Ch 28 and 29 Identifications

Chapters 28 & 29 Identifications
AP U.S. History
Chapter 28: The Progressivism and the Republican Roosevelt, 1901-1912
1. social gospel
18. 1902 Coal Strike
2. muckrakers
19. Department of Commerce and Labor
3. Jacob A. Riis
20. Elkins, Hepburn & Meat Inspection Acts
4. Lincoln Steffens
21. Teddy Roosevelt (Progressive Era)
5. Ida M. Tarbell
22. Northern Securities decision
6. David G. Phillips
23. Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle
7. Ray Stannard Baker
24. Pure Food & Drug & Forest Reserve Acts
8. John Spargo
25. Gifford Pinchot v. John Muir
9. initiatives, referendums & recalls
26. conservation v. preservation
10. 17th, 18th & 19th Amendments
27. The “Roosevelt panic”
11. Robert M. La Follette
28. Aldrich-Vreeland Act
12. Florence Kelley
29. William H. Taft
13. Muller v. Oregon
30. dollar diplomacy
14. Lochner v. New York
31. Supreme Court’s “rule of reason”
15. Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
32. Payne-Aldrich Bill
16. WCTU
33. “New Nationalism”
17. TR’s “Square Deal”
Chapter 29: Wilsonian Progressivism at Home and Abroad, 1912-1916
1. Woodrow Wilson (summarize p. 728 & 731, focus on
political offices held, political beliefs and actions)
14. Adamson Act of 1916
15. Jones Act of 1916
2. New Freedom v. New Nationalism
16. Tampico Incident
3. Herbert Croly
17. Huerta & Carranza
4. Progressive/Bull Moose Party (will probably need
Internet for more information)
18. “Pancho” Villa
5. Election of 1912
19. General Pershing
6. Eugene V. Debs
20. Central Powers
7. Underwood Tariff
21. Allied Powers
8. Federal Reserve Act (1913)
22. U-boats
9. Federal Trade Commission Act (1914)
23. Lusitania
10. Clayton Anti-Trust Act of 1914
24. Sussex ultimatum and pledge
11. holding companies
25. Charles Evans Hughes
12. Federal Farm Loan Act & the Warehouse Act of 1916
26. “He Kept Us Out of War”
13. Workingmen’s Compensation Act of 1916