Judaism & Christianity (PPT)


AP Human Geography



 Oldest monotheistic religion

 Born in the Middle East (Iraq & Israel)

 First Near Eastern religion to have one God that focuses on his relationship with earth, not with other gods


 Father of Judaism (and thus Christianity and Islam)

 Original monotheist

 Lived around 2000 BCE

 Life story: Genesis 11 - 25

 Born in Ur (present day Iraq)

 Leads his people to Canaan (present day Israel)

 Married to Sarah, barren

 Ishmael (son of Hagar) – father to Arabs

 Isaac (son of Sarah) – father to Hebrews

The Exodus: 1250 BCE

 Hebrews had migrated to Egypt due to drought

 Moses

 Prophet of God

 leads Hebrews out of Egypt (the Exodus), back to Canaan

(40 yrs)

 On journey, Moses receives Ten Commandments from

God on Mt. Sinai

 writes first five books of the Old Testament (aka the


Kingdom of Israel

 Hebrews fight off warring Arab tribes inhabiting Canaan

 1020BCE: Hebrew tribes come together to form Kingdom of


 Saul: first king

 David: second king (Golden Age)

 Solomon: third (and final) king

 Built great temple (Solomon’s Temple); under Dome of the

Rock (not excavated)

 Conquered by Assyrian Empire after Solomon’s death, then by the Babylonian Empire

 Jews are displaced until 1948


 Supports Jewish nationalism

 Home state of Israel

 Jewish culture & traditions

 Founded by Theodor Herzi (1887)

Palestinians (Arabs) and Israelites (Jews) have been fighting over this land ever since.

In 1947 (post-Holocaust), United Nations proposed a compromise.

Palestinians would not agree to the compromise, so they got nothing.


 1967: Six Day War with Egypt (Israel gained Sinai

Peninsula from Egypt)

 1982: gave Sinai back to Egypt

 Since: struggles with Palestinians over land rights

Jewish Terms

 Rabbi: priest; religious leader

 Synagogue: place of worship

 Covenant: promise

Jewish Literature

 Torah:

 Sacred book

 Aka Hebrew Bible (first five books of the Old Testament)

 Written by Moses

 Mishnah:

 200BC

 Contains six orders (includes prayers, spiritual rites, laws)

The Menorah

• The Menorah is a seven branched candelabrum and is the oldest symbol of the Jewish people

• represents the burning bush as seen by Moses on Mount Sinai

• The end of each branch is a lamp lit by olive oil

The Star of David

• the standard symbol in synagogues

• symbol of Jewish

Community and is named after King David of ancient Israel

• Jews started to use the symbol in the Middle


The Mezuzah

• a scroll which Jewish people keep inside a case (pic above) and fix to the right side of their door frames

• hang the Mezuzah from their door as a constant reminder of God ’ s presence.

• If moving, must remove the Mezuzah from the door and take it. Leaving it behind is considered disrespectful to


Rite of Passage

 Move from being a child to being an adult.

 Judaism says a boy is a "bar mitzvah" when he turns 13 and a girl becomes "bat mitzvah" when she turns 12.

 The child is now responsible for what they do. If they do anything wrong, it is their fault and not their parents ’ .


 From the time of Mosaic law the People of God have observed fixed feasts, beginning with Passover.

 This feast takes place in early spring for the Jews.

 The feast known as Pesach reminds all Jews of their escape from Egypt over 3000 years ago.

 God told Moses to have all Jews in Egypt paint lamb’s blood over their doorways and they would not be harmed by the last plague

Rosh Hashanah

 Jewish New Year (start of Hebrew calendar)

 Anniversary of the creation of Adam and Eve

 Two days of celebration, 163 days after the first day of

Passover (usually early September)

 Day of Atonement

Yom Kippur

 24 hours of fasting and prayer

 Most important Jewish holiday

 “tenth day of the seventh month” (Leviticus)


 festival celebrating the time when the Jews won a battle against the Greeks to practice their religion freely

 an oil lamp was lit in the temple. There was only enough oil to burn for one day - but miraculously it burned for eight days.

 This is why the Hanukkah festival lasts for eight days and why light is the main item in the celebration.


 Meal every Friday

 Time for rest

 starts on Friday, just before sunset and finishes on

Saturday after sunset. (lasts for 24 hours).

 Before the meal candles are lit.

 meal begins with a blessing said over wiine and two loaves of bread. (special egg bread called Challah bread)

Jewish Holy Places

 Temple Mount (holy for all Abrahamic religions): disputed history

 Western (wailing) Wall

 Western portion of Temple Mount

 Site for pilgrimage

Judaism Today

 14 million adherents (2012)

 0.2% of the world’s population

 42% live in Israel

 42% live in US & Canada

 Remainder spread throughout the world



 Terminology: Christos = Greek meaning “the anointed one”

 Abraham: Founder of Christianity (same beginnings as


 Support Hebrew scriptures of Moses (Creation, Exodus, plight of Hebrews back to Canaan, 10 Commandments, etc.)

 Jesus: son of God, fully divine and fully human

 Jesus is not just a prophet, but the Messiah, sent by

God to save man from sins

Jesus of Nazareth

 Born around the 1 st century, AD (had to be before 4AD,

King Herod’s death)

 The Gospels (“Good News”) are stories of Jesus’ life and teachings

 Jewish teacher and rabbi

 Crucified in Jerusalem on the orders of Roman prefect,

Pontius Pilate

Jesus of Nazareth

 Christian teachings record

 Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the

Virgin Mary

 Performed miracles

 Founded the Christian Church

 Died as a sacrifice to achieve atonement

 Rose from the dead

 Ascended into heaven from which he will one day return

Other Views

 Judaism rejects the belief that Jesus was the awaited

Messiah, arguing that he did not fulfill the Messianic prophecies in the Tanakh.

 In Islam, Jesus is considered one of God's important prophets and the Messiah. Jesus is a bringer of scripture and the child of a virgin birth, but neither divine nor the victim of crucifixion.


 Scared text

 Includes 66 books divided into Old (pre-Jesus; Hebrew

Bible + historical literature) and New (Jesus’ life and death, historical literature) Testaments

Christian Beliefs

 Most Christians believe that human beings experience divine judgment and are rewarded either with eternal life or eternal damnation.

 Common rituals: baptism, communion, weddings

Christian Holidays

 Christmas: birth of Jesus

 Lent: 40 day period of fasting and repentance in preparation for Easter

 Ash Wednesday: First day of Lent

 Palm Sunday: sixth Sunday of Lent & the last Sunday before Easter; represents celebration of Jesus arriving in Jerusalem

 Good Friday: death of Jesus

 Easter: Resurrection of Jesus

Spread of Christianity

 Armenia: first country to adopt Christianity (301AD)

 Christians persecuted for their beliefs until Emperor

Constantine converted, making it the official religion of the Roman Empire (extended through rest of Europe)

 Central to daily life throughout Europe in Middle Ages

 Spread widely during Renaissance, Age of Discovery, and later imperialism of 19 th and 20 th centuries


 Roman Catholic Church

 Eastern Orthodox (separated from Catholics in the

Great Schism of the 11 th century)

 Protestantism (separated from Catholics in the

Protestant Reformation; started in Germany in 1517)

Christianity Today

 World’s largest religion

 2.2 billion adherents

 Over 41,000 denominations

Christian Majority Countries

Ark of the Covenant

 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJREErpZHtM
