How we got here
Barry McMahon
Accessibility with Moxie
Past Factors
 The Vietnam War Veterans in the 70’s – The ADA, the
Architectural Barriers Commission in the U.S.A.
Medical advances – recovery from major trauma, disease,
genetic disorders
Technological advances – mobility devices,
telecommunications, robotics, etc..
Human Rights Legislation
- Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Section 15.1
– U. N. Year of the Disabled (1981)
Society trends towards inclusion versus seclusion
What about Ontario?
 We are far behind other jurisdictions in the inclusion of
people with disabilities.
- Schools
- Tourism sector
- Hospitality sector
- Retail sector
- Entertainment sector
- Employment
 Ontario still institutionalizes PWD’s
 A grassroots movement demanded change
Evolution of the ODA
 People with disabilities from all over the province pressured
for change under the influence of the Ontarians with
Disabilities Committee.
1.85 million Ontarians with Disabilities want inclusion
All provincial parties were on-side in varying degrees
First attempt bombed! And the government heard about it
Finally in 2001 the Ontarians with Disabilities Act became
ODA, 2001
 Applies to provincial regulated public sector
 Mandated thinking about barriers
 Mandated consultation with PWD’s
 Obligates the creation of plans to eliminate barriers and
prevent the creation of new ones
 Has not been repealed
ODA is not enough
 Applies only to public sector
 No enforcement
 Too vague and open to replication of effort
 Open to abuse and neglect
Why the AODA?
 Full integration of PWD’s
 Changing demographics
15.5% of population have disabilities
47.2% of people over 65 have disabilities
 Parallel systems are economically unsustainable
 A competitive position with other jurisdictions
 Personal safety and health
The AODA, 2005
 Again, the result of public pressure
 Creates an accessible Ontario by the year 2025
 Applies to the public and private sectors
 Strong enforcement mechanisms
 Based on the adoption of enforceable regulations and
 Standards to be developed in consultation with industry and
 Standards Development is overseen by a Minister’s Council
A wide definition
Disability : The AODA uses the Ontario Human Rights Code definition of “disability”
which is :
any degree of physical disability, infirmity, malformation or disfigurement that is
caused by bodily injury, birth defect or illness and, without limiting the generality of
the foregoing, includes diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, a brain injury, any degree of
paralysis, amputation, lack of physical co-ordination, blindness or visual
impediment, deafness or hearing impediment, muteness or speech impediment, or
physical reliance on a guide dog or other animal or on a wheelchair or other
remedial appliance or device
a condition of mental impairment or a developmental disability
a learning disability, or a dysfunction in one or more of the processes involved in
understanding or using symbols or spoken language
a mental disorder, or
an injury or disability for which benefits were claimed or received under the
insurance plan established under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997
Establishing Standards
 The AODA’ s regulations establish the accessibility standards.
An accessibility standard (“the standard”) applies only to a
person or organization that does at least one of the following
activities : provides goods, services or facilities; employs
people in Ontario; offers accommodation; owns or occupies
a building, a structure or a premises; plays a part in a business
or other activity that the regulations may identify.
 The standard gives information about how to identify and
remove barriers and a time schedule for meeting the
Developing Accessibility Standards
 The minister invites people to sit on standards development
committees to create proposed accessibility standards.
 Three groups of people are on every committee:
- People with disabilities or people who represent people with
disabilities (50%);
- Representatives from organizations or groups to whom the
standard will apply (e.g., a specific industry or group of people);
- Representatives from Ontario government ministries that have
responsibilities that relate to the affected industries or groups of
Content of Standards
 An accessibility standard shall,
(a) set out measures, policies, practices or other requirements for the identification and
removal of barriers with respect to goods, services, facilities, accommodation,
employment, buildings, structures, premises or such other things as may be prescribed,
and for the prevention of the erection of such barriers; and
(b) require the persons or organizations named or described in the standard to
implement those measures, policies, practices or other requirements within the time
periods specified in the standard. 2005, c. 11, s. 6 (6).
Major Axioms
 Voluntary change almost never happens
 If you design places, products, and service to include use by
people with disabilities, the rest of the population benefits
 People never expect to acquire a disability