
Alignment Grid
Learning Objective
To design an
experiment that
quantifies nutrient
movement within a
contained ecosystem
To design an
experiment to test the
effects of abiotic and
biotic factors on
population structure
To demonstrate proper
sampling and handling
technique for miniature
To write a lab report
consistent with the
guidelines of the journal
To calculate population
growth rates (intrinsic),
and fecundity according
to population growth
Formative Assessments
Summative Assessment
In-class discussion of
experimental questions and
hypotheses. Postulation of
reasons for experiment choice.
Some experimental design
questions on in-class quiz
Lab report written in the style
of the journal ‘Ecology’
5. Synthesis
Sampling based experiment
where students compare and
contrast population dynamics
of lakes and explain the
variation between them
Quiz questions on population
demographic models.
Worksheet using data
collected from lakes to
determine population
demographic variables.
Accompanying page written
assignment explaining
variation between lakes
2. Application
Students sample mosquitofish
using long-handle nets. Proper
fish handling is demonstrated
then students carry it out
Questions on sampling and
handling technique
incorporated into quiz.
Students demonstrate
understanding of techniques
before lab is carried out
5% of final grade is toward
students’ ability to use good
technique. Students are
penalized for equipment and
First draft of first lab report is
ungraded. Student must meet
with me to go over corrections
3 lab reports per semester.
Reports are 35% of final grade.
Students are given Ecology
journal guidelines (from official
Examples included in quizzes.
Worksheets given for different
class (PLTL)
Homework analysis of lab data
with accompanying written
assignment on analysis of
5. Synthesis
Bloom’s highest
3 levels
4. Analysis
Learning Activities
Guided inquiry experiment
where students investigate
organismal impacts on
different nutrient quantities
Half of a lab session spent
discussing how lab reports are
written, complete with good
and bad examples, extensive
resources for citation. Special
library session in the summer
held on accessing online
In-class worksheets using
example data sets
demonstrating how variables
are calculated. Analysis of
Hornbach and Childers (1986)
To design an
experiment that
demonstrates the
factors affecting
competition in different
plant species
paper. Lab collecting
mosquitofish samples on
5. Synthesis
Guided inquiry experiment on
plant competition. Studies
choose plants and factors in
Students turn in drafts of
experiment plan and meet
with me in groups to go over
possibilities, errors, positives
and overall direction
Lab report written in the style
of the journal ‘Ecology’.
Experimental design questions
on final (and sometimes
midterm) exams