A metafilozófia alkalmazása a társadalomelméletre és a

The Application of
Metaphilosophy to Social
Theory and Globalisation
Varga Csaba / Csaba Varga
Sociologist, H. Academic Reader
Chairman of the Strategy Research
Two Possible Approaches
Two spiritual ways: theory and/or philosophy
creation about the Whole (the total metaphilosophy)
or any Part (e.g. about the unified theory of physics
or the life theory)
I think or carry out research: I work on the
philosophy of the Whole and – as I am a sociologist
– on the metaphilosophy of society
The theory remains within the boundaries of science,
philosophy crosses this boundary and integrates
metaphysics and transcendental experience, as well;
therefore, I decided to deal with philosophy;
The philosophy of the Whole can be built up „from
bottom up”, from the living matter, or „from top
down” using the highest consciousness and
intelligence approach; or from all directions at the
same time (e.g. using a spherical model)
 Meta-consciousness/meta-
 The Metatheory of Society
 The Metatheory of Globalisation
 Personal and Collective
Consciousness Levels and
Society Types
(External) Meta-consciousness and
1 5
Upper level: Absolute consciousness
Lower level: God consciousness
Upper level: Absolute (Divinity)
Lower level: God
2 4
Upper level: wisdom-consciousness
Lower level: knowledge-consciousness
Upper level: collective spirit, collective
Lower level: knowledge
3 3
Upper level: second nature and
environment consciousness
Lower level: nature consciousness
Upper level: second nature (constructed
nature and environment)
Lower level: (first) nature
4 2
Upper level: personal consciousness
Lower level: human unconsciousness
Upper level: (socialized) personality
Lower level: collective unconsciousness
5 1
Upper level: social consciousness and
Lower level: community consciousness
and unconsciousness
Upper level: global, continental,
national, local society
Lower level: community (family, tribe,
municipality, etc.)
(Internal) meta-consciousness and
1 5
Upper level: personal Absolute consciousness
Lower level: personal God consciousness
Upper level: impersonal Absolute
Lower level: personal God
2 4
Upper level: personal wisdom consciousness
Lower level: personal knowledge consciousness
Upper level: personal wisdom
Lower level: personal knowledge
3 3
Upper level: personal cosmic consciousness
Lower level: personal body consciousness
Upper level: personal brain, mind
Lower level: personal physical-biological
4 2
Upper level: personal (self)consciousness
Lower level: individual unconsciousness
Upper level: personality (egos, I-s)
Lower level: personal instincts, emotions,
unconscious contents
5 1
Upper level: personal social consciousness
Lower level: personal spirit-consciousness
Lower level: personal community spirit
(ancient spirit, collective spirit)
Lower level: personal spirit
Meta-world: Structure and
1. transcendental spiritual
 2. universal
 3. global
 4. continental (in
our case, Europe)
 5. national/social/
state (in our case,
 6. local
 7. individual/
1. unity-consciousness,
sacral consciousness
2. cosmic consciousness
3. global consciousness
4. continental
5. social consciousness,
national consciousness
(Hungary consciousness)
6. local consciousness
7. personal
The Metatheory of Society
(Social Metatheory)
New Reality/New Sociology
A living, self-developing society is not the same as
‘objective’ society (visible and invisible)
Society is functional and substantial at the same time
The foundation of society is the informal – moleculetype - society (family, relatives, friends, etc.)
Society is not only the state or not only the system of
institutions: it is a living organisation (for example,
besides physical, biological and spiritual fractals,
there also exist social fractals)
Basically, society is a virtual (existing) reality
Society is no longer an industrial society
Society is multilevel: global, continental, national,
local (see the multi-level structure of matter)
Society spontaneously creates the digital society, too
The „centre” (and also framework) of society is the
collective consciousness and unconsciousness
New Fields, Times, Levels and
Dimensions of Society – Unity Society
Spiritual society, sacral society
Consciousness society (transpersonal
consciousness society, collective consciousness
qualities are cardinal social needs)
Intellectual society (the society of the global
brain, the global mind, the global knowledge)
Institutionalised society (state, local government,
economy, etc.)
Natural society (society of first and second
Virtual society (e-society)
Together: unified society; potentially, a unity
Social Consciousness and Its
It is not society that creates social consciousness
but vice versa
 Social consciousness is as complex a consciousness
space as the individual personal consciousness field
 Society consciousness is tied to universal-global
consciousnesses upwards and to local
consciousness fields downwards
 Personal consciousness partly depends on but is
partly independent of the consciousness of society
 Hungary’s social consciousness: simultaneously
dominated by individual and community integration
 Hungary’s social unconsciousness: simultaneously a
consciousness of defeat and a consciousness of a
noble call, etc.
New Society and Its Interpretation
The virtual global-local space for action,
created by the social consciousness (not
institutional or institutionalised)
In Hungary, political and economic institutions
are the ‘embodiments’ of the globalcontinental consciousness
In Hungary, educational institutes are the
products of continental part-consciousness
In Hungary, the un-institutionalised (informal)
legal system is stronger and more efficient
than the legal state
In Hungary, social unconsciousness, after
waves of suppression, is a rebellious and
creative consciousness.
Nation Consciousness and Nation
Nation consciousness is a special and indiviual social
consciousness: mediator-consciousness, i.e. a special
collective consciousness quality
 Nation consciousness transfers and integrates
transcendental and universal consciousnesses from
above and local and personal consciousnesses from
 It is simultaneously a space and time consciousness
(historical and future consciousness, people and
country consciousness)
 Thus nation is primarily perceived not as a state but as
a collective consciousness and knowledge field
 Is Hungarian nation consciousness a tradition-centred
heroic and a present-centred resignation
consciousness at the same time?
A New Nation and Its New Roles
A new institutionalised mediator between the
global and local worlds (between the embodied
realities of the collective consciousness quality)
Mediation is not in ruling but neither in
unconditional surrender
Functional role of the nation: as a state, the
institution responsible for survival and
Today, the nation can be maintained not as a
state nation but as a knowledge-conscioussness, i.e. culture-centred nation (substantional role)
The core precondition of the survival of the
nation is the digitisation and publication of
national knowledge/science/arts
The Metatheory of Globalisation
Four Parallel Globalisations
The visible and invisible world, objective and
subjective reality and their momentary historical
manifestations, i.e. the global and local world and
consciousness exist simultaneously, at four levels:
 outside, in earthly civilization, at a global level
 in the life and environment of the individual (in
the local world),
 inside, in our personal consciousness,
 finally, in the collective consciousness of earthly
Thus, globalisation is parallelly evolving at four
levels, so it is a globalisation taking place at at
least four levels, which can also be viewed and
interpreted at each level, separately.
The metatheory of globalisation is the unified theory
of the four globalisation types
Functional and Substantial
The new globalization is a twofold process: a series
of functional and substantial changes
By functionality we mean that the functional
elements and processes of earthly civilization and
culture (economy, society, ecology and their
subsystems, politics, state, army, education, etc.)
are globalising at an unprecedented speed and
extent. Global economy, global society, global
military systems, etc. Are the results of this process
Substantiality (or the metaphysical level) can be
defined as the substantial (important) dimension,
the collective consciousness and its manifestations;
the peoples of the Earth are no longer only dreaming
of a unified civilization and culture but this
unification is also taking place at an unprecedented
speed and extent.
Features of the Global Collective
(the common consciousness field of humanity) We think that collective
(inter alia, sacral, universal, community, etc.) consciousness can be
defined in two ways: a) a unified-uniform consciousness field, a part
of which is the collective unconsciousness, as well; b) a uniform but
clearly structured (transpersonal) consciousness field. In summary,
we can say that the common reality dimension-consciousness reality
of earthly nature, civilization and culture is the collective
consciousness of humanity;
 (a simultaneously dependent and independent consciousness system)
Presumably, collective consciousness is independent of time and space
and of the consciousness and awareness of individuals on the one
hand; on the other hand, this self-reality or neutrality – even if it is
seemingly paradox – does not exclude but, in contrast, supports the
idea that collective consciousness is continusously influenced by the
consciousness of individuals and collective consciousness also
intensively and specifically influences the consciousness of individuals;
 (collective consciousness is joined to the sacral consciousness field)
The simultaneously universal and local collective consciousness is
connected to cosmic intelligence, to transcendental
reality/consciousness and to the absolute consciousness; however this
connection or potential connection does not guarantee that humanity
will get to a higher consciousness state in the present era;
Features of the Global Collective
(making a distinction between consciousness and state of consciousness)
(is the collective consciousness field a natural or post-natural
phenomenon) According to our present knowledge, the collective
As we distinguish different normal and higher states of consciousness in
individuals, similarly, we can distinguish higher collective consciousness
state levels – within the unified consciousness field. This distinction
between consciousness states is based upon whether collective
consciousness is dominated by higher intelligence or, in contrast,
qualities of matter.
