March 4, 2015 - Ripon College

Ripon College Student Senate
Agenda for Wednesday March 4, 2015
I. Call to Order
II. Approval of Old Minutes
III. Committee Reports
a. Secretary Santiago
b. Treasurer Soich
c. Vice President Brixius
d. President Kay
e. Dean Ogle
f. What’s Up With Your Group
g. One Fund Talk Back
h. Student Activities Report
i. Miscellaneous Committees
IV. Old Business
a. Blaster Club Constitutional Revisions
V. New Business
a. Equestrian Club Disbandment
b. Chess Club intent to organize
c. Chemistry One-fund
d. Paintball Club One-fund
e. RPN-TV One-fund
f. Ripon College (RC) League of Legends Club intent to organize
VI. Announcements
VII. Open Forum
VIII. Adjournment
Ripon College Student Senate
Minutes for Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Eleanore Clemmer - 0
Abbey Flower - 0
Lauren Hince - 0
Rachel Kolodziej - 0
Samantha Raygo - 0
Aafreen Vohra - 0
Robert Enright - 0
Seth McDonald - 1
Willie Penterman - 0
DeLou Wilson - 0
Anival Carrillo - 0
Chris Beger - 0
Ben Valdez - 0
Casey Vercauteren - 0
Nicole Zeman - 0
J.J. Grinde - 0
Daniel Knox - 0
Joe Maloney - 0
Fabiola Mercado - 0
Katie Anne Peterson - 1
Marcus Reed Thorsen - 1
Senators Present: 18
Senators Excused: 0
I. Call to Order
a. 6:30pm
II. Approval of Old Minutes
III. Committee Reports
a. Secretary Santiago: No report.
b. Treasurer Soich: (President Kay): The one fund is $19,019.91. The
budget committee meets March 2nd, 4th, 5th, 9th, and 12th from 7pm
to 10pm, we are looking for a group of senators that can sit in on
one of those times, you do not need to be there for the entire time.
Please, sign up if you are interested!
c. Vice President Brixius
d. President Kay
e. Dean Ogle
f. What’s Up With Your Group
i. BSU: Jessica: We just finished our last event for Black
History month yesterday and we had elections.
ii. Pep-Band: Brooke: We just had our basketball
performances January 31st and February 7th and on the 7th
we introduced a new fight song, which was really exciting.
Thank you to all those that were there supporting us! Also,
we are planning on playing for Springfest so we have been
practicing Wednesday at 6:15pm every week. I would also,
like to thank Dean Ogle for the t-shirts, so a shout out to him!
g. One Fund Talk Back
i. La Unida: Jorge: We recently just got back from our
conference in Chicago. We wanted to thank you guys very
much because we gained a lot from it; it was a great
experience for my members and myself. I wanted to let you
know that we did do a lot of networking and we brought back
a slogan “together we can do more.” I have possible
opportunity of going to Madison to give a speech to a lecture
hall of possibly 600 students on the topic of diversity.
Another member of the club was able to find meaning to
himself and his culture because he felt a bit lost here. We
are planning on doing an event alongside a Spanish group
from Waukesha and UW Parkside for 5 de Mayo. Also, we
might be doing a mini conference at UW Parkside.
ii. Ripon College Democrats: Ben: We just got back from our
conference in Washington DC! It was really fun! On Friday,
we went to go talk to our representative’s senate offices and
talked to the people there because we are looking to bring a
speaker in next semester, gaining more personal
experience. On Saturday, we went to DMC General session
2 of the two that they had where we listened to a whole
bunch of speakers talk about the national conference for the
2016 elections. Also, we had breakout sessions for the
College Democrats of America and I personally attended the
leadership one where we had an internationally known
speaker come in and talk about Kadali groups and then I
went to a breakout on how to keep our chapter up and
running, and also, expanding!
h. Student Activities Report
President Kay: The deadline for Spring Break transportation is
Wednesday the 4th, nomination forms for the Excellence in
Leadership Awards were sent out today over email and are due
Friday the 6th, the three awards are the Student Organization
Leadership Award, the Student Leadership Award, and the
Faculty/Staff Mentor Award.
