Chapter 7 Lesson Plans 2014

Español II
Lesson Plans
Chapter 7
Mar. 12 – April 10, 2014
Unit 7 Standards:
Communication: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3
Cultures: 2.1, 2.2
Connections: 3.1, 3.2
Comparisons: 4.1, 4.2
Communities: 5.1 (partial)
Wednesday/Monday, Mar. 12/17, 2014
Spring break: Mar. 13/14
Distribute project rubric
Tuesday/Wednesday, Mar. 18/19, 2014
Thursday/Friday, Mar. 20/21, 2014
Finish pending presentations.
Geocultura: El Viejo San Juan
Discussion of the Geography and culture of San Juan de Puerto Rico
Students will complete a questionnaire regarding the information on pages 240-243
Slide show for further information and “virtual” travel through San Juan
Geocultura video
Monday/Tuesday, Mar. 24/25, 2014
Objective: ordering in a restaurant, talking about how food tastes
Introduce Chapter 7: ¡Buen provecho!
Introduce Vocabulario en acción 1, pp 246-249
Read Nota Cultural p 248
Introduce phrases in ¡Exprésate! p 248
P 249, exercise 3: Give students time to write down the sentences. Then have students share
with the class what they wrote.
Tarea: Cuaderno pp 73, 74 & 75
Vocabulary 1 Quiz Next block
Wednesday/Thursday, Mar. 26/27, 2014
Vocabulary 1 Quiz
Introduce Gramática en acción 1: pp 250 : Double object pronouns: powerpoint
Page 252: Read Nota Cultural
Commands with double object pronouns: p 252
Homework: Exercise 12: Comunicación, p 253: Students will select a partner:
You and your partner work in a restaurant. Take turns explaining what to do with the things
pictured using command forms with direct and indirect object pronouns. Look at the example.
Due next block.
Friday/Monday, Mar. 28/31, 2014
Present the waiter scene.
---continuación de Gramática en acción 1: p 254: Adverbs: powerpoint
Round Robin: exercises 13, p 254, exercise 14, p 255
Homework: Cuaderno pp 76-78
Tuesday/Wednesday, April 1 & 2, 2014
Early release April 2
Introduce Vocabulario en acción 2 pp 258-259
¡Exprésate! p 260
Homework: Cuaderno pp79-81
Vocabulary 2 Quiz: Next block
Thursday/Friday, April 3 & 4, 2014
Vocabulary 2 Quiz
Gramática en accion 2: p 262 More uses of the imperfect.
Page 264: Read Nota cultural
---continuación Gramática en acción 2: Repaso of The imperfect, p 264.
Monday/Tuesday, April 7/8, 2014
In groups of 4: students will tell a story in the past. One person should begin the story by saying
a sentence like “Eran las diez de la noche.” The next student continues the story with, “llovia”
and so on. Each student must contribute 2 sentences to the story. A group designated “scribe”
will write down the sentences so the group can later share the story with the class.
---continuación de Gramática en acción 2: p 266 Past participles used as adjectives: powerpoint
Read and discuss El sabor de Puerto Rico, p 270-271
Tarea: Cuaderno pp 82-84
Chapter 7 Test: Next block (includes Geocultura)
Wednesday/Thursday, April 9/10, 2014
Chapter 7 Test
Chapter 8 Vocabulary Sheet
Friday/Monday, April 11/14, 2014
Introduce Chapter 8: Santiago