The Slaves You don*t see - PRICELESS

The Slaves You Don’t See…
The beginning of the campaign that’s
going to try to change America.
What are forms of prostitution?
-Street prostitution, is the lowest paid and most dangerous form
of prostitution; street prostitutes are often drug addicts and are
commonly subjected to violence by both their pimps and
-Prostitution occurs in some massage parlors, in Asian countries,
in some barber shops and where sexual services may be offered
for an additional tip.
-Brothels are establishments specifically dedicated to
prostitution, often confined to special red light districts in big
cities. Other names for brothels include bordello, cathouse, etc.
What are forms of prostitution?
• In escort prostitution, the customer calls an agency and the
act takes place at the customer's place of residence or
hotel rooms.
• Prostitution also takes place in the prostitute's apartment,
and in many countries this is the only legal form of
prostitution. A hybrid between brothel and apartment
prostitution is when female prostitutes rent tiny one-room
apartments in red light districts and solicit customers from
behind windows.
• In Japan, it is not uncommon for middle-class schoolgirls to
prostitute themselves, often via "phone clubs" that allow
them to anonymously establish contact first by phone.
Are you sure America?
• 244,000 American children are estimated to be at
risk of child sexual exploitation (Richard Estes, 2000)
• 14,500 to 17,500 foreign nationals are trafficked into
the United States for sexual prostitution every year.
(Polaris Project, 2009)
• 559 potential prostitution victims discovered in
California from December 1, 2005- March 12, 2007.
(Human Trafficking in CA final report)
What we are trying to do
• “Priceless” is an informational campaign
dedicated towards showing Americans that our
country is not as perfect as we would like it to be.
• “Priceless” is a campaign dedicated to educating
Americans about the sex trafficking industry,
prostitution, and trade. This campaign was
started by Maggie Munn, a high school freshman
from Carlsbad, California who gathered a couple
of friends together and decided to make a
What we are trying to do
What we are trying to do
• This campaign’s passion is about getting the
word out that the sex trafficking trade is
functioning all around us. The picture just
seen was taken in Mexico. People are being
bought, sold, and paid for sexual favors right
under our noses, literally, and it’s disgusting.
• Some may say, why are all these teenagers doing
this when they should be focusing on school and
other things? Well, we have a passion and we
want to live that passion. You could turn the
question around and ask: Why are the thousands
of teenagers trapped in the sex trafficking
business not focusing on school?
• The reason why we are doing this campaign is to
give those teenagers and all the others a voice.
She has been sold into the brothels of
Turkey. Our cameras were there…
• For more on why we are doing this, look at the
picture above.
• We were inspired by Margret Mead’s quote:
“Never depend upon institutions or government
to solve any problem. All social movements are
founded by, guided by, motivated and seen
through by the passion of individuals. "
That is why we are doing this, not so it looks good
on a college application, but because we care and
we want to make a difference.
You can help!
What you can do in your community:
• Spread the word and spread awareness! The
greatest super power of a human being is the
power to speak. Tell your friends and family
about things you’ve learned and tell others to
visit our website:
• Call us or write to us asking questions or make
a request for more brochures such as this one
to give to your local bookstore or coffee shop!
You can help!
• Write to your local newspaper and ask them to
publicize the plight of these unfortunates who are
caught within the jaws of the sex trade and
• Support your local heath clinics and schools
regarding sexual education.
• Just communicate with people! The fastest way
to pass information is to talk!
Help us educate America!
If you want more…
• You can go to our website at:
or email us with your questions and comments at: