Industrialization Exam Study Guide

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Industrialization, Imperialism, WWI and the Jazz Age Study Guide
The Gilded Age
Presidents- Garfield, and Cleveland
The Making of Modern America
Cultural Changes- sports, advertising, gender roles, etc.
Inventors and Inventions (Edison, Howe, Fulton, Marconi, Otis, Bessemer)
Labor Unions and the Rise of Big Business
Priorities of Labor
Priorities of Business
Status of the Average Worker
Sources of Unrest
The Jungle- author, content, purpose
Open and Closed Shops
AFL and the IWW
Haymarket Square Incident
Big Business and Society
Robber Barons
Vertical and Horizontal Integration
Trusts- what are they, what is their benefit, what laws were trying to limit them
Social Darwinism
Immigration and Ellis Island
Chinese Exclusion Act
Details from immigration projects- types of jobs available to immigrants, regions they came
from, how they were treated once they arrived
The US Becomes a World Power and TR
Imperialism- definition and US reasons (Europe, White man’s burden, etc.)
Spanish American War
The Philippines
Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine
“Speak softly and Carry a big stick”
The Panama Canal
The Progressive Era
Eugene V. Debs and the Socialists
Muckrakers (Upton Sinclair)
Election reforms
Jane Addams
Conditions for African Americans
Constitutional Loopholes
Suffrage- movements, major leaders, year of Const. Amendment
World War 1
Triple Entente (Allied Powers)- members
Triple Alliance (Central Powers)- members
The spark- what event? Which 2 countries were involved?
Technology and its effect on warfare
The Lusitania and unrestricted submarine warfare
The Zimmerman Note
The Treaty of Versailles
Wilson’s 14 points
The Roaring 20s and the Jazz Age
Culture of the 1920s
The First Red Scare
Prohibition and Al Capone
Race in the 1920s
The Scopes Monkey Trial
Essay Questions: You will receive BOTH of the following essay questions on your next exam. Read and
prepare carefully:
1. Explain what unions are and what benefit they offered to workers of the late 19th century.
2. Explain the MAIN (acronym) causes of WWI and describe the events that surrounded the
declaration of war in Europe.