Speech I Syllabus


Speech I

Jodi Meyer jodi.e.meyer@fillmorecentral.org

Course Description:

The purpose of the course is to improve communication skills and to aid students in developing self-confidence.

Students will study techniques of speech construction and delivery. A variety of speeches will be developed and given in class. Students will also participate in oral interpretation. Debate, mock trial, and group discussion may also be included in the course of study. Written quizzes, tests, and assignments may be given, but students will be evaluated primarily on performances


All course documents, schedules, and assignments can be found on Angel. Please record your user name and password so you will have access to this resource throughout the year.

Grading Policy:

80 % of your grade will be comprised of summative assessments. These assessments occur at the end of the learning process and can include but are not limited to the following examples:




Final Drafts

Projects Speeches

10% of your grade will be comprised of formative assessments. These assessments occur during the learning process and can include but are not limited to the following examples:

Daily Work Study Guides

Rough Drafts Reviews

10% of your grade will represent your work on a semester final test. This will be a comprehensive test of content covered during the semester.


If you do poorly on a summative task, excluding presentations, you are allowed one retake opportunity.

If you would like to exercise your right for a retake, see me to schedule an appropriate remediation process and retesting date. The retake score will replace the initial assessment. If your summative assessment was originally recorded as an incomplete, no retake opportunity will be granted. Speeches and other presentations in front of the group are not eligible for a retake opportunity.


You will have three days to complete any work missed during an absence. If it is not completed within this time frame, it will be recorded as an incomplete. Remember: scores originally recorded as incomplete do not allow you a retake opportunity.

Course Schedule:

Quarter 1

Communication Basics

Public Speaking

Quarter 2

Informative Speech

Persuasive Speech

Quarter 3 Quarter 4



Speeches for Special


Group Communication Mass Communications

Final Examinations:

A comprehensive test will be given at the end of each semester.

Classroom Expectations:

1. No food or drink will be allowed in class. If you have a water bottle, please keep it in your bag or on the floor beside your seat. Exceptions can be made by making arrangements with me in advance.

2. Cell phones need to be turned off and out of sight. You have ample opportunities to check your phone during lunch or passing periods.

3. Music will not be allowed during instructional time. Your full attention is necessary to participate in class discussions and activities. If you would like to listen to music with headphones during work time, please ask.

4. Use your computer appropriately. Do not come to class and expect to play games, shop, or otherwise waste your time online.

5. Come to class prepared to put forth your best effort. I am available before and after school, during homeroom, or during 5 th period for extra help.

Academic Honors:

To be eligible for an award at academic honors night, semester average must be 96% or above.

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