, Alliance of Academic Internal Medicine Internal Medicine
Curriculum Reform Task Force, 2008- 2010.
21. Member, American Board of Internal Medicine/Association of Professors of
Medicine/ACGME Task Force on Competency Based Training, 2009-present.
22. Board of Directors, Association of Professors of Medicine (APM), 2008present.
23. Treasurer, Association of Professors of Medicine, 2010-June 30, 2011
24. Chair, Finance Committee, Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine, July
2010- June 2011.
25. Member, Audit Committee, Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine, July
2010-June 2011.
26. Member (non-voting), Board of Directors, Alliance for Academic Internal
Medicine, 2010-2011.
27. Member, Board of Directors, Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine, 2011present.
a. Chair, Board of Directors, AAIM 2013-2015
28. President Elect, Association of Professors of Medicine-2011-2012.
29. Board of Directors, Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine (AAIM), 20112015.
a. Member, External Fund Raising Task Force, 2012
b. Member, Governance Task Force, 2012
c. Chair of Board of Directors, 2013, 2014
d. Innovation Center Oversight Committee, 2013e. High Value Care Task Force, 2013
f. Member, Executive Committee, 2012g. Member, Meetings Planning Task Force-2014- 2015
30. Member, Program Planning Committee, Association of Professors of
Medicine, July 2011-June 2013
31. Guest, Step 3 Committee, USMLE, Philadelphia, October 2010, 2012.
32. President, Association of Professors of Medicine, July 1, 2012-June 30, 2013.
33. Member, AAMC Council of Faculty and Academic Societies (CFAS), 2013present.
34. Past President, APM, July 2013-June 2014
35. American College of Physicians, National
a. Fellow, ACP
b. Board of Governors, Elect, 2014
c. Master, ACP 2014
d. Board of Governors, ACP- 2015-2019
e. Executive Committee, Board Of Governors, 2014-2015
f. Credentials Committee, 2014-2015
Robert W. Baird, FRCP
James Lederer, MD
Melissa Appleton, MD
John Norwood, MD
Arsalan Shirwany, MD
Duncan McLellan, MD
Paul Monier, MD
Shirley Wei, MD
Recipient of VA RAGS Award, "Mapping of Streptococcal M Protein Epitopes", 10/1/889/30/90, $70,000.
Recipient of VA Research Associate Award, "Mapping of Streptococcal M Protein
Epitopes", 1/1/89-12/31/93, $304,000.
Recipient of Biomedical Research Support Grant, University of Tennessee, "Mucosal
Immunity to Common Epitopes of Streptococcal M Protein", 6/89-5/90, $16,250.
Recipient of VA Merit Review Award, "Mucosal Immunity to Common Epitopes of
Streptococcal M Proteins", 4/1/90 - 8/30/94, $200,000.
UpJohn Corporation, "Comparison of IV Trospectomycin with IV Cefuroxime in the
Treatment of Community Acquired Pneumonia in COPD Patients", July 1990 - July 1991,
UpJohn Corporation, "Comparison of Cefpodoxime proxetil with Cefotaxime in Patients
with Community-Acquired Pneumonia", November, 1991- March 1992, $7,500.
Co-Investigator, VA Merit Review, "Humoral and Cellular Immune Responses to M
Protein. (Funded, 4/92).
Co-Investigator, NIH Award, "Chemistry and Immunology of Streptococcal M Proteins".
(Funded 7/92).
Pfizer Company, Educational Grant, $10,000, 1993.
Member, Tennessee Medicare Pneumonia Study Group
Member, Severe Community Acquired Pneumonia Study Group, UT
Co-Investigator, UpJohn Company, "Double Blind, Randomized Dose
Response Study of Three Fixed Doses of Delavaridine Mesylate in Combination with
Zidovudine versus Zidovudine Alone in HIV-1 Infected Patients with CD4 Counts of 200500/mm3", 1996.
