World Religions!

What are the 5 major religions?
What is the oldest of the 5 religions?
Which is the smallest of the 5 religions?
What is Atman?
What is Moksha?
List the Hindu’s caste system:
First Monotheistic religion was?
List and describe the 3 parts of the Tanakh?
Answer questions in your notes about
Hinduism and Judaism.
How does religions affect society?
1.Hinduism- Originated in India, dates back to around 13001700 b.c.
2.Judaism- Originated in Israel, follows the teachings of
Moses, around 1500-1000 b.c.
3.Buddhism- Originated in India, follows the teachings of
Siddartha Gautama (Buddha), around 556 b.c.
4.Christianity- Originated in Israel, follows the teachings of
Jesus Christ.
5.Islam- Originated in Arabia, follows the teachings of
Muhammad, around 632 a.d.
 You will work in teams of 4. Each member of the group will
have a specific assignment.
◦ Person 1: Info about religious beliefs. (What do they believe,
sacred texts..)
◦ Person 2: Religious culture (holidays, celebration, traditions,
clothing, etc…)
◦ Person 3: Famous people of the religions. (Who they are,
what they accomplished, why they practice religion.)
◦ Person 4: Historical information about religion. (origins,
events in world history, events in religious history.)
◦ Person 5: Poster designer, group presenter.
 Poster Checklist (50 Points).
◦ Poster must be well organized and easy to read.
◦ Poster must be creative and show at least 2 pictures for each
◦ Poster must have accurate information about your subject.
◦ Poster must have at least three different
examples/information for each subject.
 Essay must have an Introduction, Body, and
 Essay must give accurate information about your
specific area (in your own words).
 Address your personal opinion about the religion
(what you like/what you don’t like).
 Must show evidence of three sources. (Source is a
different internet site, book, or magazine.)
 Essay must have a graded rough draft attached and
the graphic organizer).
1.Hinduism believes that every person and every creature embodies a spark
(atman) of the universal soul equated with god. After death the atman is
reborn in a new body.
2.Reincarnation: They believe every choice you make in life, good or bad,
has an effect on the outcome of your life (Karma). If good in life you will
come back as something better, bad you don't.
1.If good an individual can eventually break out of the cycles of life and
reach Moksha, which is complete union with god.
3.Caste System (4 classes in Hindu's society)
1.Brahmins- Clergyman or teachers.
2.Kshatriyas- Warriors, political leaders.
3.Vaishyas- Merchants, Farmers.
4.Shudras- Servants or slaves.
1.Sacred Texts: They have several sacred texts some of which are the
Vedas, Upanishads, and the Puranas.
2.Hinduism is the oldest religion still around today.
 “The ignorant, the man lacking in devotion, the doubt-filled
man, ultimately perishes. The unsettled individual has neither
this world (earthly happiness), nor the next (astral
happiness), nor the supreme happiness of God.”
 The Bhagaved Gitea Ch. 4: 40
 “For sanctification of the ego, yogis perform actions solely with (the
instruments of action) the body, the mind, discrimination, or even the
senses, forsaking attachment (disallowing ego involvement, with its
attachments and desires).”
 “O Son of Kunti (Arjuna)! because sense pleasures spring from
outward contacts, and have beginning and end (are ephemeral), they
are begetters only of misery. No sage seeks happiness from them.”
 The Bhagaved Gita Ch. 5: 11 & 22
 Write down 2 things interesting about the video.
 Find a partner and share your two things with each
1.Was the first Monotheistic religion in history.
2.Believes that god has a special relationship (covenant )with the
Jewish people (the children of Israel).
3.They look forward to a Messiah.
1.A leader sent by God to bring a time of peace and security to the
Jewish nation.
4.Jews: A word describing both an ethical race, nationality, and
religion, had been persecution for the past 2000 years.
1.Gentiles: None believers
5.Judaism sacred text:
1.Tanakh- Which includes the Torah or known as the (Law),
Nevivm or the (Prophets), and the Ketuvim or the (Writings).
2.Talmud- which is the record of the Rabbis pertaining to Jewish
Law, ethnics, and customs.
 Summarize what you learned today in 10 words.
 Who is Siddhartha Gautama?
 What is Nirvana?
 What are the Eightfold Paths to Enlightenment?
 What role does Jesus Christ play in Christianity?
 What are the two sacred texts of Christianity?
 What does Muslim mean?
 What are the 5 pillars of Islam?
 What are the differences between Sunni and
 What is Islam’s sacred text?
What is Atman?
List the Hindu caste system:
What was the world’s first Monotheistic religion?
What are the three parts of the Tanakh?
 Answer questions showing knowledge of the 5 major
 What impact does the five major religions have on
your life?
1.Founded by Siddhartha Gautama, also known as Budha.
2.Buddhist believe that we are tied to the cycles of death and
birth, through desire. We can be born again in many
different forms.
3.Nirvana- The final state of peace and freedom one can
obtain only after mastering the Eightfold Path to
4.Eightfold Paths to Enlightenment
1.Right Understanding, Thoughts, Speech, Conduct,
Livelihood, Effects, Mindfulness, Concentration.
5.Sacred Texts1.Tripitaka and the Theravada
1.Christians believe in one God who loves all children. However,
because of the fall of Adam and imperfections, the only way to
return and live with him again is through Jesus Christ.
2.Jesus Christ- Is the Messiah who came down and redeemed
all mankind from their sins.
1.By dying on a cross he took upon the sins of the believers.
3.The largest Christian religion and oldest is Roman Catholic.
4.Religious Texts consists of Old Testament, and New
5.Christianity has by far the greatest number of sects.
6.Christianity also is the largest of the religions.
 “Acquire knowledge, it enables its professor to distinguish
right from wrong; it lights the way to heaven. It is our friend
in the desert, our company in solitude and companion when
friendless. It guides us to happiness, it sustains us in misery,
it is an ornament amongst friends and an armor against
 After reading this what can we assume about the Islamic
1.Muslims: Which mean "one who submits to God." A true Muslim believes
that only by submitting to God can one find peace within themselves and
between all people.
2.Muslims believes that God has sent messengers throughout history to
deliver his message to the world (Abraham, Mosses, and even
Christ). However Muhammad completed Gods final message.
3. The Five Pillars of Islam:
1.Iman (faith), Salah (prayer), Zakah (tithes), Sawm (fasting), Hajj
4.Sunni and Shi'a or Shiites.
1.Sunni- Is the largest denomination of Muslims, believed in religious
leader known as the Caliphs, which are chosen by the followers. Caliphs
lead the religion.
2.Shi'ites- Make up one tenth of the Muslims. Believed that religious
leaders can only be from the blood of Muhammad. They are known as
5.Qur'an- Is the religious text, central to a Muslim's life.
6.Islam is the fastest growing Religion in the World.
 What religion is the smallest out of the five world
1. Islam
2. Christianity
3. Hinduism
4. Judaism
5. Buddhism
 What religion teaches us about the concept that a part of
god is with in all of us(Atman).
1. Islam
2. Christianity
3. Hinduism
4. Judaism
5. Buddhism
 What religion has the most number for sects?
1. Islam
2. Christianity
3. Hinduism
4. Judaism
5. Buddhism
 Which religion believes in the 8 fold paths to
1. Islam
2. Christianity
3. Hinduism
4. Judaism
5. Buddhism
 What are the 5 pillars of Islam?
 What are the Hindu caste system?
 Create 4 questions from today’s notes
 Answer today’s essential question in summary.
◦ What impact does the five major religions have on
your life?