
The Odyssey Tapestry
The original “Bayeux Tapestry” is a 230-foot long scroll that depicts the events leading up to and during the 1066 Norman
invasion of England. Some consider it the first graphic novel.
- The class will be split up into several groups of 4 or 5 members.
- Each group of students will be assigned a different “Book” from The Odyssey. It is that group’s
job to visually represent (draw) the Book.
- Together, your group will decide on the most important events from that “Book.”
- Each group member will represent one of the events through a “Tapestry panel.”
- When placed side by side, these panels will form a long “tapestry” or comic book that reminds us
about key moments from the text.
Step 1: You will be placed in a group and assigned one “Book” of The Odyssey.
Step 2: Each group member chooses an important event from that Book. (Ex// four group members =
four important events).
Step 3: You will find the quotation that best represents your event.
Step 4: Write the quotation down with page/ line number at the bottom of a sheet of computer paper.
Step 5: Above the quotation, draw an image that illustrates that quotation/ event.
Step 6: Label the characters/ places included in your drawing, and make the drawing neat/ purposeful.
Step 7: Below the drawing/ quotation (or on the back of your drawing):
(1) Write a caption: explain the event
o What is going on in the story at this time?
o Which characters are involved and why?
(2) Explain the significance of the event/ quotation:
o How does this event/ quotation demonstrate a major plot event, a significant character
change, and/or one of the story’s major themes/ conflicts?
- Your visual depiction should be a color drawing.
o You may draw stick figures.
- Your panel should be the size of a piece of computer paper.
- Just keep in mind that the quotation/ analysis is the most important part. Make sure that a
classmate would be able to look at your panel in two months and (1) remember the event and (2)
why it is significant.
- This will count as a double homework grade.
Student Example:
Caption: Telemachus is feeling confused. Many rude suitors have overrun Telemachus’ house while
Odysseus has been away and are trying to woo Penelope, Odysseus’ wife.
Quotation: “I’ll try, my friend, to give you a frank answer. Mother has always told me I’m his son, it’s true, but I am not so
certain.” (pg #, ln #)
Analysis: Telemachus is completely helpless here. He feels abandoned by his father, Odysseus, because
Odysseus has been gone for 20 years. He is not even sure if Odysseus is his real father, because even though
his mother tells him he is, he is “not so certain” of it. So Telemachus feels insecure and doesn’t know how to
handle the situation at home. This moment is important because it explains why he has not tried to kick the
suitors out of his home. Not knowing our family takes away our confidence and makes us insecure.