Co-Investigator, UpJohn Company, "Double Blind, Randomized Comparative Study of
Delavaridine Mesylate in Combination with DDI versus DDI Alone in HIV-1 Infected
Individuals with CD4 Counts ≤ 300", 1996.
Co-Investigator, Hoffman-LaRoche Company, "Randomized, Double-Blind Multicenter
Parallel Study of Ro 31-8959 Alone, HIVID Alone, and Both in Combination as Treatment
in Advanced HIV Infection", 1996.
Co-Investigator, Hoffman-LaRoche Company, "Randomized, Multicenter Double-Blind
Phase III Parallel Study of RO 31-8959 Alone Versus Zidovudine Alone Versus
Zidovudine in Combination in Previously Untreated HIV-Infected Patients", 1997.
Co-Investigator, Merck, "A Non-Comparative, Multi-Site, Open-Label,
Study to Monitor the Safety and Tolerability of MK-0639 (Indinavir Sulfate) 800 mg q
8hr Administered as Monotherapy or in Combination with Reverse Transcriptase
Inhibitor Therapy for the Treatment of HIV-1 Infection In Advanced AIDS Patients),
Co-Investigator, UpJohn Corporation, “PNU-140690E: A Study to Evaluate Tolerance,
Pharmacodynamics, and Efficacy in HIV-1 Infected Individuals After Multiple, Oral
Doses, M/3342/0004, 1998.
Co-Investigator, Glaxo, “An Abacavir (1592U89) Open Label Protocol for Adult Patients
with HIV-1 Infection-- Part B”, 1998.
Co-Investigator, Merck, "A Multicenter, Double Blind, Randomized Comparative Study
to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability and Efficacy of MK-0991 vs. Fluconazole for the
Treatment of Esophageal Candidiasis in Adults, 1998.
Co-Investigator, UpJohn Company: Tipranavir: A Fourteen Day Dose Response Study
Using a Prototype Self-Emulsifying Drug Delivery System Formulation in Treatment of
Naïve HIV-1 Infected Patients, 1999.
Co-Investigator, UpJohn Company, An Open Label, Extended Use of Delavirdine
Mesylate Treatment in Triple Combination for HIV-1 + Newly Enrolled Patients Who
Participated in M/33331/0021 Part II And Have Successful Virologic Response to
Treatment, 1999.
Co-Investigator, UpJohn Company, An Open Label, Parallel Group Pilot Study of the
Safety and Tolerance Pharmacokinetics and Pharmaco-Dynamics of BID and TID
Regimens of Delavaridine Mesylate, Zidovudine and Indinavir Sulfate in HIV-1 Infected
Patients, 1999.
Co-Investigator, UpJohn Company, Randomized, Open-Label DLV Triple and Quadruple
Combination in HIV-1 Patients With High Viral Loads, 1999.
Co-Investigator, UpJohn Company, An Open-Label Randomized Study of Delaviridine
Mesylate in Triple and Quadruple Combination with Zidovudine, Indinavir, and
Lamivudine in HIV-1 Infected Individuals, 1999.
Member, Lung Research Program, University of Tennessee, Division of Pulmonary
Medicine, 1998-present.
Co-Investigator, Role of Cytokines and Pamidronate Treatment in HIV Associated
Wasting Syndrome, NIH: Funded. (PI: Arnold Postlethwaite, MD), 1999- 2000.
Co-Investigator, Tipranavir: An Open Label, Randomized Study Comparing Combination
Therapy (Tipranavir with and without Ritonavir vs Saquinavir and Ritonavir) Used with
Two Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors in Single Protease InhibitorExperienced HIV-1 Patients, 1999-present.
Co-Investigator, The Effect of Weekly Dosing Regimens of PROCRIT on the Quality of
Life in the Treatment of Anemia in HIV-Infected Patients on Anti-retroviral Therapy,
Co-Investigator, An Open-Label Evaluation of the Effects of Oxandrolone on Body
Weight and Composition in Patients with HIV-Associated Weight Loss: Definition of
Variables Predictive of Response to Treatment, 1999-present.
