07-LS1-3 Body Systems Vocabulary

Name: _______________________________
07-LS1-3 Body Systems Vocabulary
Period: __________
1. Organ – Part of an organism that has a specific vital function (ex: heart, lungs, etc.)
2. Circulatory System – system that circulates blood through the body
3. Artery – Tubes (like blood vessels) that carry blood WITH oxygen FROM the heart to the
rest of the body
4. Vein – Tubes (like blood vessels) that carry blood WITHOUT oxygen TO the heart
5. Heart – A hollow, muscular organ that pumps blood throughout the circulatory system
6. Blood vessels – A tubular structure that carries blood through tissues and organs
7. Digestive System – The organs and glands in the body that are responsible for digestion
8. Esophagus - Tube that connects the throat to the stomach – lined with a mucous
membrane (to keep things slippery)
9. Small Intestine – Part of the intestine that runs between the stomach and large intestine.
Responsible for absorbing most nutrients
10. Large Intestine – Also known as the colon; absorbs water from wastes to create stool
11. Excretory System – The organs in the body that performs excretion (getting rid of wastes)
12. Kidneys – A pair of organs that filter out wastes from the blood to form urine
13. Bladder – An organ in humans and other animals that collects urine for excretion
14. Urethra – The duct (tube) by which urine is carried out of the body from the bladder
15. Respiratory System – The organs and glands that take oxygen from the air and bring it into
the body
16. Trachea – The tube that carries air from the throat to the lungs (a.k.a. the windpipe)
17. Lungs – A pair of organs in the rib cage that allow oxygen to pass into the blood. At the
same time, they take carbon dioxide out of the blood
18. Diaphragm – A dome-shaped muscle that helps pull air into the lungs
19. Muscular System – An organ system consisting (that has) 3 different types of muscles,
including skeletal muscle. It helps the body move, circulates blood, and keeps things in place.
Name: _______________________________
07-LS1-3 Body Systems Vocabulary
Period: __________
20. Nervous System – A network of nerve cells and fibers that transmits nerve impulses
between parts of the body
21. Brain – An organ made of soft nervous tissue in the skull of vertebrates that controls the
22. Spinal Cord – A bundle of nerves in the spine that connects the brain to almost all other
parts of the body
23. Nerve – A whitish fiber that transmits signals to the brain or spinal cord