Anti-Smoking Campaign

Anti-Smoking Campaign 23126Z
Table of Contents
Declaration ...................................................................................................................... 2
Acknowledgement ........................................................................................................... 3
Memorandums 1st Meeting Executive Committee of Anti-Smoking Campaign ............... 4
Memorandums 2nd Meeting Executive Committee of Anti-Smoking Campaign ............... 5
1st Minutes of Meeting Anti-Smoking Campaign.............................................................. 6
2nd Minutes of Meeting Anti-Smoking Campaign ............................................................. 9
Project Proposal for Anti-Smoking Campaign ............................................................... 11
1. Introduction.......................................................................................................... 12
2. Statement of problems ........................................................................................ 12
3. Objective ............................................................................................................. 12
4. Action Plan .......................................................................................................... 13
5. Resources ........................................................................................................... 15
6. Financial Estimation ............................................................................................ 16
7. Conclusion........................................................................................................... 16
The important of good transferable skills and communication to a wide audience ........ 17
Communication Skills ....................................................................................... 17
Leadership Skills .............................................................................................. 17
Research and Planning Skills........................................................................... 18
Group Dynamics ........................................................................................................... 19
Learning Style ............................................................................................................... 20
Sample Questionnaire ............................................................................................... 20
Learning style adaptation in completing task ............................................................. 27
Roles and contribution in group ..................................................................................... 28
Questionnaire ................................................................................................................ 29
Interview question set.................................................................................................... 32
Questionnaire report...................................................................................................... 33
Transferable skill. .......................................................................................................... 41
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I hereby declare that the work in this report is my own except for quotations and
Summaries which have been duly acknowledged.
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In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Alhamdulillah, all praise to God for
His strength and grace in complete this assignment. Special appreciation goes to my
lecturer, Madam Nini Aniza Zakaria, for her supervision and constant support. Her
invaluable help of constructive comments and suggestions throughout the period of
doing this assignment. Sincere thanks to my entire friend and my family and last but not
least, to those who indirectly contributed in this assignment, your kindness means a lot
to me. Thank you very much.
1st September 2013.
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Memorandums 1st Meeting Executive Committee of Anti-Smoking Campaign
Mara Professional College Beranang Anti-Smoking Campaign Committee
The First Executive Committee Meeting of the KPMB Anti-Smoking Committee will be
29 July 2013 at 3 p.m. in the Meranti Room Mara Professional College Beranang.
Siti Balqis Binti Othman
27 July 2013
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Memorandums 2nd Meeting Executive Committee of Anti-Smoking Campaign
Mara Professional College Beranang Anti-Smoking Campaign Committee
The Second Executive Committee Meeting of the KPMB Anti-Smoking Committee will
be 19 August 2013 at 3 p.m. in the Meranti Room Mara Professional College Beranang.
Siti Balqis Binti Othman
27 July 2013
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1st Minutes of Meeting Anti-Smoking Campaign
Mara Professional College Beranang Anti-Smoking Campaign Committee
Minutes of The First Executive Committee Meeting of the Mara Professional College
Beranang held on Monday, 27 July 2013 at 3 p.m. in the Meranti Room, Mara
Professional College Beranang.
Muhammad Nur Bin Omar
- Chairman
Siti Balqis Binti Othman
- Secretary
Nik Nadhrah Binti Nik Badrul Ehsan
Nurul Farahana Najwa Binti Rafizi
Zatty Umirah Binti Misbah
Sarifah Nurhafizah Nasihah Binti Ibnu Hajar
1. Chairman’s Address.
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 3.10 p.m. and welcomed all the
2. Apologies for Absence
There were no apologies for absence.
3. Minutes of Last Meeting
There were no minutes of last meeting.
4. Matters Arising Out of the Minutes.
There were no matters arising.
5. Special Business
a. Brochures Distributers.
The chairman informed the meeting that the Anti-Smoking Campaign would
be held on September. Miss Nik Nadhrah proposed, seconded by Siti Balqis,
that the Anti-Smoking Campaign brochure should be distributed on 2 nd
September until 3rd September 2013. Her proposal was put to a vote and
carried unanimously.
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b. Launching Day.
