Day 65 – Intro to Poetry

 Introduce elements of poetry.
 Understand and Identify adverb clauses.
Create your own prologue.
 Warm Up
 Vocabulary Quiz
 Poetry
 Romeo and Juliet
 Closure
 Write the name of your favorite poem.
 In 2-3 sentences, explain why it is your favorite.
 Take a quiz and write your name at the top.
 When finished, take out your Romeo and Juliet books.
 Make sure you don’t talk during the quiz.
1. Form
2. Sound
3. Imagery
4. Figurative Language
5. Theme
The physical structure, style, or pattern of the
 Number of lines
 Rhymes
 Repetition
 Narrative Poetry – Poems that tell stories
 Ballads – A poem(song) that tells a story typically about a major
 Epic – A long, elevated poem about a hero and his adventures;
title is underlined.
 The Iliad and The Odyssey
 Lyric – Poems that express the poet’s emotion or thought about
one person, place, thing, or event; usually structured.
 Free Verse – Poems that have no set rhythm, rhyme, or structure.
Poets often express their poems using sounds in order to enhance
the meaning, mood, or images present. Some examples of sounds
1. Repetition – Repeated use of sounds used to appeal to emotions.
2. Alliteration – Repetition of beginning consonant sounds.
3. Assonance – Repetition of vowel sounds.
4. Consonance – Repetition of consonant sounds.
5. Onomatopoeia – The use of words that create the sounds they
 Imagery is used in poetry to illicit
a response from the senses of the
 Does not have to be visual.
 Can be literal. Example: I see a
tall tree.
 Can be figurative. Example: The
tree was like a child in a crowd of
Used to enhance the meaning or experience of the poem.
 Metaphor – comparing two things without using words like
“like” or “as”
 Simile – comparing two things using “like” or “as”
 Personification – human qualities on non-human objects
 Irony – The opposite of what is expected
 Hyperbole – gross exaggeration
 Theme – the central idea that the poem is expressing.
 It is continuously developed throughout the poem.
 Example: Death may be unavoidable.
1. Speaker – who is the speaker? What is their bias?
2. Occasion – What prompted the author to write?
3. Setting – Where is the poem taking place? What is the time and
4. Purpose – What is the reason behind the text?
5. Diction – What is the word choice? Dialect of the speaker?
6. Imagery – What senses are evoked? How?
7. Figurative Language – What figurative language is used and how
does it enhance the poem?
8. Symbols – What symbols are used and what do they really mean?
9. Allusions – What literary, historical, or mythic person, place, or
event is being referenced? Example: Troy or Hercules
10. Tone – How does the author feel about the subject discussed in the
11. Meter/Scansion – What is the pattern of stressed and unstressed
Use this pneumonic device to help you remember how to
evaluate poetry:
 Analyze the poem on the follow slide using the SOAPSTone
 Write it down in your notebooks and discuss your analysis
with your partner.
 Label each piece of analysis with its corresponding poetry
 Take a worksheet and re-read the prologue for Romeo and Juliet.
 Complete each section of the worksheet.
 Create your own Prologue for a story of your choice.
 When finished, start writing your own sonnet for a story you have read. This will be
 Write three things you learned about poetry today.
 Write two examples of poems that you have read. Label the
type of poetry used.
 Write one question you still have concerning poetry.