Chapter 8 Post test answers








__________ refers to the process by which activities are started, directed, and continued so that physical and psychological needs or wants are met.

Your Answer: Instinct

Correct Answer: Motivation

A child who continues to practice playing the piano because he enjoys the music and playing brings him a sense of pride is using

Your Answer: primary drives.

Correct Answer: intrinsic motivation.

Instinct approach theorists believe that

Your Answer: there is a connection between internal physiological states and outward behavior.

Correct Answer: the instinct for territorial protection may be related to aggressive behavior.

The tension that is created when an organism has a need that must be met is called

Your Answer: an instinct.

Correct Answer: a drive.

Leila is trying to quit smoking. To avoid smoking, Leila has started to chew gum often to fulfill

Your Answer: her acquired need.

People who are high in the need for power have a strong desire

Your Answer: to reach a goal.

Correct Answer: to have the most expensive "toys."







Dr. Bernstein is doing research on motivation. As a result of his work, he believes that people have an optimal level of tension that they seek to maintain. Dr. Bernstein believes in the

Your Answer: hierarchy of needs.

Correct Answer: arousal theory.

Dan is a rock climber who constantly seeks bigger challenges. His dream is to scale Mount Everest. Zuckerman would classify Dan as a(n)

Your Answer: sensation seeker.

Theories of motivation in which behavior is explained as a response to the external stimulus and its rewarding properties are called

Your Answer: arousal theories.

Correct Answer: incentive approaches.

Maslow proposed that self-actualization can be achieved

Your Answer: before the cognitive needs are fulfilled.

Correct Answer: just before transcendence.

________ is a hormone created by the pancreas to control levels of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates in the body by reducing the level of glucose in the bloodstream.

Your Answer: Epinephrine

Correct Answer: Insulin

Damage to the ___________ caused rats to stop eating to the point of starvation.

Your Answer: lateral hypothalamus







The speed at which the body burns available energy is called

Your Answer: weight set point.

Correct Answer: metabolism.

The weight set point refers to

Your Answer: the particular metabolic speed that a person must maintain to keep his or her weight the same.

Correct Answer: the particular level of weight that the body tries to maintain.

Even though Gina just ate a late breakfast at 10:30am, she may still feel hungry at noon because hunger is affected by social conventions and

Your Answer: circadian rhythm.

Correct Answer: classical conditioning.

Obesity is a condition in which a person's weight is at least ___ over the ideal weight for his or her height.

Your Answer: 20%

In the normal feedback loop for appetite control in the brain, _______ levels of leptin cause the appetite to increase, whereas _______ levels of leptin cause the appetite to decrease.

Your Answer: low; high

Rejection of sexual maturity, sexual abuse, perfectionism, and family dysfunction are suggested causes of

Your Answer: starvation.

Correct Answer: anorexia.







Which statement is NOT true about display rules?

Your Answer: Display rules are innate, not learned.

"I'm shaking because I'm afraid," is explained by the ______ theory of emotion.

Your Answer: common sense

Which of the following describes cognitive arousal theory?

Your Answer: "I am afraid, running, and aroused."

Correct Answer: "I am aroused due to the cues from my environment; therefore, I must be afraid."

Professor Peterson is a psychology professor who taught his class about theories of emotion. He told his class that facial expressions provide feedback to the brain, which in turn intensifies and causes emotions.

Professor Peterson taught his class the

Your Answer: cognitive-mediational theory of emotion.

Correct Answer: facial feedback hypothesis of emotion.

In Schachter and Singer's classic study of emotion, male student volunteers were injected with epinephrine, a drug that

Your Answer: causes people to feel angry.

Correct Answer: causes the same kind of physiological arousal that occurs during a strong emotional reaction.

Quinton is experiencing great sadness and disappointment in his life. As a result, he decided to consult with Dr. Myers, an expert in the positive psychology movement. Which of the following recommendations would Dr.

Myers make to Quinton to help him become happier?

Your Answer: Focus only on yourself.

Correct Answer: Engage in aerobic exercise.

25. The positive psychology movement claims that

Your Answer: people are, by nature, positivistic.

Correct Answer: the field of psychology should focus on strengths, wellbeing, and the pursuit of happiness.