The Chairman informed the meeting that the Anti-Smoking Campaign would
be held on 5th September 2013. Miss Nurul Farahana Najwa proposed,
seconded by Miss Sarifah Nurhafizah Nasihah that the Launching Day of
Anti-Smoking Campaign be held in the Seri Gema Hall of Mara Professional
College Beranang. Her proposal was put to a vote and carried unanimously.
c. Health Exhibition.
The Chairman informed the meeting that there will be Health Exhibition would
be held on 6th September 2013. Miss Zatty Umirah proposed, seconded by
Miss Nik Nadhrah that the Health Exhibition be held in the Seri Gema Hall of
Mara Professional College Beranang. Her proposal was put to a vote and
carried unanimously.
d. Poster Competition.
The Chairman informed the meeting that there will be poster competition for
the Anti-Smoking Campaign. Miss Siti Balqis proposed, seconded by Miss
Nurul Farahana Najwa that the poster competition should be started on 5 th
September 2013 and end on 11th September 2013. . Her proposal was put to
a vote and carried unanimously.
e. Talk Show.
The Chairman informed the meeting that there will be talk show for the AntiSmoking Campaign. Miss Sarifah Nurhafizah Nasihah proposed, seconded
by Miss Nik Nadhrah that the talk show should be held on 9 th September
2013 at 9 p.m. until 11 p.m. in Seri Gema Hall of Mara Professional College
Beranang. Her proposal was put to a vote and carried unanimously.
f. No Smoking Day.
The Chairman informed the meeting that there will be No Smoking Day for the
Anti-Smoking Campaign. Mister Muhammad Nur proposed, seconded by
Miss Zatty Umirah that the No Smoking Day should be started on 10TH
September 2013 and end on 11th September 2013. . Her proposal was put to
a vote and carried unanimously.
6. Any Other Business.
There were no any other business arising.
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7. Date, Time And Place Or Next Meeting
It was decided that the next meeting would be held on 19 th August 2013 at 3 p.m.
in Meranti Room of Mara Professional College Beranang.
8. Close
The Chairman thanked all the members for their participation during the meeting
and closed the meeting at 5 p.m.
Confirmed by
Recorded By
Muhammad Nur Bin Omar
Siti Balqis Binti Othman
30th July 2013
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2nd Minutes of Meeting Anti-Smoking Campaign
Mara Professional College Beranang Anti-Smoking Campaign Committee
Minutes of The Second Executive Committee Meeting of the Mara Professional College
Beranang held on Monday, 19th August 2013 at 3 p.m. in the Meranti Room, Mara
Professional College Beranang.
7. Muhammad Nur Bin Omar
- Chairman
8. Siti Balqis Binti Othman
- Secretary
9. Nik Nadhrah Binti Nik Badrul Ehsan
10. Nurul Farahana Najwa Binti Rafizi
11. Zatty Umirah Binti Misbah
12. Sarifah Nurhafizah Nasihah Binti Ibnu Hajar
9. Chairman’s Address.
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 3.10 p.m. and welcomed all the
10. Apologies for Absence
There were no apologies for absence.
11. Minutes of Last Meeting
The minutes of last meeting were accepted as an accurate record and signed by
the chairman.
12. Matters Arising Out of the Minutes.
There were no matters arising.
13. Special Business
a. Budget for Anti-Smoking Campaign
The treasurer Miss Nik Nadhrah informed the meeting that the budget for the
Anti-Smoking Campaign activities has been calculated and is attached as an
appendix for review. Miss Nik Nadhrah proposed to the members of the
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executive committee to search for sponsor regarding to the budget that has
been calculated. Her proposal was put to a vote and carried unanimously.
14. Any Other Business.
There were no any other business arising.
15. Date, Time And Place Or Next Meeting
It was decided that the next meeting would be held on 17th September 2013 at 3
p.m. in Meranti Room of Mara Professional College Beranang.
16. Close
The Chairman thanked all the members for their participation during the meeting
and closed the meeting at 5 p.m.
