
Minutes of AGM of Winchester CTC
Date: Wednesday 14th October 2015, 19.30 hrs.
Venue: Baptist Hall, Swan Lane, Winchester, SO23 7AA
Attendance: Sue Coles, Stephen Harrison, John Spiers (Chair), Phil Bensted (CTC
Councillor), Lynne Savin-Smith. Andy Key, Don Anderson, Bob West, Marian Speakman,
Kerstin Bonau, Rosie Gamble, Ian Douglas, Steve Cherry, Malcolm McKendry, Jeremy
Mortimer, Paul Montgomery, John Walker, Leon Kuzmicz, Graham Stanhope, Janet
Roberts, Martyn Wilson, Tobias Bauer, Caesar Slattery
Item 1 Apologies: Jocelyn Jones, Paul Byers, Julie Byers, Sue Reeves, David Griffiths,
Barrie Patten, Martin Humphry, Ian Cannons, Robin Williams, Peter Hawker, Tim
Stannard, Gary Spring
Before the start of the meeting, Stephen Harrison was presented with a Certificate of
Merit for services rendered to the club. Stephen has provided sterling service to
Winchester CTC for more than 30 years, seeing it develop from a sub-group within
Southampton DA, a section within South Hampshire DA and finally a separate member
Item 2: Minutes of AGM
The Minutes of the 2014 AGM had been posted on the website at
http://www.winchesterctc.org.uk/34-club-documents/25-rules-meeting-reports and were
circulated at the meeting. Acceptance was proposed and seconded and the minutes
were signed by the Chairman.
Matters arising from 2014 AGM
Following the last AGM, the committee had developed and agreed guidance for rides and
notes for leaders. These were available on the website at
http://www.winchesterctc.org.uk/riding-guidance-7 . They include guidance on the use
of flashing lights on group rides. It was agreed that the guidance was generally being
followed but that we needed to reinforce the message at regular intervals and make sure
that newcomers were aware of their existence.
There was a discussion on certain legal elements of the guidance, in particular those
relating to any decision by a leader to call off or not call off a ride because of inclement
weather. The Committee would have another look at this and check that the guidance
was appropriate and current.
Item 3 Annual Report
The annual report had been posted on the website (http://www.winchesterctc.org.uk/34club-documents/25-rules-meeting-reports and was circulated at the meeting. The
secretary drew attention to two items:
a) The challenging off-road rides had been discontinued because of lack of support.
It was hoped that it might be possible to offer some off-road rides in the future if
there was demand and someone was prepared to coordinate them.
b) Succession planning: several of the officers had been on the committee for many
years. It was time for other members to consider standing for office.
The Annual Report was approved.
Item 4 Treasurer’s Report
The accounts had been posted on the website (http://www.winchesterctc.org.uk/34club-documents/25-rules-meeting-reports and were circulated at the meeting. They had
been examined and approved by Robin Williams, the account examiner. The account
examiner had written the following:
“To whom it may concern:
Having examined the 2014/15 accounts of Winchester CTC, including samples of invoices, event returns, bank
statements and other records, I am satisfied that the account summary provides a fair reflection of the group’s
finances for the year ending 30th September 2015. I am also happy to confirm that, in my opinion, the
records and processes used are appropriate for an organisation of the size and nature of Winchester CTC. My
thanks to Rosie for setting out the information clearly and for patiently responding to my many queries
Robin Williams MA C.Eng, Dip AF 13th October 2015”
A minor change was made to the headings: instead of Subsidy for old jerseys and
Subsidy for new jerseys, it was changed to subsidy for 1st order and subsidy for 2nd
order. The Accounts were then approved.
Item 5 Motion proposed by the Committee
The following motion was put to members:
“The Committee of Winchester CTC recognises the value of its volunteer leaders and
wishes to give tangible form to this recognition by offering an incentive to leaders. The
Committee asks the AGM to endorse this principle and request the Committee to decide
how to implement it”.
Background: Winchester CTC volunteer leaders are one of our greatest assets. The
Committee wishes to provide additional support and encouragement to potential and
existing leaders in the form of mentoring and training. It also feels that leaders warrant
a tangible benefit.
Several suggestions were put forward such as a discount on club clothing, puncture
repair kit or first aid kit. It was agreed, however that any scheme should not give the
impression that leaders were expected to be on hand to give medical or technical
assistance to others as a matter of course. Another idea was a system of credits, e.g. a
point system for each ride led. Some concern was expressed that the provision of an
incentive might detract from the voluntary nature of the activity. The motion was passed
with 1 vote against and the rest in favour. The committee will now discuss the nature of
the incentive.
