WLIT April 4

World Literature
Week of April 4-8
Monday, April 4
 Objectives
o Assign Group Projects
o Finish Reading Chapter 22: What Happened in France to Candide and Martin
Tuesday, April 5
No Class
Wednesday, April 6
No Class
Thursday, April 7
 Homework Due
o Actively Read Chapters 23-28 (pages 229-242)
o Complete Chapter Worksheets
 Objectives
o Finish Chapters 29-30 in class
o Discuss the final line: “We must cultivate our garden”
o Cover guidelines for reliable internet sources
Friday, April 8
 Homework Due
o Outlines of Power Point Presentations and Handouts with sources
 Objectives
o Work on Presentations and Candide maps in class
Candide Projects
1. The Lisbon Earthquake
a. Explanation of Science and Geology behind the disaster
b. Damage caused to life and property
c. Reactions from Government, Religion, etc.
d. Historical and Artistic Depictions
e. Relevance to Candide
2. The Inquisition
a. Historical Facts and Dates
b. Impact on European society and culture
c. Historical and Contemporary reactions and interpretations
d. Artistic Depictions of the event
e. Relevance to Candide
3. The Enlightenment
a. Key information: dates, people, and places.
b. Literature and artwork from the era
c. Key philosophies and tenets
d. What eras precede and come after the Enlightenment?
e. What is the role of Voltaire and Candide in this era?
4. The French Revolution
a. Key people, dates, and places
b. Causes and Effects of the Revolution
c. Artistic and Literary depictions of the Revolution
d. How is it similar or dissimilar from other Revolutions from the same time period?
e. How does the FR relate to Candide and its author?
5. The Philosophical Opponents of Voltaire: Leibniz and Rousseau
a. Biographical Background on each philosopher
b. Key writings and works by each philosopher
c. Primary ideas generated by each philosopher
d. Each philosopher’s relationship with Voltaire
e. How is each author’s ideas represented and treated in Candide?
Project Requirements
A. Map of Candide’s Travels with at least 10 locations (handout to follow)
B. 20 minute power point presentation and a handout on your subject which will be graded
a. Level of engagement
b. Quality of information
c. Ability to relate the subject to Candide
d. Creativity
C. Works Cited page to include at least 1 print source and 1 internet source
a. May not include Wikipedia or other unreliable internet sources (this will be
covered extensively in class)
Chapter 23 Journal (229-230)
Candide and Martin Pass the Shores of England; What They See There
For each quotation, provide an analysis of the meaning and purpose of the quotation. What is the intended meaning?
What is the context of the quotation? How does it contribute to the satirical tone of the novella? What specifically is
Voltaire satirizing? What is revealed about the characters involved? Responses should be 2-3 complete sentences.
“You know that these two nations have been at
war over a few acres of snow near Canada, and
that they are spending on this fine struggle
more than Canada itself is worth.”
“That’s perfectly true, came the answer; but in
this country it is useful from time to time to kill
one admiral in order to encourage the others.”
Chapter 24 Journal (230-233)
About Paquette and Brother Giroflee
“How right you are, my dear Martin; all is but
illusion and disaster.”
“But when I have to back to the monastery at
night, I’m ready to smash my head against the
walls of my cell; and all my fellow monks are
in the same fix.”
Chapter 25 Journal (233-236)
Visit to Lord Pococurante, Venetian Nobleman
“They are by Raphael, said the senator; I
bought them for a lot of money, out of vanity,
some years ago; people say they’re the finest in
Italy, but they don’t please me at all”
“That is to say, Martin replied, that there’s
pleasure in having no pleasure? – Oh well, said
Candide, then I am the only happy man…or
will be, when I see Miss Cunegonde again.”
Chapter 26 Journal (236-238)
About a Supper that Candide and Martin Had with Six Strangers, and Who They Were
“People used to call me Your Majesty, and
now they barely call me Sir; I used to coin
currency, and now I don’t have a cent”
“Only the sight of Cunegonde could have
astonished and pleased him more. He went
mad with joy.”
Chapter 27 Journal (239-241)
Candide’s trip to Constantinople
“Beautiful or ugly, said Candide, I am an
honest man, and my duty is to love her
“And how does it happen I didn’t kill you, my
dear baron? And my dear Pangloss, how can
you be alive after being hanged?”
Chapter 28 Journal (241-242)
What Happened to Candide, Cunegonde, Pangloss, Martin, Etc.
“A surgeon bought my body, carried me off to
his house, and dissected me…the cross-shaped
incision made me scream so loudly that the
surgeon fell over backward.”
“Do you still think everything is for the best in
this world?”