Confirmed by
Recorded By
Muhammad Nur Bin Omar
Siti Balqis Binti Othman
20th August 2013
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Project Proposal for Anti-Smoking Campaign
Mara Professional College Beranang
Anti-Smoking Campaign Proposal
Executive Member Committee:
Muhammad Nur Bin Omar
Siti Balqis Binti Othman
Nik Nadhrah Binti Nik Badrul Ehsan
Nurul Farahana Najwa Binti Rafizi
Sarifah Nurhafizah Nasihah Binti Ibnu Hajar
Zatty Umirah Binti Misbah
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1. Introduction
It is common knowledge that smoking is a major cause of much preventable morbidity
and mortality, which provides a worldwide challenge for the public health caused a
special community, has been created to overcome the problem of heavy smokers
among students at Mara Professional College Beranang. This community established
on the basis of concern for the students to be able to overcome the symptoms of
The number of smoker among the student increased each and every day. The students
become a smoker or turn to be heavy smoker because of their environment, smoking as
a stress relief and personal problem. Each and every day there were many complaint
about students come to class with smell of cigarettes or there were many cigarettes butt
in toilet as for the student smoke in the toilet. The odor from smokers causes discomfort
to people around him.
In order to prevent the increased number of smoker among the students, The AntiSmoking Campaign will hold for one week at Mara Professional College Beranang. A lot
of activities were been plan for the students to creates awareness among the students.
2. Statement of problems
1. Smoking is a threat to student’s health
2. Smokers increased among students.
3. Cigarette smoke from smokers causes discomfort to people around them.
3. Objective
1. Reduce health risk linked to smoking.
2. Reduce amount of smokers among students.
3. Create more comfortable environment free from cigarette smoke.
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4. Action Plan
No Name of the Description
1st and 2nd
29th July 2013
-The purpose of the 1 meeting to
2 days
discuss objective and activity that will And
be carried out during the Anti-Smoking
Campaign week.
-The purpose of 2nd meeting is to
discuss the budget for the AntiSmoking Campaign.
3rd 2 Days
-The brochures for the campaign will September
be distributed starting from 2nd 2013
September 2013 until 3rd September
2013 among Mara Professional
College Beranang students.
-There will be banner and sign board
for the campaign at the Mara
Professional College Beranang front
5th September 1
-The launching of Anti-Smoking 2013
Campaign will be held on 5
September 2013 in Seri Gema Hall of
Mara Professional College Beranang.
-The director of Mara Professional
College Beranang Dr. Mohd Yatim Bin
Nawai will officiate the launching
ceremony by give out speech about
the danger of smoking.
-All students are required to attend the
launching ceremony.
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-The health exhibition will be held in 6th
7th 2 Days
the Seri Gema Hall of Mara September
Professional College Beranang.
-The exhibition will be conduct by
ministry of health.
-The exhibition will display the affect of
smoking and the disease caused by
-Poster competition will be held for 1 5th
11th 1 week
week starting 5 September 2013 until September
11th September 2013.
-The theme will be about the effect
from smoking.
Talk Show
- There will be 3 winners selected in
this competition.
-The talks show will be held on 9th 9th September 9 p.m. –
September 2013 at Seri Gema Hall of 2013
11 p.m.
Mara Professional College Beranang.
-Dr. Maza from ministry of health will
be the speaker for this talk show.
-All students are required to attend this
talk show.
-“No Smoking Days Challenges” or 10th – 11th 2 Days
sports day will be held starting from September
10th until 11th September 2013 at Mara 2013
Professional College Beranang.
and Closing
-There will be volleyball, futsal, and
netball tournament on the sports days.
-The will be 3 winner selected in each
-The closing ceremony will be officiate
by Dr. Mohd Yatim Bin Nawai in Seri
Gema Hall of Mara Professional
College Beranang by giving up all the
prizes to all the winners.
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5. Resources
1. Brochures Distribution.
Person in charge: Nik Nadhrah Binti Nik Badrul Ehsan
2. Launching Day
Person in charge: Nurul Farahana Najwa Binti Rafizi
3. Health Exhibition
Person in charge: Zatty Umirah Binti Misbah
4. Poster Competition
Person in charge: Siti Balqis Binti Othman
5. Talk Show
Person in charge: Sarifah Nurhafizah Nasihah Binti Ibnu Hajar
6. “No Smoking Days Challenge” and Closing Day
Person in charge: Muhammad Nur Bin Omar
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6. Financial Estimation
Total Price
RM 0.60
RM 300.00
Manila Card
RM 0.50
RM 5.00
RM 1.50
RM 4.50
RM 6.00
RM 6.00
RM 2.00
RM 10.00
Talk Show
RM 350.00
RM 350.00
RM 5.00
RM 1250.00
Prizes (Hampers)
RM 50.00
RM 1000.00
Consolation (Plaque)
RM 20.00
RM 80.00
RM 3005.50
7. Conclusion
As the conclusion with the Anti-Smoking Campaign week, the number of smokers
among the Mara Professional College Beranang students will decrease. Anti-Smoking
Campaign executive committee hope that with all the activities that has been carried out
can make the students realize the bad effect of smoking and they will try quit smoking
for the sake of them self.
