IPV: A Well Kept Secret Article

IPV - A Well Kept Secret
An article by Carol Anderson.
IPV - A Well Kept Secret
by Carol Anderson
Some secrets are meant to be kept; others are meant to be shared. While at the recent Families of SMA conference,
I had the opportunity to speak to several families about respiratory concerns. I spoke of the dramatic improvements in
my son's respiratory status since he had started taking IPV treatments about a year ago. No one seemed to know
what I was talking about or thought I was talking about IPPB treatments. That being the case, I'd like to share this
seret with you.
The following information was taken from INTRAPULMONARY PERCUSSIVE VENTILATION PRODUCT
OVERVIEW, by Joseph Lewarski, RRT, RCP:
"IPV (Intrapulmonary Percussive Ventilation) is a novel form of chest physiotherapy delivered by a pneumatic device
know that the Percussionator (the homecare model is know as the Impulsator) ... IPV is designed to combine the
effects of three important treatment modalities:
1. Small particle aerosolized mist
2. Intrathoracic percussion and vibration
3. Positive Pressure (CPAP/PEEP)
IPV is designed to maintain the lung in a state of partial inspiration (intrapulmonary wedge) while delivering a high
volume / small particle aerosol mist and internally percussing the airways. This percussive pattern allows for deep
deposition of medications while internally percussing the airways to help create an environment conducive to
improved upward mobilization of secretions. The mini-bursts of air allow gas to move beyond areas of increased
airway resistance, retained secretions and mucous plugs.
The treatments are administered through a mouthpiece or a trach adapter. They last anywhere from 15-20 minutes.
The setting and number of treatments will vary from patient to patient and must be established by a doctor or
respiratory therapist. My son has done well with two 15 minutes treatments a day. We have seen his secretions
drastically diminish and substantial improvement in a persistent left lower lobe atelectasis. [Editor's note: atelectasis
is complete or partial collapse of the lung.]
Though these treatments have shown much promise in individuals with neuromuscular disease, especially those with
atelectasis, further studies are warranted to evaluate why some people respond and some don't . For further
information, you may wish to contact the manufacturer at:
Glengary Bay Rd.
P.O. Box 817
Sandpoint ID 83864
Phone: (208) 263-2549
Fax: (208) 263-0577
As more physicians and clinicians become aware of it wide-spread application to different groups, more will be written
up in medical journals. The following are publications that are available:
Pediatric Pulmonology, cases include muscular dystrophy and SMA, April 1996
Respiratory Care, as case study abstract on two adults, Fall 1996
There, I just couldn't keep it a secret any longer! And I'm glad I didn't....