Miscellaneous Committees
IV. Old Business
a. Revisions on the Ripon College Senate Operating Rules
i. President Kay: In the eyes of the speaker that passes.
b. Revisions on the Ripon College Senate Constitution
i. President Kay: In the eyes of the speaker that passes.
V. New Business
a. Forensics Senate Proposal
i. Katie: It is important to have two semesters to prepare and
remain a respectful team. Competing only for the second
semester is really only competing for half a season and
having any team only compete half a season isn’t going to
really get them into a respectful competitive shape for
nationals especially since the second semester people of the
teams tend to focus on making the speech and, the
speeches that they already have qualified, ready for
nationals therefore having the team jump in when everyone
is already thinking about the next term ahead isn’t good for
our team connections and competitiveness. Competing with
other teams helps us realize what it is that we actually need
to do for competing because there is a difference between
going to practices and being told what will be an effective
communication and actually experiencing that at
tournaments. Many people will say that they don’t really
understand the concepts that they are being taught until they
actually see it in practice. So, having two semesters of
competing is essential as well as there is a way of doing this
in a magical way by attending tournaments in the first
semester for which we pay one flat rate fee to go to all of the
tournaments. So, we would be paying to go to half of the
tournaments when we can actually go to all of the
tournaments throughout the entire year, so it really makes no
sense why not compete for both semesters? Forensics as a
team and its connection to other teams has brought and can
bring in a lot of students that aren’t necessarily focusing on
communication to be part of the forensics team because
then they want to be part of the forensics team and the
connections they are making with other schools and ideas
that would not be here otherwise. Having to cut down on a
semester, there are a little few tournaments that, people
involved in other activities can actually go to, so they are not
getting that extra connection with other teams. Having both
semesters is incredibly important.
Senator Maloney: Did we get Jody Roy’s report on that?
President Kay: That is attached to the end of your minutes.
I’ll give you a few minutes to look over that.
Senator Penterman: The consortium is happening for sure
regardless of forensics?
Katie: I was told by multiple people that the consortium will
exist because its not being created from forensics, its being
created as an organization helping as an umbrella
organization to help follow the communication based
activities such as yearbook and such to actually connect with
each other so, regardless of what to the forensics the
consortium is existing. The question is whether forensics is
going to be a yearlong activity or just a semester?
President Kay: My understanding of that from speaking to
Jody is that we have one or the other. Logan and I went
together where we asked her if we have forensics as it is
currently budgeted will we be able to sustain both the
forensics and the communications consortium to which she
said no, we have to have less forensics to have this build up
because of the way we are going to have to deal with new
advisors and more specifically the individual components of
it. That was my understanding.
Senator Zeman: The way I read Jody’s letter under the new
model for forensics is that if the consortium goes through this
is how forensics will be and its not going to affect the
consortium. My other thing is sort of a question, you said a
lot of times connecting with the team is why people want to
join forensics; don’t you think by bringing in all of these
different groups into one kind of big organization people
would still be interested in joining forensics, wouldn’t this
benefit your team in numbers because it will be under a
bigger umbrella? I have a constituent that is involved with
the College Days and she believes that this is a really great
idea of bringing these groups together under one.
Katie: To clarify the forensics is supportive of the consortium
because it is working together with other organizations.
However, yes it would help get more people, but we are
talking about connecting the team with other teams and
having an umbrella organization such as the consortium is a
good for connecting with other people within the Ripon
College itself. These other activities under the consortium
are year long activities as well, but forensics is still going to
be one semester which I don’t know if it would be as
attracting to people.
Senator Wilson: To the best of your knowledge because of
Jody’s letter it seems like you are going to attend 6-8
tournaments in the second semester, and in your letter you
say it’s about 8 tournaments a year, so would you end up
quantity, roughly doing the same amount of tournaments
under the old and new system?
