syllabus anatomy - East Penn School District

11th /12th grade
Mrs. Kramer-Hinks
This course studies structures and functions of the systems of the human body, disorders related
to the systems, and related technological and practical applications using labs and a mandatory
research project (including a research paper and oral presentation), among other techniques.
Works Cited for Textbook:
Marieb, Elaine N. Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology, 7th ed. San Francisco:
Benjamin Cummings, 2003. Print.
1. Marking period grades will be percentage grades based upon points earned in the following
areas: components of research paper and presentation, quizzes/tests, lab work, class work
and homework.
2. Final grades will be calculated by using the 4 marking period grades as 20% each and the
average of the midterm and final exams counting as the remaining 10%.
3. Grading scale
A 92-100%
B 84-91%
C 74-83%
D 65-73%
F 55-64%
FF 0-54%
1. Written work
-all graded work should be typed, or written neatly ONLY in blue or black pen, or pencil
-all notes and papers should be stored in a notebook, a binder, and/or a folder
2. Homework-Homework will be checked or collected at the beginning of the period, if not complete it
could receive a “0” or loss of points depending on the value of the assignment.
-Due dates will be listed on the board in the classroom, on the calendar on Mrs
Kramer-Hinks’ website, on the calendar on the Anatomy Moodle page, and will
be posted on the Remind texting site.
3. Absences-For missed work after absence, check calendar on teacher’s website, calendar on Moodle
page, board in classroom, and/or with another student .
- All papers missed when absent can be found in the back of the room in the boxes
marked “Anat” in boxes "A" or "B". Electronic documents are posted on the
Anatomy Moodle page.
-If homework was due the day you were absent, it is due upon your return.
-Any work assigned the day you were absent will be due on consecutive days.
-All missed work must be made up within 3 days of your return to school if absent for 1-2
days otherwise a “0” will be given for any assigned work.
-If student is absent for 3 or more days, email teacher for missed work. Alternate due
dates will be determined for those absences of 3 or more days.
- Inform teacher at least 3 days in advance for absences that you are aware of ahead of
time- exs. surgery, vacation, and/or fieldtrips.
4. Late assignments- Only labs and projects will be accepted as late, NOT homework.
Late is determined if assignment is turned in later in the period than it is checked, later in
the day, or the next day.
- 1 day late will lose 1/3 of the earned grade if submitted later than collected
- 2 days late will lose 2/3 of the earned grade
- 3 or more days late will receive a “0” or loss of all credit
5. Times for Make-ups- during a time convenient to both teacher and student including:
-tests and quizzesAM testing----- Mon-Fri from 6:30-7:15 in room _______,
study halls in rm 426 if conducive with teacher's schedule
PM testing--- Mon-Fri from 2:35-3:15 in room ________,
after school--- Mon. and/or Wed. from 2:30-3:15 in room 426 with me
-labsSTUDY HALLS in rm 426 (if convenient to teacher and student)
before school when teacher is available
after school on Mon. and Wed. from 2:30-3:15 in rm 426
-If you are absent for a graded assignment, you need to schedule a makeup, if you miss
the makeup, you may only reschedule another makeup one more time otherwise a
“0” will be assigned. In addition, all makeup assignments must be completed
within a 3-day window after return from an absence.
-If you miss a total of 3 tests/quizzes over the course of the year, alternate arrangements
will be made concerning make-up work including mandatory AM testing and/or
alternate versions of assessments for the remainder of the year.
6. Lab Directives-Graded labs could include a lab report, worksheet, or lab practical test.
-Plagiarism of answers from other students, even from lab partners or from
textbooks, is NOT tolerated and results in a “0” for ALL students involved.
-Most labs include a component for neatness.
-Labs (including make-ups) are due a minimum of 2 days after completion of the lab.
-Any disregard of safety rules during labs will result in a “0” on the lab, as well as,
teacher discretion of other consequences including non-participation in future labs.
-Lab reports, when submitted, may include all or most of the following in this order:
A. direction sheet- given to you by the teacher explaining the lab including analysis
questions. Write name, date, and lab partner’s name on the top right.
B. sketches- drawn to scale in pencil, titled, labeled by horizontal lines to the right that do
not cross and drawn with a ruler, colored as seen, and magnification given.....
drawn on one side of unlined paper only (teacher will demonstrate for each lab)
C. tables and/or graphs (on graph paper using a ruler or computer generated)- titled and
axes labeled and numbered, columns and rows labeled, keyed as necessary..... on
one side of paper only
D. analysis questions- answered in the appropriate spaces on the direction sheet of the lab
OR type/write answers on a separate sheet including question numbers, and
answer in C.U.S. (complete understandable sentences including question as part
of answer in sentence format) if required
E. typed, works cited page- your textbook and/or other books used to complete ANY part
of the lab including sketches, on one side of paper only
Classroom Rules:
1. Be on time.
2. Remain in your assigned seat from beginning to end of class unless instructed otherwise.
3. Be prepared for class with all needed supplies and focused on the task at hand.
4. Follow directions the first time given and only perform tasks assigned by the teacher.
5. Raise your hand and wait to be recognized before speaking.
6. Act responsibly and respect yourself and others.
7. No food or drink at any time.
8. Follow all safety guidelines listed below during labs.
9. All electronic devices (phones, iPOD’s, etc) should be off and away during class.
Safety Guidelines:
1. Keep work area clean and uncluttered, and when lab is completed, return work area to way it
looked when you began including returning all equipment to proper locations.
