MUN Position Paper Vietnam

Delegate: Victoria Quintana
Country: Vietnam
Topic: Chemical Weapons
Committee: General Assembly
School: American School Foundation of Monterrey
Chemical weapons are the most dangerous weapons that have ever existed. The
effects are drastic. They release gas that contains poison that can kill us, damage our skin,
lead to sickness, cancer or other serious sickness. Countries use chemical weapons to
protect themselves. For example, if Syria makes an attack on the US then the US also has
to fight back, because if Syria crosses the line people will think that unleashing chemical
weapons on their own citizens will be frowned upon but not punished. For this reason,
the red line must be reinforced, and in order for both of those countries to feel safe they
stockpile chemical weapons so that if the war gets to very serious problems they use it
against each other and each accomplish what they wanted. But the US doesn’t want to
drop the “bomb” because it will result in the death of numerous people, sicknesses, and
other economical issues. But Syria is not really thinking of all the bad and horrible things
that could happen and just wants justice/revenge from his country to other countries. It is
better for Syria to back off or then almost every country is going to be against them. The
majority of the people will also be against them and will notice what they had caused and
will fight against Syria until they’re victorious. In the past years they used chemical
weapons in World War I. After World War I they noticed the huge disaster that it had
left. It killed 90 million people, 5,000 soldiers, and 2,000 soldiers survived but were blind
and taken by the German army. Then they decided to forbid the use of chemical agents.
They were no longer used in World War II. However, many countries had large
stockpiles of them. They also used chemical weapons in the Vietnam War and Iraq-Iran
War. The objective for the MUN is for all the countries to agree on a solution for this
current situation in the World. The whole point for the UN is to bring and spread peace
throughout the world and to focus on the solutions to make it work for that problem.
Vietnam is against the use of chemical weapons. When the Vietnam War began,
the USA first attacked using the chemical Agent Orange. Agent Orange is a chemical
weapon containing dioxin and poisonous gas that causes death and disease. It is very
harmful and can lead to various diseases like cancer; diabetes, and birth. The USA
sprayed it over a forest and a few farms for eleven years. More than 400,000 Vietnamese
people died and 2 million people suffered from illness. The chemical weapons that the
USA used were more than 19 million of gallons of gas and they were sprayed over 4.2
acres of land. When the war was over, Vietnam realized what a mess the USA had made
and decided not to use chemical weapons against America or any other country. In spite
of all this, they won the war without the use of chemical weapons and used proper
weapons instead. To prove this, they signed several treaties. Some of these are: The NonProliferation of Nuclear Weapons, Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, Chemical
Weapons Convention and the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention.
Chemical weapons have killed over 2 billion people during the past several years.
My country’s solution is for everyone to have the same amount of chemical weapons. To
have the same amount of chemical weapons, we mean for the big countries to decrease
their biggest chemical weapons and for all the countries to have the minimum amount of
harmful weapons that has ever existed. If a country is at war with another country then
they would have the same amount of chemical weapons. If we all have the same chemical
weapons all of our countries would be equally safe and none of our countries would be
threatened of having different amounts of weapons. Our world would unite and people
would live in peace. Delegates if we were to take this plan to action, our world would be
a better place.
"World Bulletin." World Bulletin. N.p., 07 Sep 2013. Web. 1 Oct 2013.
"World Factbook." Vietnam. N.p., 10 Sep 2013. Web. 1 Oct 2013.
Sharon, Jacobs. "National Geographic." Chemical Warfare, From Rome to Syria. N.p., 22
Aug 2013. Web. 1 Oct 2013.
"Syria Chemical Attack." BBC News. N.p., 24 Sep 2013. Web. 1 Oct 2013.
Mass, Harold . "Brief history of Chemical Warfare." THE WEEK. N.p., 7 Sep 2013. Web.
1 Oct 2013.
Miller, Chris. "Dark History of Chemical Weapons." Policymic. N.p., 13 Sep 2013. Web.
1 Oct 2013.
"Vietnam condemns chemical weapons use." Nhan Dan . N.p., 19 Sep 2013. Web. 1 Oct
"Vietnam." OPCW. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Oct 2013.[q]=vietnam.