Co-Investigator, Evaluation of the Safety and Antiviral Activity of Stavudine Extended
Release Formulations as Compared to Stavudine Immediate Release Formulation, Each
as Part of Potent Antiretroviral Combination Therapy, Bristol-Myers Squibb, 1999.
Principal Investigator, “Role of Pro-Inflammatory Cytokines as Bacterial Growth Factors,
UTMG small grant award, 1999-2000, $11,000.
Co-Investigator, “Phase IIIB Randomized, Multicenter Study of the Efficacy and Safety of
Combivir 1 Tablet BID Plus Ziagen BID versus Abacavir/Lamivudine/Zidovudine
Combination Tablet BID, Administered for 24 Weeks in Subjects with HIV-1 Infection,
Glaxo-Welcome, 1999 to present.
Co-Investigator, “Evaluation of the Safety and Antiretroviral Activity of Stavudine
Extended Release Formulation as Compared to Stavudine Immediate Release
Formulation, Each as Part of Potent Antiretroviral Combination Therapy, Bristol Myers
Squibb, 1999.
Co-Investigator, “Phase II/III 48-Week, Randomized, Double Blind, Controlled,
Multicenter Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Lamivudine 300mg Once a Day
vs Lamivudine 150 mg BID in Combination with Zidovudine 300 mg BID and Efavirenz
600 mg Once a Day in Antiretroviral Naïve Adults with HIV Infection, Glaxo Wellcome,
Medical Monitor, “Human Experimental Challenge with Enterotoxigenic E. coli,
submitted GCRC Grant Award, James Fleckenstein, MD (PI), 1999.
Co-Investigator, “Role of Pro-Inflammatory Cytokines in Bacterial Adherence and
Growth”, submitted NIH, 1999.
Co-Investigator, “A Multi-Center, Double Blind, Randomized Placebo Controlled
Evaluation of Lamictal in Adult Subjects with HIV Associated Peripheral Neuropathy”,
Glaxo-Welcome, 1999.
Co-Investigator, “Randomized, Multicenter, Open Label Trial to Evaluate the
Reversibility of Dyslipidemia Upon Substitution of Abacavir for a Protease Inhibitor in
Virologically Controlled HIV Subjects with Elevated Cholesterol”, Glaxo Welcome, 1999.
Co-Investigator, “Tripanavir: A 14 Day Dose Response Study Using a Prototype SelfEmulsifying Drug Delivery System in Treatment of Naïve HIV Infected Patients”,
Pharmacia and UpJohn, 1999.
Co-Investigator, “An open label, non-comparative protocol for the emergency use of
Voriconazole (UK 109,496) in patients with life threatening, invasive mycoses who are
failing on currently available antifungals agents”, Pfizer, 2001
Co-Investigator, “Education and Research in Public Health Workforce Preparedness for
Bioterrorism, Emerging Infections and Other Disasters”, CDC and Association of Schools
of Public Health, Southwest Center for Public Health Preparedness, October 1, 2002September 2004, $980,868/year. (PI: David Johnson), 20% effort.
Co- investigator, HIV Prevention Education for Nigeria. This is a $26 million dollar over
2-year project by World Space, Inc., Langston University, and OUHSC; United States
Agency for International Development, 20% effort. (Total budget: $3.1 million),
approved pending funding.
Investigator, Southwest Center for Health Professions Preparedness. Submitted to
Health Resources and Services Administration July 2003-present. (PI David Johnson),
20% effort.
Co-Investigator, Clinical Research Curriculum Award, (submitted), Raskob Gary E., PI.
5% effort.
Co-Investigator, “Education and Research in Public Health Workforce Preparedness for
Bioterrorism, Emerging Infections and Other Disasters”, CDC and Association of Schools
of Public Health, Southwest Center for Public Health Preparedness, October 1, 2004September 2009, approximately $1.1 million/year. (PI: David Johnson), 10% effort.
