Personal Reading Procedures

Personal Reading
• P2R
• Learning Styles
• How I learn Personally
Thinking Critically
The study of clear and unclear thinking.
A critical thinker gathers lots
of very relevant information.
They ask detailed questions
about the subject at hand.
They communicate with
others’ thoughts on the
subject. Basically critical
thinkers think beyond the
concept at hand and find
more out about the subject
to get a better
• Preview
• Read Actively
• Review
P2R System
Start by going through and splitting your reading into appropriate sized sections for
what you are reading. Preview what you are going to read, look at section titles,
topic sentences, and read the last paragraph. Look through your reading and take
a look at all of the graphs and pictures. After you are finished ask yourself some
questions about what you’ve seen so far. These questions might include:
 What will the main topic be?
 What do you already know on this subject?
 What do you want to know more about?
P2R System
Read Actively
When you read your section, read at least a whole paragraph before taking any
notes-don’t take notes as you go. Taking notes as you go makes it harder to find
what you should actually be writing in your notes and it makes it difficult to process
what you are reading. When you highlight information don’t highlight too much and
don’t highlight too little, just highlight important phrases. As you are reading and
taking notes try to write a question or two in the margins or on post it notes to come
back to and look at later. This will come in handy when you are trying to see if you
know what you just read about.
P2R System
Think about what you have read. Write a summary about what you read, make sure
to use your own wording and don’t use exact quotes from the text. In your summary
you can include observations, connections, or personal thoughts about the reading.
Next, you can go back through and answer the questions you had gone through
and written as you were reading. When you are finally done start the process over
again with your next section of reading.
• Naturalistic
• Bodily-Kinesthetic
• Interpersonal
• Intrapersonal
Naturalistic learners, just like bodily-kinesthetic learners like to learn in
a “hands on” sort of way. They like to be outside and within the
environment. They tend to learn better when they relate the things
they are learning to nature and animals. They are curious and
interested in their surroundings.
Bodily Kinesthetic learners think in movements, they connect what they are learning to
movement. They don’t like to sit still for very long when they are learning. They like to stay
active while learning. Doing hands on activities and experiments helps them learn best. They
tend to remember material better when they ‘do’ rather than when they ‘watch’.
Interpersonal Learners enjoy activities such as speech, drama, and debate team.
They tend to do better in group projects. When they are able to interact with other
people they tend to learn information better. They prefer involvement with others
rather than working alone. Interpersonal Learners are good at reading people, they
like to know others opinions and preferences.
Intrapersonal Learners are decision makers. They set a lot of self goals. Selfmanagement is something that is important to them and easy for them. All of their
work and subjects are well organized. Working alone is more beneficial to them
than working in groups. They are very independent though not necessarily shy, they
are self smart-they know themselves.
How I Learn
• What type of learner I am
• How I take notes
• Why my learning procedure works
What Type of Learner I Am
I am a mix in between three different types of learners. I am Bodily-Kinesthetic, Interpersonal,
and Intrapersonal.
 I’m Bodily-Kinesthetic because I don’t like sitting in class just listening to a teacher talk, I
need to ‘do’ rather than ‘watch’. I start getting fidgety in class if I have to just stay in my
seat for multiple class periods in a row.
 I’m Interpersonal because I like to have others feedback on my work. I like to hear others’
opinion on my work.
 I’m also Intrapersonal because for me its easier to work alone. It helps me keep my
thoughts straight and I get more work done when I’m alone. I also like to be organized with
my work.
How I Take Notes
When I take notes over what I am reading. I do it somewhat similar to the P2R method. I don’t
split my reading into sections usually I just do it all at once. For me that is easier than breaking
it up. I go through and look over section titles like you would when using P2R. I however don’t
write a lot of questions, I find it easier to go back through and just review my notes and what I
think was important from the reading. I usually read a paragraph at a time before writing
down notes over it-like P2R suggests doing. Since I can’t highlight in my book, if I find
something that I think would be worth highlighting I write it in my notes and put a star beside it
to show it is important.
After reading
the first
paragraph sum
up these
sentences to
put in your notes
Put the vocab in
your own words in
your notes-this way
you know you
understand them
Add this
sentence in
your notes
sentence that
would be
important to
Why My
Procedure Works
For the type of learner I am, it is a very
easy and efficient way do to homework.
If you think you are similar to
the type of learner I am I
would suggest taking notes
like I do. It makes it easy to
read your assignment and
get all of the information out
of it. I also often take breaks
so you don’t have to sit still so
long if it is a long assignment.
This can help keep me from
wanting to fall asleep. I feel
like suggesting frequent
breaks for other people will
also help benefit them when
they do homework.
I told you about the P2R System, four types of
learning styles, and how my Personal Learning
Procedure ties into each of these things.