Bursary Fund Guidance - Staffordshire University Academy

Post 16 Education Bursary
Guidance Booklet
Financial support for students in 2015-2016
The following information applies to students aged 16 to 18 on 31 st August 2015 studying full-time further
education (Sixth Form) courses in 2015-2016.
EMA Update
EMA is no longer available to students
£1200 Bursary
The government has announced that students may be entitled to a grant or bursary of £1200. You could be
entitled to this if you meet at least one of the following criteria:
 You are living in care
 You are a care leaver
 You are receiving income support
 You are disabled and receiving both Employment Support Allowance and Disability Living Allowance
If you think you are eligible to receive this £1200 bursary see Mr Light (Head of Sixth Form)
16-19 Bursary Fund
If you are in receipt of Free School Meals you could apply for additional financial support.
Apply now to the 16-19 Bursary Fund and you could receive financial assistance towards the cost of:
 Transport
 Books
 Equipment
 Educational Trips
 Meals
 Exam re-sits
 Clothing (uniform, PE kit)
 CRB checks required for Work Experience
You can collect application forms from the Sixth Form Office. You will be required to provide evidence of
eligibility for Free School Meals.
If you would like an application form for Free School Meals then please collect from the academy reception.
The purpose of the Bursary Funding is to provide financial support towards the cost of your
education. Subsequently, checks will be carried out to ensure funding is being spent as outlined
within this guidance document. Therefore, it is expected that receipts and evidence is kept to
show support when requested.
16-19 Bursary Fund Policy 2015-2016
The fund is made available from the government through its funding body for 16-19 year olds - to provide
assistance to students whose access to, or completion of, education is inhibited by financial constraints or
barriers. The new 16-19 year old bursary scheme has been put in place as a partial replacement for the
Education Maintenance Allowance. We must take into account the availability of any other financial support
when making decisions about awarding public funds. Whilst we recognise that some students face financial
pressures, the funding you are applying for comes from a Government fund and is public money. It is not a
right. The academy has a duty to ensure that the funds are awarded fairly to students most in need. Funds are
cash limited and funding cannot be guaranteed. Early application is essential.
All awards are made subject to attendance of at least 95%, good progress and appropriate behaviour
Who is eligible to apply for 16-19 Bursary Funding?
Students following government (EFA) funded full time or part-time courses, who are 16 years and over and
satisfy one or more of the following criteria:
Students aged at least 16 and under 19 years of age on 31st August 2015 who are in care, are leaving
care, are in direct receipt of Income Support or are disabled and in receipt of both Employment
Support Allowance and Disability Living Allowance
Students who are economically or socially disadvantaged and at risk of not taking up or continuing in
their education. This group includes students with physical or other disabilities, medical conditions
and/or learning difficulties
Students who have been in care, on probation, are young parents or are otherwise considered at risk.
Asylum seekers
Refugees (who will have access to 16-19 Bursary Funding if they are in receipt of supportive evidence
from DWP)
Lone parent families
Have a total gross household income of less than £20,000
Who is not eligible to apply?
International (overseas) students
Students on Higher Education Courses
Students on Work Based Learning/Waged Apprenticeships
Students who are aged 19 on the 1st September 2015 or after
Students who are aged 19 on the 1st September 2015 and are repeating a year of Sixth Form education
How does the Academy assess applications and allocate 16-19 Bursary Funding?
The 16-19 Bursary Fund is a limited fund and the academy will prioritise allocation based on individual
applications. There will be three priority groups, categorised as high, medium and low.
High priority group
Students aged under 19 on 31st August 2015 and who fall into one of the following categories:
Are currently in care (as defined by social services)
Are leaving or have recently left care
Are in receipt of Income Support in their own name
Are disabled and in receipt of both Employment Support Allowance and Disability Living Allowance
If a student is in receipt of Disability Living Allowance (DLA), Personal Independence Payments, ESA or UC,
parents can no longer receive certain household/family benefits for that child e.g. child benefit.
Eligible students will be guaranteed a £1200 bursary.
