Parent signature Date

Lost Mountain Middle School
Student Council
Leadership Package
Congratulations on taking the first steps to becoming a leader in the Lost Mountain
Middle School Community! Your journey will be fun and a great educational experience.
It will be demanding on your time and require integrity, initiative, determination, and
dedication to do all tasks to the best of your abilities.
Attached is a thought on leadership, general qualifications, code of ethics, job
descriptions for each member of the Student Council, and the application. All positions
are vital to the success of the program and to our school’s interpersonal climate.
Complete the application and return it to Mrs. Disco 8th (Room 826), Mrs. Swan 7th
(Room 723), or Mrs. Hanse 6th (Room 630) by Wednesday, September 3, 2014.
LEADERSHIP is the quality that is sometimes a natural ability but always has to develop. The first
step in making or becoming a good leader is to become a good follower. It is through the
comprehension of the position of a follower that good leadership can be achieved.
There are certain personality traits that a person who wishes to become a leader should possess.
These traits will not only help a future leader in relations with fellow students, but also with the
faculty, the administration, and the community. Sincerity, cheerfulness, kindness, a sense of humor,
and attention to detail are some of the personality characteristics that a good leader must possess if
they are to have the attention and interest of all.
The character of a person about to hold office is also a very important thing to consider. Does the
individual have a good sense of values? Are they completely honest and dependable? A leader should
consider every person and their importance. He or she should be able to develop decisions
democratically, give credit when earned, and know when and how to speak to everyone. A true leader
is a serving leader.
Lost Mountain Middle School
Qualifications of a Student Leader
Ability to work with other students
Willingness to help develop the qualities of leadership and fellowship in other students (build future leaders)
Knowledge of team and willingness to assist them in using their strengths as an asset
Will work to uncover ways to serve team
Able to recognize, reward, and reinforce members’ positive contributions to the success of the group
Ability to instill group confidence in each leader-member
Ready to assume the responsibility and the work of a particular committee; always planning for worst-case-scenario
Shows a genuine interest and involvement in the activities of the group
Able to avoid cliques which are detrimental to group achievement
Willing to stand up to bullying or other inappropriate behavior toward others
Takes a sense of pride in the goals of the organization
Participates in the activities of the group without concern for personal gain or profit
Able to demonstrate efficiency and competency
Willing to make decisions
Ready to defend what is right
Open-minded and willing to listen to many points of view
Does not make decisions until all opinions are heard
Has a sense of organization, direction, and destiny
Shows a real desire to learn
Places group interests above self-interests
Has a willingness to serve others
Abstains from gossip that is damaging to group dynamics
Able to accept and learn from constructive criticism
Demonstrates school spirit and encourages others to show school pride
Outgoing, friendly, and enthusiastic
Ability to plan, organize, and manage small and large groups
 Willing to accept personal sacrifices for the student body – this is the commitment you are making by accepting an office to serve
 Is a cheerleader for all school functions
 Ability to manage time effectively to be successful in your academic responsibilities, family responsibilities,
Student Council responsibilities, and community responsibilities
Ethics for Student Leaders
Student leaders are public officials. If you are going to lead effectively and hold the confidence of
those you serve, your conduct must conform to a strict code of ethics. A student leader will be held to
a stricter code of ethics due to their position. The student leader subscribes to the following
A student leader will be honest with their team, their peers, and the Lost Mountain staff.
A student leader will lead by providing a positive influence for their peers.
A student leader will show respect and pride in their work.
A student leader will participate in conversation that is positive and sustain from gossip.
A student leader will do their best at all times to fulfill their duties and responsibilities.
A student leader will show respect to all they come in contact with.
Lost Mountain Middle School
Executive Committee Application
Before committing to becoming a member of Student Council, consider your responsibilities for the coming
year. The Council will need to be an important priority for you. Your responsibilities to the Council activities
are important and will require your attention and participation. Think about the time commitment. We meet biweekly and attendance is mandatory. You may also have schoolwork, may be involved in sports, other school
activities, and outside organizations. We want you to be involved, but don’t commit to more responsibilities
than you can cover. We want you to succeed academically, morally, and socially. Due date: Wednesday,
September 3rd, 2014 to Mrs. Disco (Room 826), Mrs. Swan (Room 723), or
Mrs. Hanse (Room 630).
General Member Responsibilities:
Be a leader of character!
Attend all LMMS Student Council meetings and sponsored activities.
Be a vital link of information: Report on all activities of the Student Council to the student body on morning
announcements and/or in writing.
Make LMMS Student Council a high priority. Student Council Members must maintain an 80% or higher
participation rate each semester.
Support all school-related activities.
Listen to the concerns of the group you represent at all times and express these views in LMMS Student Council
Be a motivating force for all School activities.
We meet after school on every other Wednesdays
Lost Mountain Middle School – Executive Committee
Name: ______________________________________________ Student Cell # _______________________
Current Grade Level:
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
Number of Absences this year: _______
Number of Tardies: _________
Discipline: Number of Detentions _______
# of ISS _______ # of OSS _______
Explanation on discipline: ____________________________________________________________________
Homeroom Teacher:__________________________ Home Phone: _____________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________________________
You will need to prepare a speech to present to your entire grade level. This speech will be recorded and played
during one of your classes. (Remember to keep it school appropriate! Also, do not promise things you cannot
follow through with in your speech. Ex. Changing the lunch menu.) You will be allowed to campaign with posters,
flyers, notes, but no stickers or candy. Campaigning will begin on Thursday September 4th through September 10th.
Videotaping will be after school on Wednesday September 10th. Speeches will be shown in class on Thursday
September 11. Voting will take place Friday, September 12.
TEACHER RECOMMENDATIONS – You need two (2) teacher recommendations. (Teachers - Print and Sign)
1. ________________________________________
I do solemnly promise that if I am appointed as a LMMS Student Council member, I will perform all the duties
assigned to me to the best of my ability. I know that this position will require several hours of work each month
and I am willing to devote the time needed to do my job right the first time. I do understand that my obligations
to the Student Council have priority.
I understand that as a Student Council member, I am expected to uphold the integrity of the Lost Mountain
Middle School Student Council and to use good judgment and behavior while representing Lost Mountain
Middle School and the Student Council. I realize that my actions off campus reflect on and affect the integrity
of the organization and are a testament to my integrity and leadership.
_____________________________________________________ _______________________________
_____________________________________________________ _______________________________
Parent signature
*I understand that this application is for review purposes and does not constitute an automatic approval for
selection. Teacher’s recommendations and Sponsor interviews will also be considered.