Sample Association Win

Sample Association Win-back Calling Script
This sample win-back calling script is designed to serve as a starting point for
reinstating former members who lapsed within the past year or two. In
Marketing General’s 35 years of experience, we still find that having a real person
reach out and talk to a former member on the phone asking them to rejoin is an
incredibly successful membership technique. In the age of hyper-connected
technology, speaking person to person has a very strong impact.
Information within the <> symbols should be replaced by your specific
organization information. Always remember to be respectful to your former
members and speak to them as you would at a local event face-to-face.
Best of luck on reinstating your former members!
General Info on Member Types and Payment Options
Script Last Updated:
Membership Types:
<Member Type 1> $<dues>
<Member Type 2> $<dues>
<Member Type 3> $<dues>
(If applicable) Note: If
processing a new member,
there is a one-time processing
charge of $<amt>
Payment Info
<Your Org. Name> accepts the
following types of payments:
Checks payable to:
<name to write on check>
Checks should be mailed to:
<address for processing
Notes for Callers:
The script below does not need to be followed word for word. It is to guide you through
the call. Remember to stay respectful and speak to former members in the manner you
would at a meeting or event.
For all who renew, ask for updated title, company, address and email address
In case you are asked about events or membership benefits the organization offers,
please keep a calendar of events nearby as well as a full written description of the
organization’s benefits for reference or direct them to the page on your website for
Some people may have left their position at the company you are calling and you may
be getting in contact with their replacement. This is a potential new member so be sure
to explain the organization, benefits, and ask them to join.
We are offering a rejoining member incentive of <incentive you are offering> for
members who rejoin and provide a credit card # over the phone. If we contact a
potential new member at a former member’s work, we should extend this incentive.
[Provide a description of the incentive if it’s not something intuitive here]
<Your Organization Name>
Hello, Mr/Mrs_____, my name is _____, and I'm calling from <Your Organization Name>. I’m
calling to remind you that your membership has expired and to offer you this opportunity to
reinstate your benefits like <Your Most Valued Benefit> so you can <reason people use/value
the benefit>! Plus, when you use a credit or debit card today you’ll also receive <incentive for
rejoining> [explain the incentive if not intuitive]. This is just our way of welcoming you back as
a member. Will you take a moment to renew your membership today?
If person says “YES” to renewing: Great, we’re very happy to have you back as a member!
Your total dues are $_____. Would you like to put that on a credit card or would a debit card
be better?
(Record the card #, expiration date, name on card, verify the amount, and verify the billing
If person says “NO” TO using a credit/debit card: That’s not a problem; I’ll be glad to
have an invoice e-mailed, mailed, or faxed to you. Which would you prefer?
If the person wants an emailed invoice: What is your e-mail address? [Record
If the person wants a mailed invoice: Can you please tell me the best place to
mail the invoice [Record mailing address]
If the person wants a faxed invoice: What fax number should I use for invoice
[Record fax #]
NOTE: For anyone who requests an invoice for payment, fulfilling the request in a
timely manner is essential. Some companies may require a hard copy invoice for
accounting to process the membership. This may take some time before it gets
back to you for processing. Also, not everyone will pay up who requests an
Once the person pays over the phone: Thank you for rejoining today! We’re happy to
have you back as a member. You’ll receive your confirmation by email within
<timeframe for sending confirmation email>. Have a great day.
Or, once the person provides the information needed for sending an invoice: Okay
great. I’ll be sending out your invoice within <timeframe for sending invoice>. Thank
you for your time today. Your membership benefits will be reinstated when we receive
your payment. Have a good day.
If the person says “No” to renewing: You know for less than <$ X a week, you’ll be able to
stay current on the latest trends in your profession with the in-depth educational programs the chapter provides, and
networking opportunities that allow you to confer with other professionals in your area and exchange information. With
all this and new benefits developing regularly, won’t you stay connected and up to date by renewing your membership
If “yes”, see the previous page for how to respond to someone who wants to renew.
If still no to renewing: May I ask why you’ve changed your mind? (track reasons like retiring, left
HR, company won’t pay, didn’t see value, etc)
Thanks very much for your time. Have a good day.
Voice Messages
You will most likely reach a number of former member’s voicemails. When this occurs leave
a clear message reminding them they are no longer a member, let them know you want
them back, and provide brief information on how to contact <your organization name> to
rejoin. If there are online and phone options, provide both, spelling out website addresses.