Suffolks Primary School Curriculum Newsletter Year 3 Summer

Suffolks Primary School
Curriculum Newsletter
Year 3
Summer Term 1st Half
The children have now really settled into Year 3 and Key Stage 2. We will continue to
focus on children using the correct letter formation and writing for longer periods of time.
Reading is also a real focus this year so we will continue to encourage the children to
read to themselves, or an adult, at least three times a week, so they can continue to see
those smiley face stampers in their reading diaries and certificates in Celebration
In Literacy, some pupils in the class will We will begin the term by revisiting number
continue to work in ability based literacy and place value as well as continuing to
groups on the Read, Write Inc programme.
develop the children’s’ skills for mental addition
and subtraction. We will continue to practise
Read, Write Inc is a phonic based reading and counting, multiplication facts and children in
writing programme. In these groups the Year 3 will be learning their 3, 4 and 8 times
children will have opportunities for writing. tables.
They will be taught to recognise and to blend
sounds for reading.
The children will:
The other children in the class will:
Read and perform a variety of poems in
class, thinking about tone, volume,
expression and actions.
Read, discuss and analyse different
fables and traditional tales, focusing on
Aesop’s tales and stories by Hans
Christian Anderson. The children will
then write their own tales.
The children will continue to have daily guided
reading sessions in class.
You can support your child by listening to your
child read at home and helping/ encouraging
them to fill in their home/school reading diary.
Use informal written methods to add,
subtract, multiply and divide.
Adding and subtracting amounts of money
Counting, mental multiplication and
Solve one-step and two-step
multiplication and division problems
Geometry, 2D shapes and angles
Making 3D shapes using modelling
Recognise and write fractions of a simple
set of objects. Count up and down in
tenths and add and subtract simple
Interpreting and presenting data
You can support your child by ensuring they
complete their maths homework every week.
Encouraging them to do simple mental addition
and subtraction, in and around the home, and
develop confidence in their times table
Useful Websites:
Useful Websites:
A website with an extensive collection of
A website with a range of different maths
games and puzzles.
Another useful website with some interesting
traditional tales and fables.
A website with a range of different maths
games and puzzles
In Science we will be learning about ‘The This half term we will be beginning our ‘Prepower of Forces’
History’ topic for the Summer term, ‘Stone
We will be finding out and discussing:
• How forces can make objects move,
Within this topic we will be finding out about:
speed up, slow down or change
 When the Stone Age was and what
• Why magnets attract some materials
 What archaeology is
but not others
 What a hunter gatherer is
• Why some metals, but not all, are
 What flint knapping is
 Stonehenge and Skara Brae
• How magnets have two poles and that
two magnets will attract or repel each
other depending on which poles are
Useful Websites and Ideas For Outings:
Useful Websites and Ideas For Outings:
Class News
PE is on Monday and Wednesday afternoons this half term. During indoor PE we will be
developing our abilities to ‘Stretch and curl’ and in outdoor PE, we will be developing our
‘Striking and fielding’ skills. Please ensure your child has their full kit every week (House team tshirt, shorts (or jogging bottoms for colder weather) and plimsolls).
Reading diaries are to come in on Monday and will be returned on a Tuesday.
Spelling test occurs on a Wednesday. Please practise spellings!
Homework will now go out on Thursday and is due in on the following Monday.
I am looking forward to this half term and continuing to work with you and your child. If you have
any questions or queries regarding your child’s education, I am more than happy to speak with
Signed: ................................................................................................. Class Teacher