Katie: It depends on how ready people are, to know what
events we are able to attend. In a way it probably adds to
about the same. The difference is that having spread
throughout the year makes it easier with time, not having to
rush, and making quality speeches. The biggest emphasize
of the team is being able to spread out what we do
throughout the entire year because that is how we get quality
Senator Wilson: Would you not be preparing the first
semester and, so why would the quality of speeches go so
far down, if you are preparing an entire semester anyway?
Katie: Part of it will always be experience. You can practice
for a public speech all you want, but the first time you give
the speech in front of an actual audience it’s always going to
be rough because you haven’t had that experience and you
get nervous from that, so having these experiences in front
of other people is really essential in the learning process.
Senator Wilson: To the best of your knowledge, does
forensics budget get cut or changed in any significant way
under this new model?
Katie: We have been allowed to see a budget because of
President Kay: As Jody told me we are not allowed to see
budgets because it involves their advisor’s contract and
things for finances and weren’t really allowed to know that
and how that works; we are only looking at schedule stuff not
monetary stuff.
Senator Enright: Katie hadn’t you said earlier that President
Messitte had told you that the consortium was not connected
to the forensics team budget cut?
Katie: Correct.
Senator Enright: Reading over the letter from Dean Roy it
doesn’t say in here that the budget money being cut from
forensics is going toward this consortium so, we just have
the account that President Kay was told, it seems like we are
being given different pieces of contradictory information from
two of the leading administrators here, so it seems
unreasonable, and I don’t think we have a definitive answer
right now, which was the reason for postponing this?
President Kay: I didn’t meet with President Messitte because
this isn’t his thing. So, I met with Jody because the
communications consortium is Jody’s creation and she is the
Dean of faculty so it falls under her. Also, I had a quick, not
formal, talk with President Messitte where he said it was
practically Jody’s thing. I asked Jody to type of something
that she could give to the senate that would clarify what it is
that the consortium does and how it pertains to forensics and
this is what she gave me and that’s what we’ve got.
Senator Enright: Do you think that we could get a direct
answer, if we were to postpone this?
President Kay: I feel like that would be redundant and we
cannot have a monetary conversation on this.
Senator Enright: So, what is it we are voting on?
President Kay: We are voting on the statement the forensics
team gave us.
Senator Hince: Going back to what senator Wilson was
talking about, would you be able to do intramural
speech preparations instead of the competitive format?
Katie: The problem with intramurals is that there isn’t really
any diversity on perspectives. We have run our own
intramurals to practice with each other before and it has very
limited success because you are getting the same pool of
people that helped you create the speech to then judge it
and try to make it better and so, that has very limited effect.
Senator Hince: Isn’t there a chance that the intramurals
would reach outside of the Ripon Community and go further
to other schools and we would still be getting new
Katie: That would take a really long time before we actually
have an effective group.
Senator Hince: But, with intramurals you would still be able
to prepare speeches?
Katie: Yes, but it’s still not going to be nearly as competitive.
President Kay: We are voting on the forensics team
statement as to make a recommendation to the Board of
Trustee’s, President Messitte and the Ripon College
Senator Wilson: As a point of clarification, if we keep
forensics under the new system the consortium would be
created, but as far as you know, if we keep forensics under
the old system the consortium cannot happen?
President Kay: That is what Jody made it sound like to me
and that is what I took her letter to read as.
Katie: She told me contradictory information.
i. President Kay: That fails 4:12:2. Forensics thank you for
using senate as a resource in this to try to make this
something that would work better for you guys. I really hope
that people take this as an example where you can come
into senate and talk about things and hopefully things
change or at least a conversation happens.
b. Paintball Constitutional Revisions
i. Alex: This is a group similar to the swim team that starts out
big and then kind of falls. Dalton and I have been working
hard to get our system up and the club going to be able to
have more members able to participate in our one big event
for the club. We believe that changing our name to Blaster
Club and introducing airsoft would promote more
membership. So, we have made changes to our constitution
which we have brought forward to you and changed our
name to Blaster Club, I would be happy to answer any
questions you have?
