Marine Flowering Plants


Marine Flowering


 Seagrass beds

 Salt marshes

 Mangrove forest

 Characteristics

– Phloem(carries nutrients) and xylem


– Root stem and leaf structures

– Seed and fruit

– Halophytic – salt tolerant

Seagrass Beds

 Hydrophytes – Live beneath the water

 Can flower and germinate while submerged

 Vegetative growth with horizontal rhizomes

 Primary producers

 Stabilize sediments

 Provide habitat

 Slow currents and wave action

 Cover less floor than seaweeds, so more habitat

Salt marsh

 Must be exposed to air by ebbing tide to live

Located in the intertidal zone

Facultative halophytes – can tolerate salty water as well as fresh water conditions

Adaptations – thick cuticle, salt glands

 Serve as nurseries, feeding ground

 Accumulates and stabilizes sediments


Red Mangrove – closest to water

– Prop roots and drop roots

– Propagule – seedling

– Salt excluder

 Black mangrove

– Pneumatophores(airhole) – stick up out of water and aid in root aeration and gas exchange

– Slat excreter

 White Mangrove - farthest from water

– No visible arial root

– Leaves taste list salt

Red Mangrove

Black Mangrove

White Mangrove
