Alliance Cindy and Bill Simon Technology Academy Digital Agenda

Alliance Cindy and Bill Simon Technology Academy
Digital Agenda- Week 24
Dates: February 4 – 8
Miss Holly Forsyth
2/4 – 2/5
Do Now: Exit Slip Error Analysis, Use Pythagorean identity for a 210 angle.
Standard(s): 18.0: Students know the definitions of the basic trigonometric functions defined by the angles of a right triangle. They also know and are able to
use elementary relationships between them. For example, tan(x) = sin(x)/cos(x), (sin(x))² + (cos(x))² = 1
Learning Objective (s):
Given an inquiry activity and PowerPoint, students will
 Use the tangent identity and the Pythagorean identity to solve trigonometric equations.
by solving the four questions exit slip with a 75% or better within the 55 minute period.
Assessment: Students will complete an exit slip with a writing component
Whole Group
Inquiry: Extending the Unit Circle and special right triangles (see
PowerPoint- February 4 – 5)
Materials: Smart board, notebook, pencils, calculators
Independent / Computer Assisted Activity
Go to File Cabinet Week 24
Click on “Unit 7 Test Review”
Complete the Test Review in your notebook.
Refer to Khan Academy for any topic you need more review on.
Direct Instruction
Problem Solving with Trigonometry
Materials: Smart board, notebook, pencils, calculators
Memory activity:
In your collaborative group, get a piece of white paper, and follow the instructions
given to create an 8-page book. On each page, refer the word wall to write a word,
its definition, and draw a picture. Use this book for flashcards to quiz each other on
the main terms from the unit.
Materials: Word wall, white paper
Miss Forsyth
Do Now: Review problems from the unit
Standard(s): 18.0: Students know the definitions of the basic trigonometric functions defined by the angles of a right triangle. They also know and are able to
use elementary relationships between them. For example, tan(x) = sin(x)/cos(x), (sin(x))² + (cos(x))² = 1
19.0: Students use trigonometric functions to solve for an unknown length of a side of a right triangle, given an angle and a length of a side.
Learning Objective (s):
Given a review over unit 7: Right Triangle Trigonometry, students will
 Demonstrate preparedness for the unit test
by completing the test review with a 75% or better within the 50-minute period.
Assessment: Test Review Sheet
Whole Group
Independent / Computer Assisted Activity
Note-taking: Trigonometry Review
Materials: notebook, pencil, SMART board, review sheets
Direct Instruction
Miss Forsyth
2/7 – 2/8
Do Now: Talk with partner to have a question ready for the pre-test Q&A
Standard(s): 7.0: Students prove and use theorems involving the properties of parallel lines cut by a transversal, the properties of quadrilaterals, and the
properties of circles.
Learning Objective (s):
Given a unit test on trigonometry and an introduction to circles after the unit test, students will
 Show mastery of standards 3.0, 18.0 and 19.0
 Explain the parts of a circle
by completing unit test with a 75% or better within the 2 hour block.
Assessment: Students will complete a unit assessment.
Whole Group
Note taking: Intro to Circles
Independent / Computer Assisted Activity
Unit 7 Test
Direct Instruction