Dollar, Moral, Good Neighbor

Developing U.S.
Foreign Policy
Dollar Diplomacy
Moral Diplomacy
Good Neighbor Policy
Summary Prompt: Assess the change in American
Involvement in Latin America from Teddy Roosevelt to
Franklin D Roosevelt.
“Constable of the World ”
O Neocolonialism (1880-
1930) Independent Latin
American nations
experienced military
intervention, economic and
cultural influence from GB,
FR, and the U.S.
O To what extent
and imperialism
Taft and Dollar Diplomacy
■ After TR President Taft continued an aggressive foreign
policy, called “Dollar Diplomacy”
– Use U.S. wealth rather than military strength in foreign policy
– In Latin America, U.S. banks assumed debts to Europe
White board: What is a conclusion you
can make from the graphs
■ President Woodrow Wilson
■ Support nations with similar moral beliefs as the US
■ Moral Diplomacy could bring peace & democracy to the
world without militarism & war
■ Punish those nations with different beliefs
■ Wilson talked of “human rights” in Latin America, but
defended the Monroe Doctrine & intervened more than
Roosevelt or Taft
In 1913, Victoriano Huerta Took Power in Mex
by force
Mexicoa fair
US refused
Huerta &in
Huerta refused, Wilson used minor incidents
(arrest of some U.S. sailors in Tampico) to send
the military to occupy Veracruz: Huerta
Mexican rebel Pancho Villa raided a US Border Town
Because the US supported his rival Carranza
Wilson responded by sending the military to
find Villa (who were unable to do so)
WWI Started
White Board
O How did Moral Diplomacy play a role in
justifying US intervention in Mexico:
O Respond in 5 or less words
Hoover’s Good Neighbor Policy
O Hoover wanted to improve
relations with Latin America
O US criticized for armed
interventions in Haiti and
O Improved by removing
troops from Nicaragua
O U.S. relations with Latin
America were low.
The Clark Memorandum 1930
O Rejects idea Roosevelt
Corollary(right to intervene)
O primary purpose of Monroe
Doctrine was to protect Latin
American from European
O not to victimize or oppress Latin
American nations
O Based on the information,
what does the illustration
FDR’s Good Neighbor Policy
O In President Franklin Roosevelt's inaugural address,
he also promised to improve relations with Latin
America by stating:
O FDR’s Sec. of State, Cordell Hull
O Ensure non-hostile neighbors in Latin America
O Latin American cooperation in the WWII
O Oil and Natural Resources.
Discuss the key points in this
quote of FDR
O "In the field of world policy, I dedicate this
nation to the policy of the good neighbor —
the neighbor who resolutely respects himself
and, because he does so, respects the
rights of others."
FDR’s Good Neighbor Policy
O Under Hulls
O Low tariffs improved the
economies of the Latin
American especially for Cuban
O 1933 US committed to a
policy of non-intervention
into the affairs of Latin
American countries.
O Example: U.S. Marines were
removed from Haiti in 1934
O Approve Treaty with Cuba
nullify Platt Amendment
Other Examples of Good Neighbor
O Hull obtained a united front against
possible Axis aggression.
O The U.S. did not intervene when
Mexico nationalized oil and sent
out foreign oil companies.
O After WWII Latin American countries
to join the Organization of American
States (OAS) Part of the UN (largely
controlled by the U.S.)
White Board
O Contrast FDR intervention in LA to
those of T R.
End of Good Neighbor Policy
O The Good Neighbor Policy
was abandoned After WWII
O US ignored free trade deals
O Viewed LA as supplier raw
materials and tropical
O Increased intervention with
Anti- Communist goals