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The important of good transferable skills and communication to a wide
It is important to have good transferable skills as for we need to give out information to
the audience as for the communication is one of the ways to give out information.
A. Communication Skills
Communication skill is one of the good ways of transferable skills exchange,
transmission and expression of knowledge and ideas. Since most of the information can
be transfer easier through communication as for the information can be understand by
the audience. The audiences tend to listen to an easy and clear speech because it is
more easily understood rather than hard and mumble speech.
Example of communication skills based on the situation is to give out speech or talk for
the Anti-Smoking Campaign among the students to make them understand what the
campaign objective is. Good communication skills can easily attract the student to
participate in the campaign.
B. Leadership Skills
Direct and guide a group in completing tasks and attaining goals. People with
leadership skills tend to be more productive at work. Leadership requires people leading
by making decision for the whole team and also solving problem. Leader of a team can
cause the whole to be successful or not is based on his leadership skills.
Example of leaderships skills based on the situation given is, Anti-Smoking Campaign
project is successful or not depends on Muhammad Nur Bin Omar leadership skills. If
he manages to lead his team to make this project success then he has the leadership
skills as he can conduct the team to create a successful event.
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C. Research and Planning Skills.
Research and planning skills is for searching specific knowledge. The first thing to do is
to set the goals and after that begin the searching and analyzing the data and ideas.
Regarding to the information collected by doing researching, people needs to plan the
action needed to complete the task given.
Example research and planning skills based on the situation given in. executive
committee need to do some research about the population smoker among the Mara
Professional College Beranang students by doing questionnaire and interview so that
they can make plan about suitable activities to be conducted during the Anti-Smoking
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Group Dynamics
According to Wikipedia ( group dynamics
refers to a system of behaviors and psychological processes occurring within a social
group (intergroup dynamics), or between social groups (intergroup dynamics). Study
shows group dynamics can be useful in understanding the behavior of the decisionmaking process, track the spread of disease in the community, creating an effective
therapy techniques, and the emergence and popularity of new ideas and technologies
The initiator in my group is Muhammad Nur Bin Omar because he is the leader of this
project, initiator mean give direction and purpose to the group members. Basically all
members of my group is information seeker and giver, everyone give their own fact
finding when we had meeting.
There are also members that being an elaborators that is giving example on how the
activity going to be handle and also how the task going to work out. Some of the
members are being listener or follower because they just accepting ideas of others and
just going along with the group members.
I have been so lucky because none of my group members has challenging behavior
such as dominator, destructive or not helpful. Everybody does their own task perfectly.
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Learning Style
Sample Questionnaire
This is example learning style questionnaire from
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Learning style adaptation in completing task
Learning styles are simply different approaches or ways of learning and everybody has
their own learning style so do I. Knowing and understanding my learning style helps me
to learn more effectively.
Being combination of visual and kinesthetic usually when in the middle of learning
process usually I pay attention to something that moving around like video rather than
listening all along the learning process or tapping my feet. I also like doing presentation
rather than just sit down and listen to learning materials.
So when I get this assignment, I became excited because I knew this assignment
involve with many movement and speaking. This assignment has assign me to do
questionnaire and interview people which is I like to do it. I has distributes 50 copies of
questionnaire among students of Mara Professional College Beranang and I also has
interviewed 5 anonymous students of Mara Professional College Beranang.
I also has chance to do meeting with my group member, during the meeting we all get
chance to give ideas and suggestion. By doing the meeting I can get chance to speak
and express my idea to my group members.
By adapting my learning style, I am able to complete my task by adapting my interest in
learning style.
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Roles and contribution in group
There are 6 people in my group including myself. I took part as a participator. In my
group I work as a treasurer. Being treasurer in this executive committee is a great
honor, and a great responsibility. The treasurer has to explain the financial implications
of the proposal, verify the legal requirements or equipment’s, outlines the current
financial status, and retrieves relevant documentation about the Anti-Smoking
Generally as treasurer I have to oversee and present budgets and financial statements
to the executive committee members . I also have to give advises on financial
implications of strategic and operational plans for the Anti-Smoking Campaign. As
treasurer I have to set up appropriate systems for book-keeping, payments, and petty
cash to ensure that all cash flow for this campaign is in orderly.