Co-Investigator, “Inflammation Model of Bone Loss and Atherosclerosis”, 3% effort, P.I.
Brenda Smith, PhD., submitted to NIA
Pfizer Mini Medical School Grant Awardee, $10,000 annually, 2003, 2004.
Co-Investigator, Osteoprotective Effects of Antioxidants: The role of TNF alpha,
Submitted (PI – B. Smith)
Co-Investigator, The Role of RANKL in the Pathogenesis of Osteoporosis and
Atherosclerosis in Chronic Inflammation. College of Medicine Alumni Association;
Amount $24,997; Duration: 2005-2006 (P.I. B. Smith)
Co-Investigator, Integrated Medical Effects Modeling to Enhance Warfighter Protection
and Performance, Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), 10% effort (PI: Larry
Regens), July 2007-present.
Medical Grand Rounds, University of Texas, San Antonio, 9/4/91, "Acute
Rheumatic Fever: Resurgence of a Vanishing Disease".
Medical Grand Rounds, University of Arkansas, Little Rock, 9/26/91, "Acute
Rheumatic Fever: Resurgence of a Vanishing Disease".
Medical Grand Rounds, University of Mississippi, Jackson, 10/16/91. “Acute
Rheumatic Fever: Perspectives on Vaccine Development".
Medical Grand Rounds, University of South Alabama, Mobile, 11/21/91. "Acute
Rheumatic Fever, Pathogenesis and Prevention".
Innovations in the Management of Outpatient Infections, Memphis, TN,
2/13/93, "Management of Herpes Viruses Infections".
Twenty-Sixth Annual Family Medicine Review, University of Tennessee,
Memphis, 3/19/93, "Antibiotic Review".
Fourth Annual Advances in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, University of
Tennessee, San Destin FL, 8/19/93, "Update on Community-Acquired
Pneumonia" and "Current Concepts in Infective Endocarditis".
Twenty-Seventh Annual Review Course for the Family Physician, University of
Tennessee, Memphis. 3/14/94, "Community-Acquired Pneumonia".
Advances in Internal Medicine, University of Tennessee, Maui, Hawaii,
11/10/94. "Updates on Community Acquired Pneumonia and Infective
Shoals Medical Seminar 1995, Lauderdale and Colbert Counties Medical
Societies, Florence Al, 2/11/95, "Team Approach to the Management of
Community Acquired Pneumonia".
Twenty-Eighth Annual Review Course for the Family Physician, University of
Tennessee, Memphis, 3/12/95, "Oral Antibiotic Update".
"Internal Medicine Update". University of Tennessee, Chattanooga Unit,
1/19/96, "Update on Sexually Transmitted Diseases".
Twenty-ninth Annual Review Course for Family Physicians, University of
Tennessee, Memphis, 3/17/96, "Tick-Borne Illnesses".
"Re-Emergence of Group A Streptococcal Infections: Pathogenesis and
Prevention", Tennessee Infectious Diseases Society, August 17, 1996.
“Controversies in Management of Pneumonia” and “Pulmonary Disease in
Patients with HIV”, Eighth Annual Pulmonary Critical Care Course, San Destin
Florida, August 20 - 23, 1997.
Infectious Diseases Board Review, University of Tennessee, Chattanooga,
November 14, 1997.
“Group A Streptococcal Infections, Re-emergence of a Vanishing Disease”,
Medical Grand Rounds, University of South Alabama, December 11, 1997.
“Antibiotic Update and Antimicrobial Resistance” and “Emerging Infectious
Diseases”, 9th annual Pulmonary and Critical Care Update, San Destin FL.,
September 17-19, 1998, University of Tennessee.
“Antibiotic Use and Misuse”, Eighth Annual National Physician’s Conference on
Developmental Disabilities Medicine, September 23-25, 1998, San Diego, CA,
California Department of Developmental Services.
