final-exam - GCC - Glendale Community College

Type your code in the space after each question.
Save this file with you typed answers and submit it in Canvas.
Each question is worth the point value indicated in [ ].
Any time that you are writing HTML code be sure to include the brackets and both the
begin end tags as appropriate.
1. [1] What is the name of the host you would use when you are using Filezilla to publish your
pages to for your web space at Glendale Community College?
2. [1] What is the HTML tag that indicates that the page is a document type of HTML5?
3. [1] Write the HTML tags to make the text “Best Web Page Ever” be the title of the web page.
4. [1] Mark up the following text so that it is a CSS comment:
Special style for menu starts here
5. [1] Write the entire statement that you would have in your web page to link it to a CSS file
named mystyles.css
6. [1] Given #info {font-size: 16px;} Rewrite the following so that the text “start” uses info – do
not use the div tag to do this).
If you do not start, then you will not finish.
7. [2] Write the CSS code to create a class named “bluesky” that center aligns the text and
makes the text be a green color.
8. [2] Write the code you would have in a CSS file to indicate that h1, h2 and h3 should all be
tahoma, arial, helvetica, sans-serif.
9. [1] Write the HTML code to create a link on the text “Coyotes” that will link to the web site
10. [2] Write the code you would have in a CSS file to indicate that the hyperlinks found in
#sidenav should have their visited link state be a color of white.
11. [1] Rewrite <a href="cats.html">Cat information</a> so that it opens in a new browser
window or new browser tab. The file cats.html is in the same folder as the web page with this
12. [2] Write the HTML code to make “Fred & Jill Design” link to the anchor named “Design”
found later in the same web page. (Be careful on this one it is trickier than it first looks).
For the next two questions use the following structure:
13. [2] The file stars.html is in the astronomy folder. Write the HTML code that will be in the
stars.html file so that it will insert an image named “m42.gif” with the alternate text of “Orion –
the Great Hunter in the sky”. The file m42.gif is in the pictures folder.
14. [2] Write the code that will be in the univ.css file that is in the astronomy folder to indicate
that the body of the web page will have a background image of “milkyway.jpg” The file
milkyway.jpg is in the pictures folder.
15. [1] Write the HTML code to put a link to “hikers.html” on the image “thunderbird-park.jpg”
(the image is in the same folder as the web page).
16. [2] Write the HTML code to create an bullet (unnumbered) list that has “Boris” as the first
item and “Natasha” as the second item.
17. [1] Rewrite the following HTML code below so in the last row, the third cell will span 2
Class Name
Class Code
Beginning obedience
Advance obedience
Class Code
Class Name
Beginning obedience
Advance obedience
18. [1] What type of positioning takes an element out of the page flow and allows other elements
to flow into the space it would have occupied?
19. [1] #main has a z-index of 10 and # navaccent has a z-index of 20. Write the attribute-value
pair that will put #navsuff on the layer on top of #main and #navaccent.
20. [1] Using a pseudo-element, rewrite the “firstaid” class so that it insert a first aid symbol
before each element in a list. The first aid symbol is found in the emergency.jpg file that is in the
same folder as the css file and the webpage.
.firstaid {
21. [2] Write the code to create option buttons to select whether the animal is a dog or a cat (be
sure to include the input type, name, id, value and text for each button).
22. [2] Write the code to add a textarea that has 4 rows and 50 columns, with a name of
“concerns” and an id of “feedback” to a form.
23. [1] Write the attribute-value pair that you would add to a video tag so that it would use
kennel.jpg as a fallback image.
24. [1] Write the attribute-value pair that you would add to an audio tag so the audio controls will
be visible on the web page.
25. [2] Write the one line Javascript statement that would take the value of the dognameinput
field and place it in a variable called dname.
26. [1] You have a function named “maxqnty” that tests the number entered is a number less
than 50. Rewrite the following statement so that the function “maxqnty” will be triggered when
the user clicks on the submit button.
<input type=”button” id=”submit” value=”submit” />
27. [1] Write the code for a keyword meta tag that could be used for a Web site that specializes
in real estate in Glendale.
28. [1] Write the statement that you would need in a robots.txt file so that the page mystuff.html
is not indexed by search engines.
29. [1] Write the entire statement that you would have in your web page to link it to
mymobile.css that is for mobile devices.
30. [1] Write the statement you would have near the bottom of your page, in order to reference a
file named distancecalc.js that is in the scripts folder which is directly under the folder that this
page is in.