Other than being treasurer, I also working on brochures distribution as person in charge.
I have to make sure that all 500 copies are being distributes within 2 days of duration.
Before the brochures were distributed, I have to make the design and make reservation
to selected shop. I also have to ensure that the shop manage to finishes all the 500
copies before 2nd September 2013 because on 2nd September 2013 which is the day of
brochures distribution.
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Do you smoke?
If Yes, Why do you smoke?
Peer influence.
Stress Relief
Try to look cool.
If NO, have you ever smoked in the past?
Do you know the effect of smoking?
(FOR SMOKER) is Smoking really addictive?
Do you know the existence of electronic cigarettes?
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Do you think electronic cigarette is save?
Do you know smoke from cigarette can affect second-hand smokers?
(FOR SMOKER) Have you ever tried quit smoking?
Do you think smoker can ever success quit smoking if they try?
Do you know it takes about 2 months for your body system to be cleared from
nicotine after completely quit smoking?
Why do you think it difficult for smoker to stop smoking?
They never try to stop.
They can’t resist cigarette from others when they got offer.
It is in their routine.
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(FOR SMOKER) what have you done to protect people from the danger of
Smoke in smoking area.
Go to other place if are too many people around you.
I’m not going to smoke in open area.
(FOR NON-SMOKER) what have you done to protect people from the danger of
Tell them about the danger of smoking.
Try to convince them to stop smoking.
Ask the smoker to smoke at the other place.
Do you think generally the Anti-Smoking Campaign can be successful and give
good impact to the smoker?
I don’t think so.
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Interview question set
1. Do you smoke? If so do you remember why you started smoking, or is there any
reason you continue to smoke? If not, is there any reason as to why you have not
started smoking or why you no longer continue to smoke?
2. Do any of your close friends or immediate family smoke? If so, how do you feel
about their smoking habits? If not, do you know their opinions regarding smoking
or underage smoking?
3. What triggers you to want a cigarette and how often do you smoke? Do you
mostly smoke alone or socially? Why?
4. Are you able to smoke at home? Are your parents/guardians aware you smoke?
If not how does this affect your smoking schedule?
5. How do you feel about your peers or somebody younger than you smoking? How
does smoking affect your opinions of other people you know and why?
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Questionnaire report
This is the report based on the collected questionnaire that has been distributed among
50 student of Mara Professional College Beranang.
1.Do you Smoke?
2. If Yes, why do you smoke?
Stress relief
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3. If NO, Have you ever smoke in the past?
4. Do you know the effect of smoking?
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5. (FOR SMOKER) is Smoking really addictive?
6. Do you know the existence of electronic
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7. Do you think electronic cigarette is save?
8.Do you know smoke from cigarette can
affect second-hand smokers?
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9.(FOR SMOKER) Have you ever tried quit
10.Do you think smoker can ever success quit
smoking if they try?
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11.Do you know it takes about 2 months for
your body system to be cleared from nicotine
after completely quit smoking?
12.Why do you think it difficult for smoker to
stop smoking?
It is in their routine.
They can’t resist cigarette from others when they
got offer.
They never try to stop.
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I’m not going to smoke in open area.
Go to other place if are too many people around
Smoke in smoking area
13. (FOR SMOKER) what have you done to protect people from the danger of smoking?
14.(FOR NON-SMOKER) what have you done to
protect people from the danger of smoking?
Ask the smoker to smoke at the other place.
Try to convince them to stop smoking.
Tell them about the danger of smoking
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15.Do you think generally the Anti-Smoking
Campaign can be successful and give good impact
to the smoker?
I Don't Think so
Based on the questionnaire answer by students, most of the correspondent is smoker.
Most of them aware about the danger of smoking. For smoker agree that smoking is
addition for them. The existence of electronic cigarettes is also known but most of the
correspondent but they think that electronic cigarette are save. Most of the
correspondent agrees that if the smoker tries to quit smoking they can success. Most of
the smoker prefer to go to other place if they want to smoke when somebody around.
As for the non-smoker they choose to convince the smoker to stop smoking.
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Transferable skill.