Senator Valdez: You were talking about introducing airsoft
into your club, would the money for that be coming out of
your budget or are you going to one-fund?
Alex: We have a one-fund in for next week.
Senator Zeman: I move to strike the line in Article VIIIRemoval of office that I believe is redundant, that reads “If
the officer is removed there will be a special election to fill
the position.”
President Kay: In the eyes of the speaker that passes.
Senator Penterman: I move to amend that we return Article
VII subsection 3, so that, that actually happens.
Senator Valdez: I move to amend that we return Article VII
subsection 4.
President Kay: In the eyes of the speaker that passes.
Thank you for coming!
VI. Announcements
a. President Kay: Monday is international badge day for all Greeks; if
you guys are Greek please wear your badges! Also, it is no makeup Monday, but if you do wear your make-up I won’t judge you! We
obviously just had elections, those ballots will be counted tomorrow
and the new officers will officially be up at this table the first week
after spring break.
VII. Open Forum
a. Senator Kolodziej: Tomorrow is tuition free forward, so there is free
pizza at roadhouse. The first 99 people to show up get a free t-shirt,
and they look awesome!
VIII. Adjournment
a. 7:14pm
Statement of Intent to Organize
Chess Club
Mission statement: To foster an environment of playing, learning and watching the
game of chess within the Ripon college campus and community.
Contact Info: Ryan M. Slattery
Phil Welsh is our advisor.
Chess Club Constitution and Operating Procedures
Article I: Name and Purpose
Section 1. This Organization is to be known as the Chess Club. In this document the Chess Club
shall be referred to as “the organization”.
Section 2. The Goals of this organization are: 1.) To foster an environment of playing, learning
and watching the game of chess within the Ripon college campus and community.
Article II: Membership
Section 1. Attendance is open to all students and faculty at Ripon College. Membership
will not be denied on preexisting grounds (including, but not limited to, race, gender,
sexuality, disability, national origin, age, or taste in music). Attendance at meetings is
sufficient grounds for membership, and one may voluntarily quit being a member at
any time.
Section 2. The organization reserves the right to strip membership from individuals
who prove to be indubitably detrimental to the mission and the objectives held by the
Section 3. All members possess the right to vote on the business of a group, should a
vote be necessary. Voting on an item may not be done absentee under any
Article III: Officers and Executives
Section 1. The executive council of this organization shall consist of the following
a. President
a. The President shall be responsible for running meetings and overseeing the operations
of the organization.
b. The President may create other positions and appoint members to them as necessary.
b. Vice President
a. The Vice President shall be responsible for the duties of running the group in the
absence of the President.
b. The Vice President shall perform other tasks that the President may assign.
c. Secretary
a. The Secretary shall be responsible for performing the clerical duties of the group.
b. The Secretary shall be responsible for administering the elections, as stated in Article
V, Section 1.
d. Treasurer
a. The Treasurer shall be responsible for controlling the organization's finances. The
Treasurer shall prepare and deliver an oral report regarding the organization's finances to
a group at least once a month.
b. The Treasurer shall be responsible for preparing the budget for the upcoming academic
year. Additional positions may be created in order to fill the needs of the group as the
executive council deems necessary or proper. If membership is insufficient, one person
may hold any number of titles for the executive board.
Section 2. The listed members of the executive council shall be approved by majority
Section 3. A member of the executive council may resign for any reason, and the
executive council shall appoint a replacement until the next meeting, when a
replacement will be voted on.
Section 4. In addition to resignation, a member of the executive board may be dismissed
by: 1.) a majority vote of the other members of the executive council; or 2.) a
supermajority (two-thirds) of voting members.