2. Know the locations and operating procedures for all safety equipment and know how to exit
the room and building for fire drills.
3. Dress appropriately for lab; particularly with hair back during labs and no open toed shoes
when using scalpels.
4. Follow all written and verbal instructions carefully including the following:
Conduct yourself in a responsible manner at all times and never fool around.
Remain at your lab station until your lab is completed.
Ask before proceeding if you do not understand a direction or procedure.
Perform only those experiments authorized by the instructor.
Do not touch any equipment, chemicals, or other materials and never touch, taste, or
smell any chemicals in the laboratory unless instructed to do so.
Always wash hands with soap and water after performing all experiments.
Never remove any lab materials from the lab stations.
5. Be alert and proceed with caution especially when transporting chemicals and report any
unsafe conditions or accidents immediately. If a chemical should splash in your eyes or
on your skin, flush it immediately with water and notify the instructor.
6. Proceed with caution with all glassware, sharp instruments and heated materials including:
Never handle broken glass with bare hands and dispose of properly after alerting teacher.
When using sharp instruments, always carry and cut with tips pointing away from you
and pointing downwards.
Whenever you are handling chemicals or glassware, goggles must be worn.
7. Handle all preserved biological materials with respect and dispose of them properly.
8. Be cautious using electrical equipment including:
When removing an electrical plug from its socket, make sure your hands are dry, then
grasp the plug, not the cord.
If electrical equipment is damaged (frayed cords, exposed wires, or loose connections do
not use it and report it immediately to the instructor.
9. Report any accidents, broken, or damaged equipment to the instructor immediately.
10. There will be financial responsibility for any broken or damaged equipment.
Consequences for Disregard of Classroom Rules and Safety Guidelines could include some,
or all, of the following:
verbal warning, seat change, teacher-student conference, call to guidance or asst.
principal, removal from class, parent phone call, discipline referral, “0” on an
assignment, loss of daily class prep point, confiscation of banned materials, loss of
classroom privileges, loss of lab privileges, etc
Current Events Bonus:
Throughout the marking periods, students will be able to complete optional extra credit
assignments for current events (news) articles related to anatomy topics being studied. Students
will find, and read, a news article (minimum of 24 sentences and written within the past 12
months) about an anatomy topic and complete a 1 paragraph summary of the article. Both the
article and summary must be submitted. Only 1 may be turned in per week and it must be
submitted by the end of the day on a Friday to count for that week. Each current event is worth 3
bonus points if: the article is related to the weekly topic being studied, there is a copy of the news
article (or it’s link is submitted electronically as a hyperlink in an email), and the summary is
grammatically correct and properly summarizes the article (summary can be handed in with the
copy of the article or can be electronically submitted with the hyperlink of the article in an
email). One current event can be submitted each week of the marking period.
By e-mail
Teacher website
Moodle webpage
By phone
610-965-1650 ext 21426
Mon.-Fri. 6:50 AM- 3:15 PM
(except the first Monday of every
month when there are faculty
Semester 1:
I. Introduction to year and research projects
II. Introduction to anatomy (CHS. 1 and 4)
III. Bio 101 (CH. 3)
IV. Histology and Cancer (CH. 3)
V. Skin and Body Membranes (CH. 4)
VI. Nervous system (CH. 7)
VII. Respiratory System (CH. 13)
VIII. Blood and Genetics (CH. 10)
IX. Heart (Cardiovascular System) (CH. 11)
X. Vessels (Cardiovascular System) (CH. 11)
VIII. Urinary System (CH. 15)??
Semester 2:
I. Digestive System (CH. 14)
January- February
II. Lymphatic system and immunity (CH. 12)
II. Skeletal system and Articulations (CHS. 5 and 6)
IV. Muscular system & Muscle tissue (CH. 6)
V. Endocrine System (CH. 9)
April- May
VI. Reproduction & development (CH. 16)
Complete and return this portion of the Anatomy syllabus by Thurs., August, 28, 2014.
I have read and understand the material printed above concerning my responsibilities in anatomy
class including lab safety. This is a contract and I will adhere to the above stated responsibilities.
(your signature)
(parent or guardian signature)