The transferable skills that possess me include interpersonal communication skills,
personal development skills and leadership skills. During the process of completing this
assignment, I’m applying all my transferable skill to make sure that I complete my task. I
Interpersonal communication skills are the Basic skills that I use during doing my task.
Usually I teach , train and supervise others using easy to understand language and
concepts to make sure that they were on the right lane to work things out. I also express
ideas and thoughts based on facts that I get by doing research.
I’m using my personal development skills by analyzing life experience on dealing with
other people such as correspondent of the questionnaire. I’m also try to learn the value
of hard work with tenacity to ensure that my work is meet the standards that has been
set. Working in group also makes me to identify, values strength and weakness every
group member so that I know how to make deal with them.
Lastly but not least leadership skills, I admit that I’m not the project leader for my group,
but I have to be leader in every cash flow because I’m a treasurer for my group. I have
to be decisive to make sure the money is being use for the project only not for personal
interest. I also need to handle multiple demands from committee members of time,
energy and sources.
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1. Top 9 Transferable skills(2010) D. Donna Retrieved October 23 rd, 2010 from
2. Roles people Play in Group (2011) Retrieved March 24th, 2011 from
3. Group Dynamic (2013) Retrieved August 13th 2013 from
4. Learning Styles (2009) Retrieved November 12th 2009 from
5. The VARK Questionnaire from
6. Learning Style Questionnaire University Warwick from
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Interview Script
Interview 1
Question 1 :
Do you smoke? If so do you remember
why you started smoking, or is there any
reason you continue to smoke? If not, is
there any reason as to why you have not
started smoking or why you no longer
continue to smoke?
Yes. Because of influence of friends and
addictive to cigarette.
Question 2 :
Do any of your close friends or immediate
family smoke? If so, how do you feel about
their smoking habits? If not, do you know
their opinions regarding smoking or
underage smoking?
Question 3 :
What triggers you to want a cigarette and
how often do you smoke? Do you mostly
smoke alone or socially? Why?
Yes. My father is a smoker but my father is
a rigid smoker. He did not take too many
cigarettes per day.
Question 4 :
Are you able to smoke at home? Are your
parents/guardians aware you smoke? If
not how does this affect your smoking
I'm not able to smoke at home and my
parents did not know that I’m a smoker.
This thing can't affect my smoking
schedule because I'm not a heavy smoker.
Question 5 :
How do you feel about your peers or
somebody younger than you smoking?
How does smoking affect your opinions of
other people you know and why?
I feel bad because I can't advise them from
stop smoking. In my opinion, I don’t care
about my friend being smoker because it’s
their own choice.
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Because of stress and around 1-3
cigarettes per day. I smoke alone but
sometimes with friend because I enjoy
smoking with them
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Interview 2
Question 1 :
Do you smoke? If so do you remember
why you started smoking, or is there any
reason you continue to smoke? If not, is
there any reason as to why you have not
started smoking or why you no longer
continue to smoke?
Yes. Its comes from peers influence.
Question 2 :
Do any of your close friends or immediate
family smoke? If so, how do you feel about
their smoking habits? If not, do you know
their opinions regarding smoking or
underage smoking?
Question 3 :
What triggers you to want a cigarette and
how often do you smoke? Do you mostly
smoke alone or socially? Why?
Yes there is. Most of them are heavy
Question 4 :
Are you able to smoke at home? Are your
parents/guardians aware you smoke? If
not how does this affect your smoking
Yes I can smoke at home, both my parents
know that I’m smoker. Even if they don’t
know , it doesn’t affect my smoking
Question 5 :
How do you feel about your peers or
somebody younger than you smoking?
How does smoking affect your opinions of
other people you know and why?
Even though I’m a smoker, I don’t like
underage smoker . My opinion is I don’t
care , everybody has their own choice.
Personal Skills Development
Because I’m addicted to it . Usually around
4 – 6 cigarettes daily. Usually I smoke
alone because I don’t like smoke in
crowded area.
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Anti-Smoking Campaign 23126Z
Interview 3
Question 1 :
Do you smoke? If so do you remember
why you started smoking, or is there any
reason you continue to smoke? If not, is
there any reason as to why you have not
started smoking or why you no longer
continue to smoke?
Question 2 :
Do any of your close friends or immediate
family smoke? If so, how do you feel about
their smoking habits? If not, do you know
their opinions regarding smoking or
underage smoking?
Question 3 :
What triggers you to want a cigarette and
how often do you smoke? Do you mostly
smoke alone or socially? Why?