consciousness field is on the one hand supernatural and also
transpersonal; at the same time, it is a natural phenomenon, which
cannot be satisfactory explained using the theories of today’s physics.
(obscurity in the perception of the collective consciousness)
Most individual consciousnesses are not aware how collective
consciousness influences them and, through them, society. Vice versa,
individuals are not aware that they continuously influence collective
consciousness, knowing or unknowing. The basic reason for this is that
the attention of individual consciousness is focused entirely on the
roughest level of reality, i.e. the material world and individuals hence
wrongly identify themselves with this part-reality. So, most of them fail in
gradually letting the values of a higher collective state of consciousness –
rather than material values – dominate their individual mind &
Features of the Global Collective
(the two basic qualities of collective consciousness) Collective
consciousness can be dominated by the qualities of matter
and the material world or by the values of the higher „reality”,
harmony, happiness, satisfaction. However, people and their
communities can only reach general welfare if they live, think
and act in total harmony with the higher intelligence that
controls nature, i.e. the unified consciousness field;
 (possibility of unified consciousness field) the unified field can
be simultaneously considered to be the source of the
subjective or conscious quality or the objective quality of
existence. Individuals and humanity should reach the eternal
equilibrium of returning to the Absolute.
Naturally, the global world is horizontally at least two
dimensions: on the one hand, it is the global collective
consciousness, the unified consciousness field of humanity, on
the other hand it is the manifestation, institutialization,
„objectivisation” of the global collective consciousness. And
this second, manifested, simultaneously creating and created
global world also exists in least two dimensions: a substantial
and a functional global world.
Consciousness Levels and
Society Types
Consciousness and Society Types
Indiviual conscious
(real subject)
collective conscious
(united consious fields)
(united collectum)
(bottom up)
Fifth level
Unity consciousness
Fourth level
God consciousness
(personal God
Third level
Cosmic consciousness
Second level
First level
Zero level
Unified consciousness field
Sacral or spiritual
humanity consciousness
„Society” of the unified
consciousness field
Sacral „society”
(and multiverse)
„consciousness society”
pure conscious
Transcendental community
Network of virtual (familiy,
national, etc.) communities
Alert consciousness
(wakefulness, deep
sleeping and
Normal social consciousness
(at all levels of society)
Structured, functional
society (and
its institutions)
Social unconsciousness
The Paradigm Shift
Or: return to „reality” (to consciousness, space-time,
culture) because (external) functional construction can
have only restricted success in itself
From the matter to consciousness-centred (thinking)
matter, from the physical universe to universal
consciousness fields and to parallel, living universes, at
the same time: from society to social consciousness and
subconscious, etc.
Development efforts shall not be aimed primarily at the
desired consequences (at realities), even if the
consequences have an influence back (on
A quick change has started: from the functional society
and its structure towards the substantial
consciousness-centred society, from rough natural
history we get to post-history, to the new civilization
and culture led by the paradigm shift.
The living society is an independent dimension or
vector of reality/consciousness
According to metaphilosophy, we should not think
only in physical/biological/psychological
Social consciousness and society are in the same
relation as matter and mind/consciousness
The living society is a complex materialconsciousness „reality” (but the quantum theory of
society is being born only now)
Transpersonal (collective) consciousness is an
unexplored reality/consciousness, just like the
unified physics/consciousness field
Society (and globalisation) cannot be understood
without metaphilosophy and there is no new
civilisation and culture without metaphilosophy
Thank you for your kind
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