
With Valeria Ferreira
Laura Maidment
Pubic symphysis
Standing, Sitting, Supine, Prone
Abandon negative findings and only record
positive findings!
1) Palpate iliac crest levels
2) Assess A/P and Sup/Inf fascial glide of
3) Palpate PSIS’s
4) Lsp Active examination
Skin drag/ superficial fascial pull= Lsp
Deep bony feel of thumb being pulled in
flexion=Iliosacral involvement
Innominate moves without sacrum and
pulling in hamstrings= Sacral involvement
5) Trendelenberg’s test: Tests for
contralateral gluteus minimus/ medius
weakness. Palpate the iliac crest for subtle
6) Stork Test: Identifies whether there is
dysfunction with the ilium or sacrum
PSIS and S2 SP: palpating right ilio-sacral
movement, then sacral-ilio movement then
the left side.
7) Sitting Lsp flexion: Confirm whether the
pelvis or Lsp are involved
Fasical pull= Lsp
No Fasical pull= Pelvis
8) Assess Legs: Ease of movement, heavier
one side, internally/ externally rotated?
9) ASIS levels: One side anteriorly rotated
10) Palpate Pubic symphysis: harder on one
side, more restrictions one side, any
11) Assess SIJ’s: Usual supine examinationtests integrity of posterior SI ligaments
12) Assess Hips
13) Thomas test: Test for muscular tightness/
shortening affecting the pelvis
a) Leg lifts up flexed at the knee= Rectus fem
b) Leg lifts up straight knee= Iliopsoas
c) Leg externally rotates= TFL
14) Leg length inequalities: Palpate medial
malleolus supine and sitting
a) One longer supine and still longer sitting=
true leg length discrepancy
b) One longer supine and then equal sitting=
Pelvis involvement
15) Assess PSIS levels
16) Assess sacral angle: Make a V with hands
and determine if side bent
17) Assess Sacrum: A/P, Lateral movements
and counternutation and nutation.
a) A/P movements= Anterior SI ligaments
b) Counternutation/ nutation
c) Laterally= rotated sacrum= Piriformis