Economics - Wright State University

Maps: Ohio Social
Studies Standards
Tiffany Suman and Ellen Winter
ED 417
Spring 2007
Table of Contents
History Standard
People in Societies Standard
Geography Standard
Economics Standard
Government/Citizenship Rights and
Responsibilities Standards
 Social Studies Skills and Methods
Title: Maps
Grade: 3rd
SS unit/lesson: Learing about Maps
 Tiffany Suman
 Ellen Winter
 Students use materials drawn from the
diversity of human experience to
analyze and interpret significant
events, patterns and themes in the
history of Ohio, the United States and
the world.
History Activity #1
 Students will learn how to use and read
a scale from a map to determine the
distance traveled by settlers by
converting the measurement unit into
History Activity #2
 Students will look at and analyze
different maps of industrial and
agricultural growth over a time span
from the United States of America.
History Activity #3
 Using the maps from Activity #2,
students will then create a map of
their own depicting the industrial and
agricultural growth today. Maps will be
hung up around the room as a display.
History Activity #4
 Students will be divided into 4
different cultural groups where they
will have to determine the route they
would have taken to immigrate to the
new country from their current land.
History Activity #5
 Students will look at and analyze the
maps of settlers and the paths they
took to cross into the new country.
The students will then determine and
design a map or graph to show if the
immigration continued, where the
highways and roads would most likely
History Websites
Maps 101
Blank Maps
Maps for Teachers
Educational Maps and Learning
Maps Background
People in Societies Standard
 Students use knowledge of
perspectives, practices and products
of cultural, ethnic and social groups to
analyze the impact of their
commonality and diversity within local,
national, regional and global settings.
People in Societies Activity
 Students will read two different
culturally diverse books and then come
together to fill in a Venn diagram to
compare and contrast the two cultures.
People in Societies Activity
 Students will examine artifacts from
different cultural backgrounds. A field
trip to a local museum will aid in the
students’ learning.
People in Societies Activity
 Students will do a study or interview
of their families’ past heritage to
determine where the students came
People in Societies Activity
 Students will collaborate with their
groups to determine the cause and
effect of the most known wars and
disagreements between different
cultures and countries.
People in Societies Activity
 Students will participate in a week-long
learning experience where each day
represents a different culture.
Students will dress the part, food will
be provided, and customs will be
People in Societies Websites
Culturally Diverse Children Books
Interview Strategies
Graphic Organizers
Culturally Diverse Customs
Geography Standard
 Students use knowledge of geographic
locations, patterns and processes to
show the interrelationship between the
physical environment and human
activity and to explain the interactions
that occur in an increasingly
interdependent world.
Geography Activity #1
 Students will receive a map of Ohio
and work in teams to fill in the missing
information. Resources may be used to
find information.
Geography Activity #2
 Students will learn about the
environment and then collaborate with
their group of how we live in our
environment. Students will then come
up with a list of ways we can better
out environment and ways we can adapt
to our environment in a more healthy
Geography Activity #3
 Students will be given a grid and have
to place coordinates with labels of
places on the map. Students will then
switch papers and another student will
have to find each coordinate and the
location given to each place.
Geography Activity #4
 Students will be separated into two
groups to discuss either the positives
or negatives of the affects on our
environment. The whole class will then
come together and place findings on a
Venn diagram chart.
Geography Activity #5
 Students will look at maps to
determine where people settled and
how that affected transportation and
communication. Students will then
create their own map of how
transportation and communication is
Geography Websites
Ohio Maps
Compare and Contrast
Geography for Children
 Students use economic reasoning skills
and knowledge of major economic
concepts, issues and systems
in order to make informed choices as
producers, consumers, savers,
investors, workers and citizens in an
interdependent world.
Economics Activity #1
 The students will be divided into 3 small groups. Each group
will be given different materials to create a map.
 Group one: Computer
 Group two: pen and paper
 Group three: Carryon and paper
 After the maps are created the maps will be laid out for all to
see. The discussion will be lead by asking the question: What
map would you buy that would be the easiest to read?
 The map created by the computer because it is the neatest
and most clear.
 In our history we have seen that labor of the products makes
or breaks a product. Students are to understand that the
different divisions of labor are important to the production of
goods and services. The activity will show that depending on
the materials you have, they will see the difference in the
Economics Activity #2
 The students will look at an analyze a
map that will show scares materials.
