Study-Guide-Exam-2 - Sites on Sites

Perspectives on Human Sexuality
Dr. Rogers
University of Portland
Study Guide
Exam #2
This exam will cover content from class, guest speakers, films, and all readings
assigned from the last exam up until the second exam. The exam is made up of
multiple choice, matching, short answer, and essay. Please keep in mind that
students are responsible for all material assigned in the class. This study guide is
intended to help students focus study efforts.
Be familiar with concepts around gender identity and roles. What does the
research say about androgyny (Bem’s work we talked about in class)?
Understand the different “sexes” we talked about in class (e.g., body sex,
brain sex, etc.).
Be able to identify the sexual differentiation process in fetal development and
all the different variations that occur (e.g, intersex, psuedohermaphrodites,
turner’s syndrome, etc.). Know the characteristics of these broadly.
Know the terms and concepts around transgender, transsexual, transvestite,
Understand how gender identity and sexual orientation are separate
Know what current research says about same-gender sexual orientation
(both with regard to what we know about what “causes”
hetero/homosexuality and what professionals say about it with regard to if
it’s “normal” or pathological, etc.).
What do professionals say about childhood exploration of sexuality? How
should parents react/handle this exploration?
When do pubertal changes normally happen?
What are the recent trends in teen pregnancy? What are some of the issues
for teens and their babies?
What do we know about the efficiacy (or lack thereof) of comprehensive and
abstinence-only sex education?
Be familiar with sexual views and behaviors of older adults.
Know Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory of Love.
Understand what sexual scripts are and the ideas behind these scripts in
terms of how they influence our relationships and sexuality.
Have a broad understanding of masturbation as a behavior – how common is
it? Who does it? Etc.
Review the main ideas/concepts from all the films and guest speakers.
Review all the reserved readings. Be familiar with the main ideas in each and
be able to discuss them in some detail.