"HIV Management for the Primary Care Internist", Department of Medicine,
University of Oklahoma, Tulsa, OK November 5, 1998.
"Tick Borne Illnesses", Dermatology Grand Rounds, UT Memphis, Dermatology
Grand Rounds, November 12, 1998.
"Group A Streptococcal Infections", Medical Grand Rounds, Department of
Medicine, UT-Baptist Hospital, Nashville, TN December 2, 1998.
"Antibiotic Use and Misuse in Closed Populations", National Conference
Physicians for the Developmentally Delayed Patient, Cincinnati, OH June, 1999.
"Antibiotic Update", Primary Care Update, University of Tennessee, Nashville,
TN, June 1999.
"Antibiotic Resistance", Primary Care Update, University of Tennessee,
Nashville, TN, June 1999.
“Antibiotic Resistance”, University of Alabama, Huntsville, Continuing Medical
Education, October 8, 1999.
“Antibiotic Resistance, Emerging Infections”, Memphis Academy of Internal
Medicine, October 19, 1999.
“Antibiotic Resistance, New Therapies for Gram Positive Infections, Cincinnati,
OH, March 16, 2000.
“Community Acquired Pneumonia, Update”, Internal Medicine Grand Rounds,
Jackson Memorial Hospital, Jackson, TN Jan. 2000.
“Community Acquired Pneumonia, Medical Grand Rounds, Delta Medical
Center, Memphis, TN March 2000.
“Emerging Infectious Diseases” and Community Acquired Respiratory Tract
Infections”, Primary Care Update, Charleston SC, July 2000.
“Skin and Soft Tissue Infections”, Missouri Chapter of the American College of
Physicians, St. Louis, September 22, 2000.
“Group A Streptococcal Infections”, Medical Grand Rounds, University of
Oklahoma, May 2001.
“History of Medical Education: Its Evolution and Current Threats”, keynote
address, Stanton Young Master Teacher Award Program, University of
Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, April 2001.
“Group A Streptococcal Infections”, Medical Grand Rounds, Tulane School of
Medicine, New Orleans, August 2001.
“Group A Streptococcal Infections”, Medical Grand Rounds, University of
Oklahoma, Tulsa Campus, August, 2001.
“Infectious Diseases Update”, Oklahoma Chapter ACP-ASIM, October 2001.
“Group A Streptococcal Infections”, Pediatrics Grand Rounds, September 2001,
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center.
“Endocarditis”, Cardiology Grand Rounds, University of Oklahoma Health
Sciences Center, OKC, May 2002.
“Bioterrorism”, Oklahoma Chapter ACP/ASIM, September 20, 2002. Tulsa, OK.
“Endocarditis/Endovascular Infections”, State of Oklahoma Infectious Diseases
Symposium, Norman, OK, Oct. 2002.
“Bioterrorism Overview and Viral Agents of Potential Bioterrorism”, Southwest
Center for Public Health Preparedness Short Course on Bioterrorism, Oklahoma
City, OK, December 2002.
“Bioterrorism Overview Including Smallpox and Anthrax”, Dermatology Grand
Rounds, OUHSC, January 2003.
“Agents of Bioterrorism”, Department of Surgery Grand Rounds, OUSHC, OKC.
January 2003.
“Bioterrorism”, Department of Family Medicine Grand Rounds, OUHSC, OKC,
February 2003.
“Bioterrorism Overview and Viral Agents of Bioterrorism”, Southwest Center for
Public Health Preparedness, Tulsa, OK, April 2003.
“Community Acquired Pneumonia”, OUHSC ID Update, OKC August 15, 2003.
“Overview on Bioterrorism”, G. Rainey Williams Surgical Symposium, OUHSC,
September 19, 2003.
“Community Acquired Pneumonia”, Texas/Oklahoma AIDS Education and
Training Center, August 2003, Oklahoma City.