Item 6 Club Clothing
Two orders had been placed for club clothing with a subsidy provided from club funds. It
was agreed that the tops looked good and were an asset to the club. John Walker, the
current clothing officer, commented that in general the quality had been good but asked
members to let him know if members had had any problems with the clothing. There had
been a couple of instances of the material tending to ball up. A request to this effect
would also be included in the Newsletter
Item 7
Election of Officers
The following were elected as officers and committee for the year 2015-2016:
John Spiers Proposed: Sue Coles Seconded: Andy Key
Sue Coles
Proposed: Malcolm McKendry Seconded Don Anderson
Treasurer: Rosie Gamble Proposed: Leon Kuzmicz Seconded Paul Montgomery
Tim Stannard Proposed: Stephen Harrison Seconded Rosie Gamble
Ian Douglas Proposed: John Spiers Seconded Paul Montgomery
Registration: Marian Speakman Proposed: Sue Coles Seconded Ian Douglas
Clothing officer: John Walker Proposed: Malcolm McKendry Seconded Andy Key
Webmaster: Jeremy Mortimer Proposed: Paul Montgmery Andy Key
Robin Williams was appointed as Account Examiner
Ride coordinators for the various groups were also appointed.
Sunday/Wednesday moderate Stephen Harrison/Tobias Bauer
Sunday/Wednesday fast: Paul Montgomery
Tuesday: Martyn Wilson
Friday: Vacant. Post Meeting Note: Vicky Smith has agreed to be the Friday coordinator.
Easy Saturday: John Spiers and Debbie Chandler
Intermediate Saturday: Graham Stanhope
Family: Andy Key
The above are welcome at committee meetings as co-opted members.
Item 8 Activities for 2015/2016:
There was general agreement that we should build on what we had achieved on both
weekday and weekend rides. We still need more leaders for Tuesday, Friday and
Saturday rides.
Members discussed open events. It was suggested that the Winchester 150/75km might
benefit if it were earlier, i.e. late March. There was also a discussion on whether to
continue the Wintonmediate or possible combine it with another event in the autumn.
2016 would be the Triennial Veterans 100 mile event.
Item 9 AOB
Phil Benstead, a SE councillor updated members on national issues. Richard Bates, also a
SE councillor was unable to attend but had emailed some comments. The recent CTC
member conference had discussed a range of issues such as the different types of
cycling, health benefits and re-branding. The conference had 3 themes: Campaigns,
Groups/Individuals and Inclusivity. The issue of whether CTC is a membership-focussed
organisation or a charity-focussed organisation was also raised. It was suggested that
CTC groups should seek to offer more genuinely beginner rides or develop links with
those who do offer them, e.g. Breeze rides.
Sue Coles updated members on the ongoing issues relating to Junction 9 M3/A34
This concluded the meeting. Members continued chatting over refreshments.
 Annual Report 2014/2015
 Annual Accounts 2014/20145
Appendix 1
Annual Report - 2014/2015
Regular Rides:
Easy on-road ½ day ride (15-20 miles) twice a month on Saturdays
Easy on-road day ride (30-40 miles) once a month on Saturdays
Intermediate rides (50-60 miles) once a month on Saturdays and any 5th Saturday
Monthly Saturday afternoon family rides jointly with VCV
Weekly Sunday rides with full-day and half-day options and moderate and faster groups.
Friday morning easy ½ day ride once a month
Tuesday easy-paced rides once a month, either ½ day or full day
Wednesday evening rides from April to September with moderate and faster groups at 7
pm plus additional faster group at 6pm
Open events
Late Season 50 mile event October 2014*
Watership Down 105 km in January
Early Season 50 mile event in February from Fisher's Pond
Spring 75 km and 150 km in April from Springvale
Hungerford 200 km and 140 km Audax rides in June from Awbridge**
Wintonmediate 100 km from Winchester in June
Late Season 50 mile event from Alresford in September 2015
*The Late Season 50 mile for 2014 and 2015 both came within this financial year.
** Event run under the auspices of Winchester CTC for insurance purposes but we are not
involved in the organisation.
The Spring 75 and 150 km in April were new events and so were free. They did not attract
the expected numbers and we are reviewing the options for 2016.
The Wintonmediate 100 km in June may also benefit from being moved to a different
month. June is an extremely busy month, not just for cycling events.
Particular thanks to Clyde Ingram for organising the Late Season 50 mile and John Spiers
for organising the Wintonmediate. Also thanks to Don Anderson, Peter Fry and Bryce
Mansfield for checking route descriptions.
The annual Chase the Sun event), organised by Ollie Moore, is run under the umbrella of
Winchester CTC but we are not involved in the organisation.