Payments will be made in three payments (November, February, June). These payments will be based on £30
per academy week (38 in total). There will be no payments made for holiday weeks. To receive the full
payments students must meet the following criteria:
Have an average weekly attendance of 95% or higher
Have no greater than 2 late marks per academic week
Meet all deadlines
Behave in an appropriate manner within the academy building and when representing the academy on
visits and also in events
If these conditions are not met then the Head of Sixth Form reserves the right to refuse payment for that
Medium priority group
Students who fall into the following category:
In receipt of Free School Meals
Eligible students in this group, if they apply to the 16-19 Bursary Fund by Friday 23rd October 2015, may be
eligible for a contribution towards:
Transport costs
Essential course equipment
Clothing for Sixth Form
Childcare costs
Examination re-sit costs
Cash bursary – subject to the availability of funds
Payments will be made in three payments (November, February, June). These payments will be based on £10
per Academy week (38 in total). There will be no payments made for holiday weeks. To receive the full
payments students must meet the following criteria:
Have an average weekly attendance of 95% or higher
Have no greater than 2 late marks per Academic week
Meet all deadlines
Behave in an appropriate manner within the Academy building and when representing the Academy on
visits and also in events
If these conditions are not met then the Head of Sixth Form reserves the right to refuse payment for that
Low priority group
Those students with identifiable financial needs who do not fall into the high or medium categories. Those in
the low priority group will be considered for funding based on the academy allocation and subject to available
funding after those in the high and medium priority groups have been awarded. In some cases awards may
not be made until after 31st December 2015. Students in this group may get a contribution towards the cost
of essential course equipment, uniforms and transport costs (they may also receive a cash bursary if aged
under 19 on 31st August 2015, if funds permit).
Additional Notes
Student’s bursaries will be paid providing that you meet the criteria outlined above (within each priority
group). There will be no loss of an allowance if an absence is authorised by the academy, this could include
periods of revision or study leave. However, if absence is not authorised the Head of Sixth Form reserves the
right to refuse payment for that week.
You are required to:
Have an average weekly attendance of 95% or more
Be late no greater than twice per week
If time off is needed then seek permission from the Head of Sixth Form or the Pastoral Support
Manager in advance
The academy is required to:
Monitor attendance and absence
Report to the Finance Officer to say “Yes pay Bursary” if you meet the outlined criteria
Report to the Finance Officer to say “No do not pay Bursary” if you do not meet the outlined criteria
Inform you if your payments have been stopped
Respond to any queries you may have about the 16-19 Bursary Fund yes/no decision
Evidence required
When submitting an application for the discretionary bursary you will be required to provide evidence of
income or Free School Meals. This can be in the form of:
Tax Credit Forms (TC602)
Evidence of income from self-employment
A P60, for every parent of carer in the household, if you have been in employment for the last 6
3-6 months’ worth of bank statements from every parent or carer within the household
Negotiated or Authorised Absence
This is at the discretion of the academy, based on individual circumstances.
You must negotiate this in advance
It is understood that there is very occasionally a reason why you may need to apply for permission to be absent.
If the academy agrees in advance of the absence, then your Bursary payment will not be affected. The following
list gives the occasions when permission may be granted on a limited basis. Please be aware that evidence may be
Hospital appointment
Driving test (practical)
Driving test (theory)
Attendance at a close family funeral (maximum of 1day)
Religious holiday (no more than 4 days) at the discretion of the Academy
Visit to university to attend an open day (maximum of 2 visits)
University or career related interview at the discretion of the Academy
Participating in a significant extra-curricular activity (for example, taking part in a regional or national event
such as drama, music or sport)
Attendance at probation meeting
Severe weather (exceptional circumstances)
Unauthorised Absence
The bursary is a reward for meeting the criteria outlined in the various priority groups earlier. If you are ill or
sick, even if covered by a doctor’s certificate, it will be classed as unauthorised and you may not be eligible for
a bursary payment that week.
The following reasons would also not be acceptable:
Part or full time working which is not part of your programme of study
Leisure activities
Birthdays or similar celebrations
Babysitting siblings or looking after other family members
Driving lessons
Court Appearances
If you are required to attend court all Bursary payments will be made at the discretion of the academy on an
individual basis.
Where an absence genuinely could not be foreseen in advance, you should nevertheless make arrangements
to inform the academy as soon as possible on the day in question. Where you fail to do this, the absence will
be treated as unauthorised and therefore, the Head of Sixth Form reserves the right to refuse bursary
payment for that week.
If you wish to appeal against the non-payment of your weekly Bursary you must inform the Head of Sixth