“Group A Streptococcal Infections”, Medical Grand Rounds, Louisiana State
University School of Medicine, Department of Medicine, April 2004.
“Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome”, Primary Care Update, University of
Oklahoma College of Medicine, Oklahoma City, May 2004.
“Emerging Viral Pathogens”, Primary Care Update, University of Oklahoma,
Oklahoma City, May 2004.
”Bioterrorism “, Infectious Diseases Update Symposium, Oklahoma City, August
“Bioterrorism”, Mercy Hospital, Oklahoma City, CME course, August 2004.
“Food borne illnesses”, Tyson Foods Symposium, Little Rock Arkansas,
September 2004.
“Bioterrorism” TIV, Inc., Denver, Colorado, October 12, 2004
“Pandemic Infections: SARS, Influenza, and Plague. Oklahoma Public Health
Administrators, March 2005.
“Pandemic Infections”, Rose State College, Del City, Oklahoma, March 2005.
“Pandemic Infections”, Rogers State University, Claremore, OK, June 2005.
“Pandemic Infections”, College of Public Health Grand Rounds, November,
“Pandemic Infections”, Department of Pathology Grand Rounds, April 3, 2006.
“Pandemic Infections”, Rose State College, Oklahoma City, May 19, 2006.
“Reflections on the Physician’s White Coat”, OUHSC White Coat Ceremony,
August 11, 2007.
“Tick Borne Illnesses”, Infectious Diseases Update for Primary Care Physicians,
Denver, Colorado, May, 2008.
“Antibiotic Update”, Infectious Diseases Update for Primary Care Physicians,
Denver, Colorado, May, 2008.
“Antibiotic Update”, Oklahoma Chapter, American College of Physicians,
meeting, September, 2009, Oklahoma City.
Hot Topics In Infectious Diseases, ID Update for Primary Care Providers, OUHSC,
OKC, 2011.
“Chagasic Cardiomyopathy”, Cardiology Case Presentations, Southern Society
for Clinical Investigation, New Orleans, 2012.
“Listeria monocytogenes: an under-appreciated pathogen; Medical Grand
Rounds, Wayne State University School of Medicine, April, 2012.
“Duty Hour Reform: Is the Beef There?” Presidential Address, Association of
Professors of Medicine, Charleston, SC, February 2013.
“Duty Hour Reform: Is the Beef There?” Medical Grand Rounds, Tulane
University School of Medicine, April 2013.
“Duty Hour Reform: Is the Beef There?” Medical Grand Rounds, Case Western
University School of Medicine, May 2013.
“Global Burden of Hepatitis C Infection” and Global Burden of Group A
Streptococcal Infection.” Medical Grand Rounds, Department of Medicine,
University of West Virginia School of Medicine, August 2013.
“Global Impact of Hepatitis C Virus Infection”, Peking Medical University, Beijing,
China, October 2013.
“Global Impact of Hepatitis C Virus Infection”, Shandong Medical University,
Jinan, China, October 2013.
“Global Impact of Hepatitis C Virus Infection”, Ruijin Medical University,
Shanghai, China, October 2013.
Richard V. Ebert Visiting Professor, University of Arkansas Department of
Medicine. “Duty Hour Regulation: Where’s the Beef”; “Global Burden of GAS
Infections”; November 2013.
Solomon Papper Lecture, OUHSC. “Duty-Hour Regulation: Review of the
literature” January 2014.
OU School of Community Medicine, Tulsa. Medical Grand Rounds—“Duty Hour
Regulation: Where’s the Beef?” July 2014
“Global Impact of Hepatitis C Infection”, Current Advances in Radiobiology, Stem
Cells and Cancer Research. JNU University, New Delhi, India, February 2015
“Global Impact of HCV Infection”, Medical Grand Rounds, Quillen Dishner School
of Medicine, March 2015.
“Global Impact of HCV Infection”, Medical Grand Rounds, University of
Tennessee Health Sciences Center, Memphis, September 2015.