Open events generally make a profit but that is not their primary aim. They are to provide
riders with a range of challenge events that complement our led rides.
Other Events
Christmas ride and social at the Gurkha Gallery, Peninsula Barracks, Winchester
Stand at the Winchester Cycle Fest
Ride, swim and barbecue to David’s in Chilbolton (thanks to David & Sally)
Riding Guidance and Support for Leaders
Following the 2014 AGM, the Committee set up a small sub-group to produce riding
guidance. The guidance was approved by the committee and then circulated to members
and accepted. It tackled issues such as the use of flashing lights on group rides and
general conduct on rides. The Guidance is on the website at
There is a Summary Document with the key principles plus more detailed guidance. There
is also a separate “Notes for Leaders and Back Markers”.
The Guidance was introduced in April 2015. The contents are generally being observed and
the committee feel that it has improved our rides. We do need, however, to draw attention
to them at regular intervals.
The Notes for leaders are intended partly as an aide-mémoire and also to provide support
for new leaders.
Support for leaders has been a common theme in Committee discussions and we are
looking to offer some form of mentoring/training and also a tangible recognition of the
value we place on leaders (see Committee Motion).
Leading rides does not have to be an onerous task and new leaders can expect help from
existing leaders if they want it. With Winchester CTC offering more rides, we need leaders
and backmarkers. Any increase in the number and types of rides depends upon adequate
leaders and backmarkers.
Riding Groups
Friday rides
Sue Reeves is standing down as coordinator for the Friday rides. We should like to thank
Sue for all her work in building up this group. Fortunately, Sue has agreed to continue
leading rides for us. The rides now attract 8 – 12 people, weather dependent. The
distance of these rides is limited to 15 – 20 miles and so the coffee stops are mainly
close to Winchester towards the end of the ride. Particular thanks to David Foster and
David Griffiths for being regular leaders, particularly as Sue was unable to lead for
several months because of family commitments and injury. With numbers now
increasing, we need a pool of regular Friday morning leaders.
Wednesday evening/Sunday moderate/fast rides
Wednesday evening rides remain our most popular rides with two groups, moderate and
faster. Where necessary, we informally split again on the day, particularly as we leave
Winchester. As a trial we also ran an extra faster ride at the earlier time of 6pm. This
attracted a core of 6 – 8 riders and so we will continue these rides for 2016.
To find out whether the current start time, format and pace of Wednesday evening rides
suited most riders, we conducted a survey. This confirmed that most riders are happy with
the current format. However, it also revealed that many riders would prefer the rides early
and late in the season to have a pub stop closer to or actually in Winchester. We will try
and implement that for 2016 but will continue to select pubs where riders can eat if they
The Sunday rides are also split into moderate and faster rides and attract good numbers.
As last year, most riders are looking for ½ day rides but we offer full day options where we
can. We have also continued the breakfast rides once a month starting at 7 am or 8 am.
They continue to attract good numbers.
Particular thanks to Stephen Harrison who puts together the Wednesday and Sunday
programme. This is major task, particularly in the summer months.
Family rides
Andy Key and Tim Salter continued to run the monthly family rides jointly with VC Venta
from April to September and they attracted good numbers. We need additional leaders
for these rides as although several leaders go out on the rides with their children, they
are looking after their own kids on that occasion and so we do need some additional
support on the day.
Saturday rides
The Saturday rides – Easy-paced and Intermediate-paced – continue to be popular. On
some of the easy-paced rides, a group of riders will split off from the main a group to do
an extra loop and meet the rest of the group at coffee or lunch. This allows us to offer an
additional longer, faster option whilst not compromising the easy-paced rides. We
generally have enough leaders for the Intermediate-paced rides but we need more leaders
for the easy-paced rides.
Thanks very much to John Spiers for coordinating these rides and also for leading many of
Tuesday rides
These rides are also proving popular and are now offered at an easy-paced to cater for
those who are turning up. They are either ½ day or full. They have been ably
coordinated and mostly led by Martyn Wilson. Here again we do need more leaders.
A thread running through this report is the need for additional leaders. The committee
has been discussing how we can provide additional support to leaders, new and existing.
We are looking at training/mentoring options and also whether we can recognise the
value we place on their efforts by offering a tangible recognition. See Committee Motion.
Off-road rides
Because of poor support, we regrettably had to discontinue the monthly challenging MTB
rides. We currently refer riders interested in in off-road rides to NewForce who have rides
in the Winchester area as well as the New Forest. There may be demand for a slightly
easier off-road ride and if anyone would like to be involved in setting up such a group,
please contact the Secretary.
