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Classroom Procedures and Expectations
Mrs. Whicker and Mrs. Clukey
English, Language Arts, and Literature
Procedures are a part of life. We follow procedures when we go to
the movies, eat at a restaurant, or fly on an airplane. The reason we
have procedures is so people can function in society knowing the
proper and appropriate way to do things. Procedures can make
things run more efficiently, help people to be more successful, and
also make things safer. Think of what would happen if people didn’t
follow the procedure at a stop sign or red light! This classroom also
has its own set of procedures. These procedures help to establish
our classroom culture. When everyone follows the procedures, our
class becomes safer, calmer, and a better environment in which to
learn. Although you may not remember them at first, please do your
best to follow the procedures below. Let’s all choose to have a great
-Mrs. Whicker and Mrs. Clukey
How to Enter the Classroom
Calmly and quietly enter the room and take your assigned seat. Immediately get to work at your desk. There
will always be something for you to do (see “Starting Class”). Please do not enter the classroom if the door is
closed, or if there is not a teacher present.
If You Are Tardy
If there is an emergency and you are late to class, enter quietly, take your seat, and do not announce the
reason for your tardiness to the entire class. Put your late pass on the teacher’s desk and begin your work. If
you do not have a late pass, plan on explaining to your teacher what prevented you from making it to class on
time when (and only when) she asks you.
Starting Class
You start the class- not the teacher, and you need to start right away! We should not have to remind you that
it is time for class to begin. Follow the simple steps below as soon as you enter the room.
1. Take out any homework due that day and leave it out on your desk.
2. Copy tonight’s homework into your TMS Agenda book. If there is no homework, the board will say “No
HW” and you need to copy that into your agenda.
3. Read the iCan Statements and Daily Agenda to see what you will be working on in class that day.
4. Complete the “Do Now” activity that will be posted on the board. Sometimes this will be a written task,
and sometimes it will be an activity like playing a vocabulary game on your ThinkPad.
5. Study your vocabulary words if you have extra time.
What to Do with Your Belongings
Please keep all of the belongings that you do not need for our class on the shelf under your seat. Do not bring
any valuables to school. Materials that you will need for class should be kept on your desk. Your phone should
not be with you at any time. Unfortunately we will have to take your phone if we see it. Books, binders, and
especially your ThinkPad should be kept out of the aisles at all times for safety reasons. Your ThinkPad MUST
remain in its case at all times. It can be quite treacherous when everyone’s stuff is spilling into the aisles, so
please, let’s keep them clear. Additionally, please keep all four legs of your chair on the GROUND at all times.
It is dangerous to lean back in your chair, and it also ruins the chairs.
If You Are Absent
Each day’s agenda will be posted on If there are handouts you need, they will be
located in the folder labeled “Absent Work” in the box for your class. If there are no handouts in the folder, it
does not mean that you do not have any work to do. You may have an online assignment or another task to
complete, so you MUST check the agendas. You have as many days as you were out to make up the work.
After that, it will be counted late (50% off).
It will also be your job to find two “Absent Buddies.” These are the people you will contact for class
information if you are absent. Write their names, phone numbers, and email addresses in your TMS Agenda.
Sharpening a Pencil
Please sharpen pencils before class begins. If necessary, you may sharpen your pencils during class but not
while the teacher is speaking. Use your own judgment to determine a good time. Only one student at a time
is allowed at the pencil sharpener.
Using Your ThinkPad in Class
You are expected to bring your ThinkPad to school and class each day fully charged. Forgetting it at home or
not having it charged is completely unacceptable as we will be using the ThinkPad in class on a regular basis.
Please remember that we have ThinkPads in class to help us learn, not to distract us. Playing games or
accessing social media sites is strictly prohibited.
Passes out of Class
You are allowed three passes out of class PER SEMESTER (not per grading period). You may use these to go to
the restroom or to go to your locker only, so save them for emergencies. If you do not use your passes for our
class, you will receive bonus points for them at the end of the semester.
We will highlight as section of your agenda book for use ONLY in this class. If you do not follow directions, you
will lose your passes.
Using the Classroom Library and Supplies
There are many books and supplies in this classroom that have been purchased by your teachers. Please treat
everything with respect. That means handle things gently, and return them to the appropriate location when
you are finished (or when your teachers direct you to do so).
Take care of the art supplies that you are allowed to use in this class. This means putting lids back on markers
and glue, not breaking crayons and colored pencils, no playing with scissors, etc. If you do not take care of the
supplies you will no longer be allowed to use them.
Discipline Policy
You are expected to be on your best behavior while in this classroom and while at TMS. If you violate any
school or classroom policies, your teachers will enforce the consequences listed below. This subject to change
based on the severity of the offense and individual circumstances.