Section 5. In the event of ambiguities within the operating procedures of the group,
deference falls to the judgment of the executive council.
Article IV: Meetings
Section 1. The organization shall convene at least once every fortnight, but not more
frequently than once per week.
Section 2. Should a vote be required at a meeting, a minimum of three (3) members shall
constitute quorum.
Article V: Organization Advisor
Section 1. The organization shall have at least one faculty advisor, as per the rules and
regulations of Student Senate. Section 2. It is to fall upon the executive council to determine how
much involvement
the organization desires with the advisor.
Article VI. Amendment Procedures
Section 1. All changes to this documents shall be termed “refinements” instead of
“amendments”, for the latter term implies that the governing document of this
organization is less than flawless.
Section 2. Refinements may be proposed by any member. Two-thirds of members
present voting in affirmation, including officers, shall be sufficient to pass.
Section 3. All refinements approved in accordance with Section 2 will be submitted to
the Ripon College Student Senate for approval in accordance with the policies of the
To The Members of Student Senate,
Six seniors from the Ripon College Chemistry Department were recently approved to speak at
the American Chemical Society’s National Convention. It is a very prestigious event at which we
are excited to present. Unfortunately, in the time that our proposal was passed and the time it
took to book our hotel through the college, most hotels were sold out. We found a La Quinta Inn
on the edge of Denver before coming to senate, since our original hotel sold out over winter
break after the submission of our first proposal. We budgeted for this La Quinta in the approved
budget, with a rate of $129 and thought we would take public transportation to and from the
convention center. However, it has come to our attention that this La Quinta is in a very poor
neighborhood and, as such, we believe it would be better to stay at a hotel closer to the
convention center since none of us are familiar with the area. Although all the hotels associated
with the American Chemical Society (ACS) are sold out, we managed to find a hotel, approved
by ACS, across the street from the convention center. Since this convention takes place over
spring break, rates are higher and this hotel, the Curtis-Denver (a Doubletree by Hilton Hotel)
would normally charge close to $400 per night. We were able to reach an agreement of $229 a
night. This is higher then our original figure, and as such, even though we have given up our
transportation and food budget, we will need additional funds to finance our travels. Therefore,
we would like to ask the members of student senate for an additional $600. This is to cover the
extra $100 per night and tax. We thank you for your time and consideration. We are happy to
answer any further questions.
Alison LaPidus, Brian Schumacher, Mariya Hinojos, Caroline Kordes, DerekSaxon, and Jordan
To the members of Student Senate,
The Ripon College Paintball Club is a student-run organization that meets twice per
year (once per semester) to play paintball. The trip is always filled up and the players
are all excited when the time comes. This club has been enhancing the college
experience of Ripon students and serving as a draw of attendees for many years. The
common complaints are that there are not enough spaces on the trip and that many
members happen to have an event going on during the one time the club meets each
semester. While paying for more people to go on each trip could get quite expensive
quite quickly, there are games that can be played locally.
Due to the fact that the Paintball Club has over 40 members and only 12-21 may
attend each trip (on a first-come, first-served basis and depending on that year's
budget), the hands of the club are relatively tied when it comes to member engagement.
Paintball may be hard to do locally, but a similar sport called airsoft could ease the
bottleneck of disenfranchised members. Several local landowners would be willing to
allow games to take place on their property, making the transportation and reservation
charges (the largest expenditures on the paintball budget) virtually nonexistent. A
member has offered to store the blasters at a secure, off-campus location. Introducing
airsoft to this club would significantly increase the participation rate at a fraction of the
current cost-per-outing, allowing Paintball club to engage regularly.
One-Fund Request
Purchasing airsoft blasters, functional equipment, and safety gear so the Ripon College
Paintball Club may host events per weekend, rather than per semester.
The Breakdown:
● Blasters (10 at $110): $1,100
● Goggles (10 at $20): $200
● Batteries (10 at $20): $200
● Chargers (3 at $15): $45
● Biodegradable BBs (1 bottle at $15): $110
Total: $1,650
Eliminated Costs:
Transportation ($4060)
Field Reservation ($4500)
Dalton Zuehlke
Alex Mehre
Acting Vice President
Yeva Nayflish
Dear Senators,
Ripon College was named one of the best schools for Communication in the country, yet we have no up
to date digital media program which can create content, not only for itself, but also other
organizations, and the school. We are falling behind in a very horrible way, which might lead to
problems in the future – if not problems already.
Hopefully, with the right structure and guidance in place, our media program (RPN-Media), and
especially RPN-TV will win many accolades and provide this content creation moving forward.
We are writing this One Fund proposal in order to request help with the building of our on campus TV
studio. RPN-TV has formed quickly over the past five months and we have gathered seven great show
runners. They have come up with award winning ideas that need to be produced with cameras, lights,
microphones, and editing machines. In addition, we have almost closed our deal with the CATV
Advisory Committee of the City of Ripon to take over Channel 987. The Office of Marketing and
Communications at Ripon has also offered to lend us their equipment, alongside the personal
equipment of the director of digital media – Amar Kaleka, which we have already been using.
These offers will help us raise our organization over the next few semesters, but we will need support
from the student senate this year in order to build a longer lasting studio to work from and complete
the vision mentioned above.
Attached you will find an itemized budget to build this type of studio.
In short, we will build a one room studio with proper backgrounds, lighting, and space to conduct
professional quality interviews, news programs, and promotional videos.
With this knowledge, we urge the Senate to award RPN-TV funds of $11,000.00 (eleven thousand
dollars) in order to build a state of the art studio, which, most likely, every student organization will use
at one point or another. Thus, this investment would return far more in content creation and building
towards the future.
Just imagine -- we were named top in the nation in Communications without a TV and digital media
station. How high will Ripon rise when we do have one?
The RPN-TV Members:
Under direction of Amar Kaleka:
Stephanie Nilsen, Patrick Hoffman, Emily Mengert, Elizabeth Watts, Karl Beres, Victoria Lantz,
Clarence Sanon, Danielle Ficek, Kelli Walsh, Owen Reynolds, Madgalene Wolf, David Rockwell, Danae
Chaltry, Hannah Rupp, Hannah Medina, Dillon Geulich, Jorge Gutierrez, Grace Dykstra, David Polizzi,
Lauren Hince.
Camera 1 (High End)
Camera 2 (Low End)
Audio Recording Device
Lighting Kit
Microphone Kit
Accessories (Batteries, Media
Cards, etc.)
** We added an additional $625.34 for the build out of the room: paint, furniture, carpet, etc.
Statement of Intent to Organize:
Ripon College League of Legends Club
Mission Statement: To create and foster an environment of playing, learning, and
practicing League of Legends with the Ripon College campus and community.
Ripon College League of Legends Club
Article 1 – Organization Name
The name of this organization will be “RC League of
Legends Club.” The organization may also refer to itself as the “RC League of Legends
Team,” “League of Legends at RC,” or “RC LoL”.
Article 2 – Purpose
The purpose of this club shall be to play League of Legends, but
more importantly to represent Ripon College formally in League of Legends
Article 3 – Membership
Section 1: Membership Statement
Membership is limited to students who are enrolled with Ripon College. No hazing or
discrimination will be used as a condition of membership in this organization. Section 2: Recruitment
Recruitment shall take place continuously throughout the year
and will be predominantly done via word of mouth, as well as Facebook. Membership is
open at all times.
Section 3: Revocation of Membership
Membership may be revoked without mutual
agreement for non-participation, misconduct, or violations of any provisions of the
Constitution. The member will be notified in writing of the possible revocation at least 72
hours prior to the vote and will be allowed to address the organization in order to relate
to members any relevant defense prior to the voting for removal. Membership can only
be revoked upon a 2/3 majority vote of eligible members. Revocation of membership will
be valid for 3 semesters.