Links with other CTC group
We maintain informal links with neighbouring CTC groups. Several riders enjoyed the
annual North Hampshire barbecue and our riders also take part in the rides and events
organised by Southampton CTC rides. We continue to run the Family Rides with VCV, the
local racing club.
Committee Meetings
Your committee met on 4 occasions during the year, with high attendance at each.
CTC Certificate of Merit – Stephen Harrison
A well-deserved CTC Certificate of Merit has been awarded to Stephen Harrison. As
many of you, Stephen has contributed an enormous amount to Winchester CTC right
from its creation more than 30 years ago. His certificate will be presented at the AGM.
Route Library
Andy Key and Jeremy Mortimer are developing a route library for the website. This will
help riders in general but will also help leaders with devising suitable routes when they
are leading a ride. We need more routes of any distance. If you have them as a gpx, so
much the better but we can accept routes in any form including print-form.
Club Clothing
We put in 2 orders for club clothing this year. It looks very smart and is a good advert for
the club. Gary Spring managed the design process and did the first order. He has now
handed over to John Walker who handled the 2nd order. Thanks to both of them. Generally
speaking, the quality is good but if any riders have had any problems with their clothing,
please contact John Walker
Ian Douglas has continued to submit our programme for the What’s On pages in the
Hampshire Chronicle. We now have a team of volunteers to help with the distribution of
the quarterly Events Programme which should give our programme wider distribution and
reduce the workload for those involved. Particular thanks to Ian and also Barrie Patten
who has been distributing our programme for many years.
Barrie is also standing down as one of our leaders and I should like to thank him for all the
support he has given, particularly to the Saturday rides, over many years.
The website continues to be our main form of communication and our Facebook and
Twitter presence is also incorporated into the website. We are gradually increasing the
number of photos on the rotating gallery on the front page and the events programme
now has a different photo each quarter showing some of our activities.
Google Group
Use of the Google Group has increased. It is mainly used by riders on the Saturday, Friday
and Tuesday rides to provide additional information on the rides.
As the Google Group is not used by all Winchester CTC members, the Newsletter remains
an important means of communication, particularly for drawing attention to news/event
postings on the website. The Newsletter goes out monthly with occasional Newsflashes in
between. We still need more photos and articles from members.
Events Programme
We continue to produce the quarterly programme in both print form and as a
downloadable pdf. With the increase in rides, space is limited particularly in the summer
months when we have the evening and Family rides as well. We will probably have to redesign the leaflet to cope with this.
Winchester CTC Accounts
Our accounts are healthy. Rosie Gamble, our Treasurer, will report separately on finances.
Gary Spring has stood down as our Account Examiner and this role is now being filled by
Robin Williams. Thanks to both of them
Winchester CTC continues to campaign for better facilities. During the year, Andy Key
joined the team and will be a valuable addition.
Our use of the subway system at Junction 9 continues to be a problem and the claim for a
right of way through the junction is due to be heard on 21st October. The expectations are
that the claim will be rejected although it is not clear at present if this will affect our use of
the junction.
Welfare Report
During the year we had two injury accidents – Paul Kelly fractured his hip on the Late
Season 50 miles and Brian Whalley badly bruised his ribs and needed outpatient
treatment. Fortunately, both are now back cycling.
Bryce Mansfield stood down as Registration Secretary during the year. We thank him for
all his efforts. Marian Speakman was appointed as his successor. The report for the year
is below:
Dec 14
Feb 15
May 2015
CTC Affiliated
Life Members
Senior Commuted
Over 65
Under 18
New Members
ADH Printing continues to print our events programme and other leaflets. Thank you Alan!
Another busy and successful year for Winchester!
For 2015-2016, one of our aims will be to provide additional support for leaders.
Another issue that we should not ignore is the dreaded “succession planning”. Several of
the officers and members of the committee have been doing the job for many years and
we need to encourage other members to take on elements of their responsibilities.
Sue Coles
Winchester CTC
Appendix 2
Winchester Section CTC accounts to 30.9.15
balance b/f 1st October 2014
CTC HQ Contribution
Admin - AGM, Postage, Stationery etc.
Runs List, leaflet racks etc.
Profit from Watership Down
Profit from Early Season 50
Profit from Late Season 50
Profit from Wintonmediate
Xmas Social
Net Xmas Social income
Old Jerseys
Subsidy for Old Jerseys
New Jersyes
Subsidy for New Jerseys
Balance c/f 30th Sept 2015
Expenditure in Year
Income in Year
Balance 30.9.15
Lloyds Bank Balance 30.9.2015
Uncleared Cheques