Fall New Program Directors Meeting, Association of Program Directors in
Internal Medicine, 1995.
Fall Scientific Meeting Tennessee Society of Internal Medicine and Tennessee
Chapter American College of Physicians, Gatlinburg, TN, October 1996.
Fall Scientific Meeting of Tennessee Society of Internal Medicine and Tennessee
Chapter of American College of Physicians, Gatlinburg, TN, November 1997.
Regional Scientific Meeting, Southern Section of American Federation of
Medical Research, New Orleans, LA, February 1998.
Program Committee, Biomedicine “98 (AFMR), Washington, DC, 1998.
North Arkansas Infectious Disease and Pulmonary Symposium, Lakeview, AR,
November 3, -4, 2000.
10th Annual Stewart Wolf Research Forum, University of Oklahoma Health
Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, May 2001.
11th Annual Stewart Wolf Research Forum, University of Oklahoma Health
Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, May 2002.
“Short Course on Bioterrorism”, Southwest Center for Public Health
Preparedness, University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, December 2002.
12th Annual Stewart Wolf Research Forum, University of Oklahoma Health
Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, May 2003.
“Short Course on Bioterrorism”, Southwest Center for Public Health
Preparedness, University of Oklahoma, Tulsa, April 2003.
Program Committee, SSCI Regional Meeting February 2004, New Orleans.
13th Annual Stewart Wolf Research Forum, University of Oklahoma Health
Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, May 2004.
Program Committee, Southern Regional Meeting (SSCI, SAFMR, SSPR), New
Orleans, February 2005.
14th Annual Stewart Wolf Research Forum, University of Oklahoma Health
Sciences Center, May 2005.
15th Annual Stewart Wolf Research Forum, University of Oklahoma Health
Sciences Center, May 2006.
Annual Stewart Wolf Research Forum, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences
Center, May 2007-present.
Abstract Committee, Midwestern Section Research Forum, June 2007.
1. AAMC “Role of the Clinical Chair”, Washington, DC, Jan. 1998
2. "Leadership Development for Physicians in Academic Health Centers, Harvard
School of Public Health, October 4-16, 1998.
3. APM Program for New Chairs of Medicine, Fall 2000.
4. Studer Group Program, “Practicing Physician Excellence”, May 2008.
5. AAMC Fly-In Meeting with Academic Society Presidents, Chicago, 2012.
1. Program Project Review, National Institute Of Mental Health, Streptococcal
Program, 1994.
2. Internal Review, Department of Pediatrics, UT Memphis, February 1998.
6. Internal Review, Department of Radiology, UT Memphis, 1999
7. External Review, Education Programs, Department of Medicine, University of
Arkansas, Sept. 1999.
8. External Reviewer, HRSA Primary Care Training Grants Program, Silver Springs
Maryland, December 2002.
9. Member, External Site Review Team, Southern Illinois University, Department of
Medicine, 2012.
1. Weekly Internal Medicine Grand Rounds, University of Oklahoma,
approximately 40 hours annually (CME accredited)
2. Weekly Infectious Diseases Case Conference and Research Conference,
University of Oklahoma, approximately 30 plus hours annually (CME accredited)
3. Monthly Department of Medicine Research Conference, approximately 6 hours
CME annually (CME Accredited)
4. Annual Meeting Infectious Diseases Society of America, approximately 17-20
hours CME per meeting
5. Annual meeting Association of Professor of Medicine, approximately 10-13
hours of CE per meeting
6. Annual meeting Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, 11-15 hours per
meeting (CME accredited)
7. Test Writing Committee, USMLE Step 3, Philadelphia, May 2005, 2006, 2007,
2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012.
8. Item Review Committee, USMLE, Philadelphia, August 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011,
2012, 2013, 2014, 2015
9. AAMC Annual Meeting, 2010- present
10. Academic Internal Medicine Week, 2011-present
11. American College of Physicians, Annual Scientific Session, 2013, 2014, 2015.