Find factors of two

 Find factors of two-digit numbers.
© Hamilton Trust
Keeping Up Term 2
Week 9 Day 2
Which number is the odd one out?
Hint: Think about factors!
• If a number divides by 3, its digits add to a number in the 3x table.
• If a number divides by 5 …..
• If a number divides by 4….
So, which number is the odd
one out here?
© Hamilton Trust
Keeping Up Term 2
Week 9 Day 2
Mystery numbers
Work with a partner to guess each number.
Use the clues to help you.
Factors are 3 and 5
Odd number
First digit is 1 more than 5
Factors are 3 and 2
Digits are the same
Number is greater than 50
Factors are 4 and 5
Digits add to 8
Factors are 4 and 3
Digits add to 9
Number is greater than 50
© Hamilton Trust
Keeping Up Term 2
Week 9 Day 2
Write the factors of 54
Try 2…
Yes, it’s even!
Try 3…
Yes, the digits
add to 9
Try 9…
© Hamilton Trust
Yes, the digits
add to 9
Try 4…
Try 5…
No, half of it
(27) is odd
No, it doesn’t
end in 0 or 5
2 x 27 so 2 and 27 are factors
3 x 18 so 3 and 18 are factors
6 x 9 so 6 and 9 are factors
Keeping Up Term 2
Week 9 Day 2
Choose red or yellow numbers.
Write the factors of each number chosen.
Hint: Try 2 then 3 then 4 then 5 to start with!
© Hamilton Trust
Keeping Up Term 2
Week 9 Day 2