To demonstrate your understanding of the particular features of the memoir, you will
write a two-page (minimum) essay analyzing how language affects meaning in a
memoir of your choice. This analytical essay should be in MLA format and should follow
the rules of formal English.
Assignment Steps:
1. Choose a memoir. You can pick from the list below, or find your own (run it by me
first…the memoir we read together as the example is not an option).
2. Read the memoir once to get a feel for the theme.
3. Read the memoir a second time, paying attention to how the author uses language
to convey that theme.
4. Jot down notes of 2-3 major points you will make about the writer’s techniques
(consider imagery, symbols, dialogue, diction, etc.).
5. Read the memoir again to find textual evidence for each of your points. This
evidence should include direct quotations.
6. Outline your essay analysis with the argument centered around 2-3 techniques the
writer uses to convey a particular theme
7. Draft your essay about the memoir.
8. Print rough draft; Revise/edit.
9. Print final draft for portfolio.
Possible Memoirs/ Excerpts:
Russell Baker “The Saturday Evening Post” The Prose Reader—see Ms. Sho
Sandra Cisneros “Only Daughter” Word document—email Ms. Sho
Richard Rodriguez “Public and Private Language” The Prose Reader—see Ms. Sho
Brent Staples “A Brother’s Murder”
Michael Dorris “The Broken Cord” The Prose Reader
Sherman Alexie “The Joy of Reading and Writing: Superman and Me”
Primo Levi “On the Bottom” from Survival in Auschwitz p 1093 in textbook
Maxine Hong Kingston “No Name Woman” Word document—email Ms. Sho
Mark Twain “A Cub-Pilot’s Experience” Word document—email Ms. Sho