Section 4: Appeal Process
Any student whose membership is revoked will have 7
calendar days to appeal the revocation. The appeal must be submitted in writing to the
President and Vice President, and must include any relevant information that has not
already been presented. The President will then submit the appeal to the Appeals
Committee. This committee will consist of the President, Vice President, and 3
additional officers. This committee will then render a decision at the next general body
meeting or in 7 calendar days, whichever occurs first.
Article 4 – Officers
Section 1: Eligibility
All officers of the Ripon College
Competitive League of Legends Club shall be enrolled in the College and possess a
GPA of 2.0 or higher.
Section 2: Titles and Duties
The officers of this organization shall include a
President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Public Relations Chair, and 2 Team
Leaders (the amount of Team Leaders is subject to change). All officers shall retain
voting rights and any officer may be re-elected for consecutive terms. Officers cannot
reappoint themselves, they must be re-elected as described in Article 5.
The President
Supervise the activities of the club
Preside over all meetings and call all meetings to order
Coordinate all impromptu meetings
Ensure all officers are performing their duties as defined in this Constitution
Be one of three signers on financial documents
Coordinate all conferences
Assign special projects to officers
The Vice President shall:
Assist the President in his/her duties
Assume the President’s responsibilities in his/her absence
Assist in special projects as assigned by the President
Handle new club memberships and community relations
Keep accurate records of all meetings in the Secretary’s absence
Perform an audit of all financial transactions of the organization twice a year
The Treasurer shall:
Keep track of the available funds the club has at its disposal at all times
Keep an accurate account of all funds received and expended
Be one of three signers on financial documents.
Be responsible for collecting dues (if applicable) and notifying members who are
delinquent in their payments.
Be responsible for creating budget reports at the beginning of each Fall and Spring
semester and as requested by the President, Vice President, and/or faculty/staff
Provide financial records sufficient to allow the Vice-President to perform audit.
Assist in special projects as assigned by the President.
The Secretary shall:
Send out emails and/or Facebook messages after every meeting that contain a
summary of the meeting
Notify members of meetings via e-mail, Facebook and/or telephone at least 48 hours
in advance
Keep accurate records of all meetings
Maintain an accurate list of members and their contact information, primarily their RC
email address
Prepare ballots for election
Assist in special projects as assigned by the President
The Public Relations Chair shall:
Ensure that all events run by the club have a well-organized Facebook event page
Assist the Secretary with all social events
Be involved in any issues that involve advertising, donations or co-sponsorship
Assist in special projects as assigned by the President
Article 5 – Selection of Officers
Section 1: Eligibility to Vote and Hold Office
Active voting membership will be
limited to all students who are active members in good standing. Members must
maintain a 50% attendance of club meetings (as outlined in Article 7) in order to receive
voting privileges. Only active voting members who meet the requirements in Article 4
are eligible to hold office.
Section 2: Nomination Process
The nomination of officers shall occur at the first
meeting in September. Any eligible member present may nominate someone or
themselves for office by verbally nominating the individual during the procedure. The
nominee must be an eligible member.
Section 3: Election Process
The election shall occur at the first meeting held in
September. The nominated candidates will be given a chance to address the club to
discuss his/her qualifications in person. Once every candidate has had the opportunity
to speak, all eligible members present will have the opportunity to vote. In the event of a
tie, a reelection will be held between the two candidates with the most votes from the
first round of voting. If all candidates are tied evenly in votes, the adviser makes the tiebreaking vote.
Section 4: Terms of Office
The length of office shall be no longer than one calendar
year. Newly elected officers shall take office immediately after the election held on the
first meeting of September and their term will end at the end of the first meeting of the
following year. For the first week of the newly elected officers’ term, the previous officers
will help the newly elected officers by answering any questions they may have
pertaining to their position. As indicated in Article 4, Section 2, officers can be re-elected
for consecutive terms as long as they are still eligible members in good standing.
