In Re Gault


“Neither the Fourteenth Amendment nor the Bill of Rights is for adults alone”

In Regards to Gault

0 Argued Tuesday, December 6, 1966

0 Decided Monday, May 5, 1967

"Facts and Case Summary: In Re Gault." USCOURTS.GOV. United States

Court, n.d. Web. 28 Oct. 2013.


0 Gerald Gault (15) was arrested for making an obscene phone call

0 No notice given to parents

0 Sent to reform school until he was 21

"Facts and Case Summary: In Re Gault." USCOURTS.GOV. United States

Court, n.d. Web. 28 Oct. 2013.

Public Policy

0 Juveniles over 14 tried as adults

0 Juveniles did not receive Due Process

Friedman, Benjamin E. "Protecting Truth: An Argument for Juvenile Rights and a Return to In Re Gault." UCLA Law Review. UCLA Law

Review, n.d. Web. 28 Oct. 2013.

Arguments of Plaintiff

0 Gault represented by Mr. Norman Dorsen

0 Arizona Juvenile Court was unconstitutional

0 Gault was denied procedural rights

IN RE GAULT. The Oyez Project at IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law. 22 October

2013. <>.

Argument of Defendant

0 Arizona defended by Mr. Frank A. Parks

0 Juvenile be treated like an adult

0 Opportunity to avoid self incrimination would interfere with investigation

IN RE GAULT. The Oyez Project at IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law. 22 October

2013. <>.

Third Party Amicus Curiae Briefs

0 American Parents Committee four Gault

0 Merritt W. Green for the Ohio

Association of Juvenile Court Judges

0 Urged affirmance

IN RE GAULT. The Oyez Project at IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law. 22 October

2013. <>.

Supreme Court Ruling

0 8 to 1 in favor of Gault

0 Case violated 14 th Amendment

0 Court failed to meet child’s best interest

0 Precedent- Granted juveniles procedural rights

"Facts and Case Summary: In Re Gault." USCOURTS.GOV. United States Court, n.d. Web.

28 Oct. 2013.

Dissenting Opinion

0 Mr. Justice Stewart

0 Juvenile proceedings are not criminal trials

0 Juvenile court and criminal court have opposite missions

Long Term Effects

0 Every juvenile case afterwards was changed

0 Juveniles must be given Due Process


State University, n.d. Web. 28 Oct. 2013.
