Hamlet Review

Hamlet Review
The Gravedigger Scene
The only humorous scene
in the play
 Gravedigger clowns use
puns and other word play
to joke about death while
they toss bones in the air.
 How does the humor
emphasize theme of
 Laertes jumps into
Ophelia’s grave out of
grief. Why does Hamlet
Theme of Death
Death is part of the rotting imagery
used in the play
A ghost is the catalyst for the
entire action of the play
Claudius and Gerturde urge
Hamlet to come to terms with his
father’s death as it is a natural
part of existence
Hamlet considers his own suicide
Ophelia commits suicide
Polonius, Rosencrantz and
Guildenstern all die for no real
Catastrophic end for Laertes,
Hamlet, Gertrude, and Claudius
Theme of Poison
From the pre-play action of the
murder of King Hamlet to the
final scene, poison is a major
motif of the play.
Denmark has been “poisoned”
by Claudius’s crime and is
rotting from within.
Gertrude and Claudius are in an
incestuous marriage that is
unnatural and corrupt.
Many characters show signs of
a “poisoned mind” – sin or
Relationships are “poisoned” –
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern
were once friends of Hamlet’s,
but end up murdered by him
Only Horatio and Fortinbras
seem unaffected by the
poisonous nature of Denmark.
They indicate that a fresh start
is coming for the kingdom.
Tragic Hero
A character who is
with one major character flaw
that contributes to his or her
Hamlet fits this definition.
However, he is unique in that
his flaw is his own indecision
and melancholy nature.
Even when he makes
mistakes, they are
understandable under the
circumstances. Audiences
lament the ruined potential
when he falls.
3 parts
Ghost story
Detective story
Revenge story
Exposition – Ghost tells Hamlet of the murder, Claudius takes
control of the state and happily marries Gertrude.
Rising Action – Hamlet reveals his paralyzing grief, relationships of
Laertes, Ophelia, and Polonius disclosed, Ophelia used as a trap for
Hamlet, play within a play to gather evidence.
Climax – Hamlet DOESN’T kill Claudius when he has the chance.
Falling Action – Hamlet attacks his mother, Hamlet kills Polonius
and hides the body, Fortinbras marches through Denmark, Laertes
declares revenge, Laertes and Cluadius conspire against Hamlet,
Claudius sends Hamlet to his death in England, Hamlet returns.
Resolution – Hamlet, Laertes, Claudius, and Gertrude all killed.
Denmark is final cleansed of the original crime.
Essay Topics
Evaluate the character of Polonius. Is he well-meaning
or merely a fool? Does he bear any responsibility for the
demise of his children? How is he similar to Rosencrantz
and Guildenstern?
To what degree can Claudius be held responsible for all
of the sorrows of the play? Which sorrows are primarily
Hamlet’s responsibility?
Explain how Hamlet is a tragedy of the state as well as a
tragedy of the individual. Include references to poison,
rotting, and death.
Both Macbeth and Hamlet qualify as tragic heroes.
Explain how each character applies to this term. In what
ways are they faced with a tragic dilemma?