Article 6 – Officer Vacancies
Section 1: Removal of Officers
Any officer may be removed from office upon a 2/3
majority vote of eligible members. The officer will be notified in writing of the possible
termination at least 72 hours prior to the vote and will be allowed to address the
organization in order to relate to members any relevant defense prior to the voting for
Section 2: Resignation
Officers no longer wishing to serve on the board must submit
their resignation to the President at least 2 weeks in advance. Prior to the officer’s final
day he/she shall provide all documents relating to the organization and brief his/her
replacement of current projects in his/her care.
Section 3: Filling Vacant Officer Positions
In the event an officer is removed,
graduates, or resigns, the nomination process as stated in Article 5 will take place at the
next scheduled meeting. The election process will take place as stated in Article 5 at the
next scheduled meeting following nomination. The newly elected officer’s replacement
term shall end at the first meeting in September.
Article 7 – Meetings
In order to hold an official meeting either the President or Vice
President must be present. A meeting may be held by any of the other officers if the
President authorizes. Members are required to maintain a 50% attendance of meetings
in order to be eligible to compete in tournament play and receive voting privileges. The
President has the discretion to excuse any members’ absences should they have a
sufficient excuse. The President shall be in charge of setting meeting times and
Article 8 – Adviser
Section 1: Nomination and Role
The adviser shall be selected by the officers of this
organization and must be approved by a simple majority vote of eligible members. The
adviser shall serve as a mentor to the organization providing guidance to the officers
and members. The adviser has no voting rights except as a tie-breaker as described in
Section 5, Article 3. The adviser position has no term limit other than he/she must be a
current FSU faculty or staff member.
Section 2: Removal and Replacement of Adviser
The adviser will be notified in
writing of the possible removal at least 72 hours prior to the vote and will be allowed to
address the organization in order to relate to members any relevant defense prior to the
voting. Upon a 2/3 majority vote of eligible members the adviser will be removed from
his/her duties. In the event that an adviser is removed, leaves Ripon College, or resigns,
a new adviser shall be elected within 14 calendar days.
Article 9 – Finances
Section 1: Membership Dues
The Ripon College League of Legends Club reserves
the right to implement dues. All funds collected from club members must be
documented by the Treasurer. No University student will be denied membership due to
inability to pay dues. Should a current or potential member not able to pay dues, the
student may appeal in writing to either the President or the Adviser, either of whom can
grant an exception for the student and waive the membership dues for a specified
Section 2: Spending Organization’s Money
The President shall oversee all use of
club funds. For the protection of the organization of the club and its officers it is required
that two authorized signatures sign all monetary transactions. Only the President,
Treasurer and faculty adviser can be signers on the club’s account. No funds shall be
used for anything illegal under University, local, state, and federal laws.
Article 10 – Publications
Section 1: Approval
The President, Secretary and Public
Relations Chair are the only people able to approve all publications, shirts, fliers, etc.
prior to duplication and distribution. Prior to any publications, shirts, fliers, etc. being
duplicated or distributed, a vote must be held in an officer meeting whether to go
through with this or not. The vote is mandatory, but the result of the vote doesn’t directly
influence whether the item gets distributed or duplicated. The vote is advisory and is
only used to give the President, Public Relations Chair and Secretary an idea of how
many of the officers actually back up the decision.
Article 11 –
Amendments to the constitution must be proposed in writing to the
President. The amendment must then be presented to the organization during a
scheduled meeting and should include a full explanation and/or rationale for the
amendment. The amendment must be voted on at the next scheduled meeting. The
amendment will then be voted on and, if approved by a 2/3 majority vote of eligible
members of the club, it will then move on to be voted on by all the officers at the next
officer meeting. If approved be a 2/3 majority vote of all officers, it will then take effect
immediately. Any given amendment shall not take effect until passed by a 2/3 majority
vote of officers at an officer meeting.
History of Constitution
Created: November 18, 2011
Edited: February 25, 2015