Verbal Warnings
Phone call or email home
Loss of Recess
Referral to Office or Counselor
In-school suspension
Using the Classroom Sink
Students in my classroom are more than welcome to use the sink to wash their hands. Please just make sure
that the faucet isn’t dripping when you finish, and throw the paper towel in the TRASH. Do not leave anything
in the sink. If you make a mess, clean it up. Ask for help if needed.
When the Teacher Needs Your Attention
When I want your attention, I will:
When You Need the Teacher’s Attention
If you need to get the teacher’s attention, raise your hand and patiently wait for her to respond. If you are
sick and it is an emergency, you may interrupt the teacher if she is speaking.
If You Feel Sick
If you feel sick, tell your teacher and we will discuss whether a trip to the nurse is necessary. Let your teachers
know if you feel faint or if you’re not sure you can make it to the nurse’s office alone. However, if you think
you are going to vomit, head directly to the bathroom!! Do not sign out. Do not take a pass. Just GO, and go
quickly! Please and thank you. Room 206 is a barf-free zone. 
How to Set Up a Paper
We will use MLA format to head our papers in this class. The format goes like this:
1. Your first and last name
2. Teachers’ names
3. Course Title
4. Date (day, then month, then year with NO commas)
Here is an example:
Christopher Columbus
Mrs. Whicker and Mrs. Clukey
English 7
17 January 2016
If You Finish Your Work Early
If you finish your work before others are done, there are several things that you may do.
 First, double check to make sure that you followed all directions and completed the entire assignment.
Yes, there may be a back side to the paper!
 Review the most recent vocabulary words.
 Play one of the games or use one of the tech tools posted on Weebly.
 Organize your English/Literature folder if needed and review the grammar rules posted there.
 Choose a book from the classroom library to read, or read your library book that you checked out.
 If allowed, start working on tonight’s homework.
Visiting the Library
Mrs. DuBord, our librarian, works very hard to ensure that the library is an amazing resource for us. It is a
privilege for you to check out books from the library here. When we visit the library, follow all instructions
given to you by your teachers and Mrs. DuBord, including sitting in your assigned seat, only talking when given
special permission, and maintain a calm environment. All SOAR guidelines must be followed. We will visit the
library every two weeks, and you will write due dates for your checked out books in your TMS Agenda. You are
responsible for caring for the books you check out, and will be charged for damages if they occur.
Classroom Discussions
All students are required to participate in classroom discussions. Your teachers want to hear what you have to
say! However, please make all questions and comments relevant to the current discussion. If your question is
off the topic, write it down and ask it later. Students should raise their hands to volunteer an answer or ask a
question. Please refrain from shouting out ideas without being called on.
If the Fire Alarm Goes Off
If the fire alarm goes off, stop what you are doing immediately and quietly line up at the door. This is not the
time to talk! The teacher will direct you to the nearest emergency exit according to our classroom emergency
plan. Walk quietly, quickly, and silently. The last person out of the classroom needs to shut the door.
Other Emergency Drills
Your teachers will direct you to the appropriate location for all emergency drills. The most important thing to
remember is to remain silent. We need to be able to communicate with you and get information from our
supervisors as well.
End of Class Dismissal
The teacher dismisses the class, not the clock or even the bell. Do not start packing up your materials in
anticipation of the end of class. Class is over when I say: “Have a great day!” Before you leave, take a look at
the floor around you. Pick up any items on the floor (whether they belong to you or not) and throw them in
the trash if necessary. Try to locate the owner of an item if it looks important (pencil, pen, worksheet,
homework, etc.) Push in your chair before you leave and take ALL of your belongings with you.
Turning in Papers
Homework needs to be handed in the day it is due. In most cases, homework should not be handed in ahead
of time since it may get lost and we will review some of the answers in class. To pass in your paper, place your
paper on the desk to your left. If/when you receive a paper, place yours on top, and continue passing the
stack to your left. There will be no need to tap, touch, or poke anyone to get their attention. Once all the
papers from the row have reached the last person, they may pass the stack to the person in front of them.
The student in the front, left-hand corner should deliver the stack of papers to the teacher’s Inbox on her
desk. If you are the only one that needs to hand something in, you may place the paper in the Inbox on the
teacher’s desk. Write “LATE” or “ABSENT” on your work if this applies.
Sharpening a Pencil
Please sharpen pencils before class begins. If necessary, you may sharpen your pencils during class but not
while the teacher is speaking. Raise your hand after the speaker has finished and ask permission to sharpen
your pencil. Use your own judgment to determine a good time. Only one student at a time is allowed at the
pencil sharpener.
Using Your ThinkPad in Class
You are expected to bring your ThinkPad to school and class each day fully charged. Forgetting it at home or
not having it charged is completely unacceptable as we will be using the ThinkPad in class on a regular basis.
Please remember that we have ThinkPads in class to help us learn, not to distract us. Playing games or
accessing social media sites is strictly prohibited.