
French Revolution Diary Project
This project is a diary project of a fictional character you create living from 1789 to 1820. The goal is to
document what it might have been like to live in France during the French Revolution and rule of Napoleon.
The character you create is entirely up to you. You must give your character a name (a French one,
preferably), an age, estate (social class), and occupation. The experience of your character is entirely up to
you, but it should coincide with the general treatment, attitude, and feelings of the social class you chose for
you character to be a part of.
Each diary entry must have its own separate page, be dated, and placed in date order in your book. Entries
should be at least one paragraph in length (6-8) sentences, typed, and checked for spelling/grammar. If you
need to go over 8 sentences for an entry, that is fine. Each entry has been given a list of words you must
incorporate into your entry. THESE MUST BE UNDERLINED. If you need help with your entries, which may be
the case as you may want to work on this before we get to the events in class, textbook pages have been
Once your entries are complete, you will have to bind them together to create a book. How you do this is up
to you (rings, rope, staples, etc.), but it should be able to be read like a book when you are done. Your diary
also must have a cover that states who it belongs to. Again, how you design the cover will be up to you, but
the more creative you can get, the better. On the inside of your cover, you must include your character’s
profile. Who are they? How old are they? The profile questions you need to answer are given below.
Additionally, your name and class period should be placed on the back of the diary.
Please keep in mind that this will probably take some time to complete. You will need to start working on this
early if you want to finish on time and ensure you have a good grade.
Diary Entries:
Entry One: Pre-revolution. How does your character feel before the beginning of the revolution? What kind of
experiences are they going through? Are they hungry, or full? Healthy, or sick? Satisfied with the king and
social structure, or no? The choice is up to you.
Words to use: estate, bourgeoisie, old regime, Louis XVI, debt
Pages in the textbook: 508-510
Entry Two: Meeting of the Estates General. This event marks the beginning of the French Revolution. How
does your character feel?
Words to use: Estates General, vote, National Assembly
Pages in the textbook: 510-11
Entry Three: Constitution of 1791. Do you gain anything from the Constitution, or lose privileges? Are you
happy with the changes, or no? What is the response of Louis XVI? Do you feel hopeful that the Revolution is
Words to use: constitution, three branches, Legislative Assembly, disguise
Pages in the textbook: 514
Entry Four: Creation of the National Convention and execution of the king. Which side of the convention are
you on? How do you feel about the execution of the king?
Words to use: universal manhood suffrage, Jacobins, Maximiliano Robespierre, guillotine
Pages in the textbook: 517
Entry Five: Reign of terror. The National Convention is trying to suppress all opposition. Is this a good thing
for you, or bad? Are you worried, or supportive?
Words to use: Revolutionary Tribunal, Marie Antoinette, disloyalty, guillotine
Pages in the textbook: 519
Entry Six: Rise of Napoleon. How did Napoleon take power? What changes is Napoleon making? Do you
Words to use: coup d’état, plebiscite, Napoleonic Code, Concordat
Pages in textbook: 521-524
Entry Seven: the end of Napoleon. What events led to Napoleon’s downfall? What happened to him as a
result of defeat in Russia? What are the Hundred Days? What is Waterloo? And most importantly, how is you
character feeling through all of this?
Words to use: scorched earth policy, Elba, Hundred Days, Waterloo, St. Helena
Pages in the textbook: 526-528
Character Profile:
Name: ___________________________________
Age (in 1789): _____________
Estate: __________________________________
Occupation: _____________________________
Describe your character:
Due Date: January 6, 2014
Worth 80 points. Please see the rubric.
Before turning in your final project, look at the checklist below to make sure you have included all of the
necessary components.
҉ 7 unique entries on separate sheets of paper
҉ Entries are 6-8 sentences in length
҉ Entries are typed.
҉Entries are dated.
҉ Entries are arranged in date order, with more recent entries to the back.
҉ Checked for spelling/grammar.
҉ Added a cover.
҉ Cover had character’s name on it.
҉ Character profile is on the inside of the front cover
҉ Your name and mod are on the back
҉ Diary is binded using staples, rings, string, etc.
҉ Incorporated the necessary words.
҉ Words are underlined.