Question 4 :
Are you able to smoke at home? Are your
parents/guardians aware you smoke? If
not how does this affect your smoking
Question 5 :
How do you feel about your peers or
somebody younger than you smoking?
How does smoking affect your opinions of
other people you know and why?
Personal Skills Development
Yes. Firstly, i start smoking because of
friends around me. And i continue smoking
because i find that smoking can release
tension during study or work. Of course
there still have other way to release the
tension but not as easy as smoking to me.
Yes i do have family members and close
friends who smoke. Smoking habits is
depend on the person itself. As example
like my friends. I have a friend who is
social & heavy smoker. Anyway me myself
not really like an underage smoker,
especially the person who still in school.
Actually I smoke when i feel bored or tired
and after i have a meal of course. And I
can do both alone and socially.
They are aware that I'm smoking but i
won't smoke when they around because
for me it’s disrespectful. Actually I'm a
social smoker, so it doesn't give too much
effects on my smoking schedule because
I'm just smoke when i want and i still can
do my work or get around my parent
without having a feeling to smoking.
It’s ok for me because smoking isn't bad
as do drug or drinking right? Anyway i just
don't like the people who put smoking first
but other thing later.
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Anti-Smoking Campaign 23126Z
Interview 4
Question 1 :
Do you smoke? If so do you remember
why you started smoking, or is there any
reason you continue to smoke? If not, is
there any reason as to why you have not
started smoking or why you no longer
continue to smoke?
Question 2 :
Do any of your close friends or immediate
family smoke? If so, how do you feel about
their smoking habits? If not, do you know
their opinions regarding smoking or
underage smoking?
Question 3 :
What triggers you to want a cigarette and
how often do you smoke? Do you mostly
smoke alone or socially? Why?
Question 4 :
Are you able to smoke at home? Are your
parents/guardians aware you smoke? If
not how does this affect your smoking
Question 5 :
How do you feel about your peers or
somebody younger than you smoking?
How does smoking affect your opinions of
other people you know and why?
Yes, I’m a smoker. I become smoker since
form 1. I’m becoming a smoker because of
my dad. It’s hard to stop.
yes .smoking habits ?? same with the
others smoker.
according to my feelings if i'm depressed
or stress it triggers my will to smoke .half
pack per day sometimes alone ,
sometimes with others
Yes, my parent knows that I’m a smoker.
well , depends on how my friends smoke .
if he/she smoke would effect his/her
money . it feels wrong . well , everybody
has their own reason why they start
smoking , but for person that below age
it so not good.
Personal Skills Development
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Anti-Smoking Campaign 23126Z
Interview 5
Question 1 :
Do you smoke? If so do you remember
why you started smoking, or is there any
reason you continue to smoke? If not, is
there any reason as to why you have not
started smoking or why you no longer
continue to smoke?
.Yes Started with eager to try something
new and from influence by friends. It’s
Question 2 :
Do any of your close friends or immediate
family smoke? If so, how do you feel about
their smoking habits? If not, do you know
their opinions regarding smoking or
underage smoking?
Question 3 :
What triggers you to want a cigarette and
how often do you smoke? Do you mostly
smoke alone or socially? Why?
yes, some of them are heavy smoker,
where they can can't survive a day without
smoking. haha
Question 4 :
Are you able to smoke at home? Are your
parents/guardians aware you smoke? If
not how does this affect your smoking
no. i don't smoke at home as most of my
family is not a smoker. and i do respect
them. for me it is rude to smoke in front of
your parents even they've already knew
about it. smoking schedule?? haha. i don't
have any smoking schedule . haha. but
when i at home and feel to smoke i will go
out and smoking at outside like at the
I don't bother. Haha Most people view
towards smoker is negative as it is
negative habit but for me it does not
represent that person full personality.
But..yeah,smoking would give negative
impression at first sight.
Question 5 :
How do you feel about your peers or
somebody younger than you smoking?
How does smoking affect your opinions of
other people you know and why?
usually after eating it is must for me to
smoking. sometime stressful is one of the
reason i need to smoking as i found that i
can calm me. haha.
Conclusion for the interview.
Most of the interviewee smoke because want to relief their stress. 2/5 interviewee
parent allow them to smoke at home without prevent them. They do not seems care
about people that they know being a smoker because for them it’s normal.
Personal Skills Development
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