Student Answer


Jan 11 – unit 1



Sampling Method

Random Sample

Opportunity Sample

Volunteer Sample





2. Strategy 1. Verbal mnemonics for example an acronym – the first initial of the word you want to remember e.g. ROY G BIV to remember the colours of the rainbow or an acrostic –

My Very Easy Method Just Speeds up Naming Planets which makes a poem using the firs t letter of the words to remember the names and order of the planets.

Strategy 2 Visual mnemonics, for example the method of loci which is where you associate something you want to remember with an object/room in a house or well known building.

E.g. picturing a clock with 20 seconds on it to remember duration of short term memory.

3a. Independent group design

3b you don’t know whether it is the interview which is better or whether it is to do with the people you are testing e.g. group one could on average have a better memory (extraneous variable)

3c. Konkhens study showed that using the cognitive interview instead of the standard interview recall accuracy was improved by 34%

3d. Report everything – describe everything that happened in detail no matter how irrelevant it may seem.

3e. Investigator effects are when the investigator affects the results of the experiment through either giving participants leading questions, the way they act towards the participants (or demand characteristics) in this study the interviewer may ask a leading question about the film e.g. did you see the .....? which may make participants believe they have seen something they have not or remember something they wouldn’t otherwise have remembered.

4. Jamie will have forgotten the number because of the capacity and duration of STM. Miller suggests that the capacity of STM is 7



2 items but can be lost due to displacement or interference which Jamie will have experienced when he was on the phone to his friend.

Peterson and Peterson’s research suggests that the duration of STM is up to 20 seconds and because of the phone call between his recall of the number it will have been lost due to lack of rehearsal to keep it in his memory longer.

5. The working memory model was devised by Baddeley and Hitch and is a detailed explanation of short term memory. The model consists of : central executive which has limited capacity. The central executive directs attention and sends information to the relevant resource (slave system). The slave systems are

Phonological loop which deals with auditory information and has limited capacity. It is divided into two parts, the phonological store which holds the words you hear and the articulatory process which silently repeats those words.

Visuo spatial sketchpad which deals with visual information and has limited capacity.

It is divided into the visual cache which is what things look like and the inner scribe which is the relationship between things.

 In need of a general store the Episodic Buffer was later added which holds all other information but also has limited capacity.

Baddley conducted research which supports the working memory model. He gave participants 2 tasks either 2 visual tasks or 1 visual and 1 audio. The group performed better when ding one visual and one audio at the same time. This supports that each slave system has limited capacity.

Further research that supports this is participants were divided into two groups, group 1 had to trace a spotlight while describing the angles on the letter H while group 2 had to trace the spotlight while doing a verbal task. Group 2 performed better because of the slave systems limited capacity.

A case study on KF supports the working memory model because after he suffered from brain damage he could still do visual tasks but not verbal in STM. This shows that there is more than one component to STM.

Weaknesses of this model is that the central executive is too vague and could possibly be more than one component. A case study on EVR shows that after brain damage he could do

reasoning tasks but had poor decision making skills, which are both tasks of the central executive.

Validity – these studies may lack in validity because they are case studies which means you cannot generalise and we do not know whether they could perform theses tasks before they suffered brain damage.










5 AO1














6a. Ainsworth studied types of attachment through conducting an experiment called strange situation. Takes place in a 9m x 9m room measured out to report infants movements.

Ainsworth tested separation anxiety to primary caregiver, stranger anxiety for when a stranger enters the room and reunion behaviour to their primary caregiver when they return.

From this experiment Ainsworth devised 3 types of attachment. Secure -66%, insecure avoidant 22% and insecure resistant 12%

6b. Ainsworth’s studies are said to lack validity because they are thought to only test relationship with primary caregivers not their attachment type. Studies have found that infants act differently in strange situation depending on which parent they are with. But other psychologists have stated that this doesn’t matter because attachment type is formed from their primary caregiver and will later be internalised.

7a. Disruption of attachment is when the process of attachment is disturbed for a temporary amount of time for example an infant is put in care while their parent is in hospital. Whereas privation is the lack of forming any attachment due to failure to form them early in life (in the sensitive period). An example of this is Genie – a girl who was isolated in a room for 13.5 years.

7b. Child care has been influenced by research into attachment through parenting programs and day care for example, studies by NICHD and Belskey and Rovine show that if attachment needs are not met in day care it can have negative effects on peer relations and aggressive behaviour. This has encouraged day care to have low-child to staff ratios and minimal staff turnover to make sure a child is able to form and keep regular attachment with their caregiver.

8a. Research done by Harlow on orphaned monkeys shows that the orphan monkey clings and forms attachment with the faked clothed monkey rather than the one with the food bottle.

Schaffer and Emerson studied 60 babies and found that the infants formed attachments with the person that gave them the most attention rather than the person that fed them. These studies suggest that attachment is not formed because of food which the learning theory suggests.

8b. Bowlby’s theory of attachment is that it is innate (inborn) and adaptive (its inborn characteristics increase the rate of survival and reproduction.

Bowlby suggests that you have a primary caregiver (monotropy)and you form this attachment with the caregiver who is most sensitive and interacts with the infant. The infant then uses the primary attachment figure as a secure base to explore thus encourages independence. He suggests that there is an Internal working model which is a mental on emotional relationships. His continuity hypothesis means that early attachments carry on into later relationships.

9a. This is a natural experiment because the independent variable is naturally occurring and was not manipulated by the experimenter.

9b. The psychologist could have watched the children and devised behavioural categories such as pushing/hitting and recorded each time a child did one of those categories.

9c. Issue 1. Informed consent – the children and families should have been explained the full aims of the study and given an option whether or not to partake in it.

Issue 2 - Right to withdraw – before the study the participants must be told that they can withdraw at any time and if they look uncomfortable remind them they can withdraw. At the end of the study they should be reminded that they don’t have to have information used.

9d. Peer relations is your social interaction and intimacy with fellow peers/members of the public. E.g. the child interacts with people at school.

Question Mark




















