AP Biology

Summer 2012
Dear AP Student,
Welcome to the world of AP Biology! You have signed up for a wild ride, that will sometimes be
tough, sometime fun and at times you think we will never make it. But we will!! This is a very
demanding world on your time. AP Biology requires about 5-7 hours per week (outside the
classroom) for reading, completing homework, lab reports and preparing for tests. This is a
college course and you will be responsible for some material not covered in class. Study
sessions will be available, but not mandatory. You will be responsible for a 3 ring binder (you
may need 2) for your notes, lab reports and other materials from the class. There is a
laboratory fee of $40.00, which includes the student lab manual, test prep study guide and all
necessary materials for the required AP Biology labs. Other laboratory and hands-on activities
are also part of the curriculum. All students enrolled in AP Biology are required to take the AP
Biology Exam, which is given in May at the cost of $87.00.
Your summer assignment is an Independent Study on Biological Changes (Evolutionary
Changes). This corresponds to Chapters 22-25 in Campbell Biology. Guiding Questions and
notes are provided in the folder. DO NOT procrastinate completing the assignments since we
will be covering other material and double duty will not be fun!! My email address is
mabrylindas@mcsk12.net, if you need to contact me in the summer. When school begins, we
will set up g-mail accounts for the class.
You will be required to register with Campbell Biology to attain access to the ebook and other
materials available. To register and log on: www.pearsonschool.com/access , go the Campbell
Biology, click on the brown/tan book: (AP Edition) 8th edition. You will be asked to indicate a
user name and a password. Make sure you write your user name and password in a place you
will remember( this is the voice of experience speaking!). The access code is: SSNAST. The
second code is SSNAST-QISHM-EMEND-CHIMB-LENTO-RUNES. PLEASE register before school is
out so if there are any problems we can solve them before the end of school.
Summer assignment
Complete and print the Reading Guide worksheets for chapters 22-25.
Work the investigations (videos, quizzes, and tests) available on the e-book with chapters 2225.
Due date: first week of school
Biologically speaking,
Mrs. Suzanne Mabry