Unit 4 India's Religions Origins and Characteristics Study Guide

Name _________________________________________ Core __________________ Date ________________________
Unit 4 India's Religions Origins and Characteristics Study Guide
Key Points:
1. The Hinduism has no specific founder.
2. Hindus believe in many gods and goddesses. All of them are parts of a single universal god, Brahman. All human souls
are a part of Brahman.
3. Hindus are expected to carry out their duties, or dharma. They believe in reincarnation. This is the idea that the soul is
reborn in an endless cycle of life and death.
4. How well a person carries out his or her dharma determines his or her karma. People’s karma determines how they will
live in their next life.
5. Buddhism was founded by Prince Siddhartha Gautama. He became the Buddha through meditating and understanding.
6. Buddhism is based on the teachings of the Buddha. They are described in the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path.
These beliefs are based on the Hindu idea of dharma.
7. After the Buddha’s death, his followers continued to spread his teachings throughout India.
8. Ashoka was a warrior and conqueror. He gave up his warlike ways and became a Buddhist.
9. He had laws based on Buddhist teachings carved on pillars throughout India.
10. He sent missionaries to other parts of Asia to spread the teachings of the Buddha.
Identify and explain the significance of the following terms:
Reincarnation- ______________________________________________________________________________
Karma- ____________________________________________________________________________________
Dharma- ___________________________________________________________________________________
Missionary- ________________________________________________________________________________
Reading Guide:
1. What does Hinduism teach people about how to live? ________________________________________________
2. How did Buddhism begin? _____________________________________________________________________
3. What were the teachings of Buddha? _____________________________________________________________
4. Explain why Ashoka converted to Buddhism? ______________________________________________________
Name _____________________________________________ Core _________________ Date __________________________
Vocabulary Organizer
Key Term
Use in a sentence
Key Term
Use in a sentence
Key Term
Use in a sentence