 The students will have to read the key
to determine which items are scarce
by the color on the map.
Economics Activity #4
 The students are going to create a map
business. The teacher will over see the
business in general. The students will be
selling the maps for their business. Things
the students will be considering with their
business: Advertisement, how much money
they need to start, how much they will sell
the maps for, how many would they need to
sell to make a profit, how will they make the
maps, and what will the business be called?
Economics Activity #5
 The be given an area of the United
States that they will research the goods
and services of that state.
 The students will create a map of their
state showing the areas of which the
goods and services come from.
Economic Websites
Internet For Third Grade Classrooms
Family Education at Home
Map Store
Maps and Symbols
Government / Citizenship
Rights and Responsibilities
 Students use knowledge of the purposes, structures
and processes of political systems at the local,
national and international levels to understand that
people create systems of government as structures
of power and authority to provide order, maintain
stability and promote the general welfare.
 Students use knowledge of the rights and
responsibilities of citizenship in order to examine
and evaluate civic ideals and to participate in
community life and the American democratic
Government / Citizenship
Rights and Responsibilities
Activity #1
 Students will develop a “KWL” chart as
a class.
 What they know…
 What they want to know…
 What they learned about maps and why
they were created…
 The students will read about maps in
their text book to find fill in the
remaining parts of the chart.
Government / Citizenship
Rights and Responsibilities
Activity #2
 The students will learn the importance of the trash
removal job. The teacher will have the local trash
removal company come to the classroom and talk
with the students about trash removal and
 The students will use a map to track one truck for
one day to see where the truck goes through one
day. The teacher and guest speaker will work
together to get the information that the students
will need to complete the assignment.
Government / Citizenship
Rights and Responsibilities
Activity #3
 The students will follow the president
campaign. The students will use the map to
learn which state the presents won.
 The students will each receive a map of the
United States and will color in each state a
different color depending on which
presidential candidate won.
 This will help the student learn the states.
Government / Citizenship
Rights and Responsibilities
Activity #4
 The students will learn the responsibilities
that they must take in order to maintain the
beauty of their school. The students will use
the map layout of their school to clean up
the inside and outside of their school. At
each place of the school they need to write
on the map what they did to improve their
 The students will be put into groups with
adult supervision.
Government / Citizenship
Rights and Responsibilities
Activity #5
 The students will use a map to locate landmarks that
are important to our history in Washington D.C.
 The students will be given a map of Washington D.C.
which will have a lay out with the names of the
 The students will glue pictures of the landmarks
that the teacher will supply for the students.
 After the student are done gluing the landmarks
the teacher and students will briefly discuss the
significance of each landmark.
Community Helpers
Washington D.C. Interactive Map
Kids Recycle
What makes your community run?
Map Creator
Social Studies Skills and
 Students collect, organize, evaluate and
synthesize information from multiple
sources to draw logical conclusions. Students
communicate this information using
appropriate social studies terminology in
oral, written or multimedia form and apply
what they have learned to societal issues in
simulated or real-world settings.
Social Studies Skills and
Methods Activity #1
 The students will make a map of the
classroom providing a map key and
 This map should be colored, legible,
and easily to follow.
Social Studies Skills and
Methods Activity #2
 The students will create a map of the
playground. The students must include
the ordainments of each piece of
playground equipment.
Social Studies Skills and
Methods Activity #3
 The students will use real maps and
find locations of the school by using a
coordinate guide that will be provided
for them. They will write down the
place down next to the coordinate as
they find them. The teacher will grade
the students work and review with the
Social Studies Skills and
Methods Activity #4
 The teacher will put the students in groups
of about 4. Each group will be given
directions on a piece of paper. They will have
to use the directions to find their
destination. The destinations will be
different places throughout the school. This
will help the students learn to read
directions and use social studies content
Social Studies Skills and
Methods Activity #5
 The students will participate in a map
scavenger hunt. The student need to use their
skill about maps to find the different parts of the
map. The students will need to find:
Paper for the map
Longitude and Latitude lines for the map
Landmarks (It can be of the classroom or playground)
Field Trip Map
Kid Information About Maps
Test Your Geography Knowledge
Facts About Maps
Teacher Map Resources