
Anatomy, Joint Orientation and Arthrokinematics
Task 1
For the clients below identify which part of the capsule is restricting passive range of movement.
1. Restricted Painful End Range Flexion
2. Restricted Painful External Rotation at 90°
3. Restricted Painful External Rotation at 45°
4. Restricted Painful Internal Rotation at 45°
5. Restricted Painful Internal Rotation at 90°
6. Restricted Painful Horizontal Adduction
Task 2
The shoulder joint follows the convex on concave rule to movement. Meaning the humeral head glides in the
opposite direction to the roll. For the following joint movements label them as following the convex on concave rule
or vice versa , then describe the anatomical movement that occurs.
1. Open chain Glenohumeral Flexion e.g
a. Convex on Concave
b. Humeral head glides inferiorly, rolls superiorly
2. Open Chain Tibiofemoral Extension
3. Closed Chain Tibiofemoral Extension
4. Open Chain Talocrural Dorsiflexion
5. Closed Chain Talocrural Dorsiflexion
Task 3
Using your knowledge of capsular tightness and convex on concave rules of movement describe mobilisations that
could be used for each client in Task 1
1. Restricted Painful End Range Flexion
a. Inferior Glenohumeral Complex
b. Posterior and inferior glide mobilisation
2. Restricted Painful External Rotation at 90°
3. Restricted Painful External Rotation at 45°
4. Restricted Painful Internal Rotation at 45°
5. Restricted Painful Internal Rotation at 90°
6. Restricted Painful Horizontal Adduction