File - shamaria robinson's e

Shamaria Robinson
June 6, 2014
Us history II honors
Stalin vs. Lenin
Joseph Stalin was born in December of 1878 and died on March fifth of 1953.
Stalin came from a poor family and was a single child. His mother was a laundry
women and father was a cobbler and alcoholic. Who physically abused Stalin as a
child? As a teen he earned a scholarship to study to become a priest in a Georgian
Orthodox Church. He became interested in the work of Karl Marx and in secrecy
began to study it. Later was expelled from the seminary because he missed too much
school, work, and important exams.
Vladimir Lenin was born April of 1870 and died January of 1924. He was the
third oldest out of a total of six children. He had a very close bond with his siblings
and parents. His parent was highly educated and had a strong passion for learning and
education. They strived to inspire their children to be highly educated as well.
Vladimir was seen as a really good reader and completed high school. He was
especially good in Greek and Latin.
Joseph Stalin and Vladimir Lenin have many similarities and differences.
They both have manifested their intelligence as mass leaders in the revolutionary
obligation. They have both displayed this through the Marxian theory, political
strategy, the building of the mass organization, and in the development of mass
struggle. They have both demonstrated excellence in converting their social principals
into success in mass actions they both believe in the revolutionary theory that their
can't be no movement and without a revolutionary theory and the theory unsupported
by organized mass struggle must remain. Sterile.
Lenin and Stalin success as leaders during the revolution of Russia Lies in
their deep studying and mastering of the Marxian theory. They studied the break
down of capitalism and the progression of socialism. Both drew the same conclusion.
They presented this better than anyone else to the communist party.
Lenin and Stalin were both great Marxian theoreticians. Lenin’s work
progress. Marxism in many different areas and fields. He was successful and had
many accomplishments. Accomplishments in his studying of imperialism, the
breakdown of capitalism, evaluations, studies, and surveys, the Marxist theory,
different science branches, and his further explanation of the theory of the unstable
progression of capitalism would affect the notice of socialism, the imperialist war,
and the revolution in a country. He furthers the understanding of the method of
changing a war of imperialism to a civil war. He studied the overall capitalist and the
overbearing power of the proletariat. He provided a deeper and more theoretical work
on the national question. His solution to the problems was of high importance in
bringing together the organizational and theoretical strength and unifying it. That
helps the Bolshevik party get on a path of victory.
Stalin also furthered the progression of Marxism Leninism through his all
important theoretical achievements. His tactics and beliefs in the Marxian theory lie n
the building of socialism in the Soviet Union. Although his powerful tactics against
Trotsky, Zinoviev, and Bukharin and their counter beliefs affiliates comprised one of
the greatest cultural religious, and political struggle. They cleared up the aspects of
the broad problems of building up socialism in a country, and surveyed the position of
global capitalism. They came out with a conclusive success for the leadership of the
communist party and of socialism.
Stalin and Lenin work help the party without it they wouldn't have been able
to get out of the many problems that troubled them. Lenin and Stalin. Was both good
political strategist and masters of the Marxian theory. Therefore they had the ability to
know when and how was the most appropriate time for the party to act most
Lenin was very bold, smart and had flexibility when it came to his political
strategy. He continuously would plan mass actions and general courses of policy that
the revolution overall depended on. One of his greatest accomplishments was the
1905 post war struggle of the masses in an armed rebellion. That resulted in a
successful boycott of Dumas and in Russian the imperialist war going into a civil war,
and the party stands against the provisional government, the growth of the soviets into
mass organs. As a political strategist his best achievement was knowing and acting at
the right time for the October revolution. He gave the showed great Marxian
leadership at this time to the party. The Soviet Union was in a great revolutionary
struggle and it was Lenin’s work that saved them from a major defeat. His studying of
the Brest litovisk peace treaty allowed the revolution to get a break or a time to
breath. He had great leadership during the civil war and in the development of war
Stalin also showed a high level of knowledge when it came to political strategy. He
shared the same skills as Lenin the boldness, and the flexibility. Him and Stalin when
it came to difficult situations were they always on the same page or in agreement.
Stalin followed Lenin’s policies after becoming a part of the chief party leadership
after Lenin had died. Stalin’s best political strategies are connected to the building of
socialism. That was shown in his leadership to industrialize the Soviet Union. That
started the party’s first five year plan and made the U.S.S.R the most successful and
advanced agricultural organization at the time.
Lenin and Stalin were also great mass organizers. Lenin was seen as a
remarkable organizer. He plans in practice and in theory the basic principles of the
communist party. He organized down to even the smallest of details like in the
Russian newspaper. He organized the first all Marxist newspaper in Russia which
paid contribution to the Marxist belief which helped the ideology of and unity of the
Russian party. He helps smooth out the conception of the party's lead role. This made
the Soviet Union of a different and new type and helped it lead to a successful
Russian revolution.
Lenin was the leader in the organization of the communist party. He planned
out all of the main theoretical work and planned out the perfect moment of it
launching. He also worked out every little detail and the planning of the program and
the structure. He used his intellect in the establishment of the red army. He also
organized the union’s trade.
Stalin like Lenin was also a great mass organizer. His main work was to
organize through social construction. His job was to bring up millions of skilled
workers out of the industrial underdeveloped population they were in, build up the
economy, to come up with new ways of mass work, and other organizational
complications. Throughout the socialist build up Stalin was the leader, head person in
charge of the masses and party. Under stains leadership the red army had too became
one of the most intimidating military powers in the world. He led the party into social
organization. A new constituting had come about and was named after Joseph Stalin.
Lenin and Stalin also show effective leadership and showed great potential
when it came to fighting forces. They both were much focused when it came to the
masses and understood them completely. They was boy basically always on top of
everything when it came to the masses and have always been able to speak on their
aspirations and needs of the masses. They both put themselves in the direct line of
danger. The October revolution displayed Lenins vigorous campaigning by the head
of coordinator and theory. He was able to reach the masses through his by having a
clear head and his fighting and determine spirit to reach his goal.
Lenin also mobilized the people when it came to the civil war. The Russian
army became weak. It was declared that the Russians were too weak to regain any
power back to fight against the imperialist intervention. This had been done and they
were defeated and had low means of food. Lenin had great control over the people
and had mobilization. He was able to build a red army which was a very strong army
of around 5,000,000 soldiers. They were able to move along the counter revolution
from soviet Russia's borders.
Stalin also was seen as having a high ability as a mass activizer. He showed
great leadership and help establish the party's first five year plan. When the plan
became known globally it was judge and ridiculed. Many thought it would take much
longer than five years some thought it would take over fifty years. They though the
capital was to weak and lacked experience in certain fields. It was seen to never be
carried or organized.
Stalin’s plan was very successful. The pessimist said the plan wouldn't work
out and wouldn't be achieved in five years. That made the party agrees to a four year
plan. This made history and was a sense of light of the Russian revolution. It was seen
by some as a superhuman effort to conduct such a. Thing in such a Little time.
Technicians and workers were trained at a fast rate. What's was thought to take fifty
years and planned to take five years only took four years. Stalin and the Soviet Union
were in the second place among the world’s industrial countries.
Lenin and Stalin had many differences and similarities while ruling Russia.
They Had different accomplishments and achievements during the Russian
revolution. They had different ways of reaching their goals for Russian. But both
followed the Marxist theory and just basically interpreted it in their own way to
approve Russia. They both made important contribution to the u.s.s.r. They were
both seen as great mass leaders. Stalin helped the formations of the Soviet Union and
Lenin helped Russia out of its weak period and helped build up a strong army. Both
men were important to Russia and helped them out of the struggles in a fight towards
the betterment of Russia.