
Page 96 in your textbook
Tonight’s Homework: page 96-99
Questions 1-4
Origins of Buddhism
• In the 6th century BC, a new religion called
Buddhism appeared in northern India and
soon became the rival of Hinduism.
• The founder of Buddhism was Siddhartha
Gautama, known as the Buddha, or
“Enlightened One”.
Siddhartha’s Youth
• Siddhartha came from a small kingdom in the
foothills of the Himalaya (southern Nepal).
• Born in 563 BC, he was the son of a high caste,
ruling family.
• Arranged marriage at age 16.
• Legend says that after
his birth, Siddhartha’s
mother dreamed that
a radiant white
elephant descended
to her from heaven, a
sign that the boy
would someday
become a wandering
holy man.
• To prevent this, Gautama’s father kept him in
his palace surrounded by comfort and luxury.
The Search
• One day as Siddhartha rode beyond palace
gardens, he saw a sick person, an old person,
and a dead body
The Search
• For the first time he became
aware of human suffering.
• Disturbed, he gave up his royal
cloths, shaved his head,
abandoned his family, and set
off to find the true meaning of
The Search
• Gautama wandered for years, seeking answers
from Hindu scholars and holy men.
• He fasted and meditated
• One day, he sat under a giant tree,
determined to stay there until he understood
the mystery of life
For 48 days, evil spirits tried to tempt him to give up meditations
• Then he suddenly believed he understood the
cause and cure for suffering and sorrow
• When he rose, he was Gautama no longer, but
the “enlightened one” the Buddha
Four Noble Truths
• Buddha spent rest of his life teaching others
his findings
• In his first sermon since enlightenment, he
explained the Four Noble Truths that are the
heart of Buddhism.
The Four Noble Truths
1. Life is full of suffering, pain, and sorrow
2. The cause of suffering is the desire for things
that are illusions, such as riches, power, long
3. The only cure for suffering is to overcome
4. The way to overcome desire is to follow the
Eightfold path
Growth of Buddhism
• Siddhartha Gautama died around 483 BC at
age 80 in what is today Nepal.
• After his death, his followers traveled
throughout India spreading his teachings.
• Temples sprang up throughout the
• During the next centuries, Buddhism and
Hinduism began to compete for followers.
Buddhist Philosophy
• The Buddha denied the reality of the material
• The pain, poverty, and suffering in the world is
caused by attachment to material objects.
• Once people let go of these attachments, pain
and sorrow can be forgotten.
• Achieving this wisdom leads one to the final
goal, nirvana, or the union with the universe
and release from the cycle of rebirth
Theravada vs. Mahayana
There are many different forms of Buddhism
practiced all over the world.
Theravada Buddhism is the more orthodox of the
two and believers follow a specific path of
In order to practice Theravada Buddhism in its pure
form, a monastic life must be chosen. Children can
join the monastic life from the age of seven.
Southern (Sri Lanka, Thailand, Burma, Laos,
Cambodia, parts of Southeast Asia)
Theravada vs. Mahayana
• Mahayana Buddhism is a collection of many
different styles of Buddhism.
• Although Meditation is practiced in many
forms, Mahayana Buddhism is less traditional
than its counter part.
• Mahayana Buddhism contains many diverse
• Northern (Tibet, China, Taiwan, Japan, Korea,
Mongolia, parts of Southeast Asia )
Monastic Life
A Buddhist monk is provided with shelter,
food, clothing and medical cares. His life
is secure, though not luxurious. His time
is spent on the following activities:
(1) study
(2) the performance of assigned tasks for
the maintenance of the monastery;
(3) meditation
(4) participation in collective observances
like the recitation of the disciplinary code
on new moon and full moon days;
(5) and the performance of religious
services for the community.
Comparison with Hinduism
• Siddhartha accepted the idea of reincarnation
and karma.
• However, he rejected the Hindu division of
human beings in to castes based on previous
• He taught that all human beings could reach
nirvana as a result of their behavior in THIS life.
• This made Buddhism appealing to the the lower
Comparing Buddhism with Hinduism
Gods and worship:
• Although Hindus worship many gods as
manifestations of the supreme reality,
Buddhism has no gods.
• Siddhārtha also forbade worship of himself or
his image.
Comparing Buddhism with Hinduism
• Position of women: In line with the social views
of his time, Siddhārtha considered women
inferior to men. Nonetheless, their position in
Buddhist societies was generally better than
elsewhere in India.
Comparing Buddhism with Hinduism
• Spread of Religion
• Hinduism remained primarily in India
• After the death of the Buddha, his followers
spread his message throughout India and,
eventually, to South East Asia and other parts
of the world.