Notes 11/7/13

Action Items Based Upon Week 10 Dr. K Meeting & 11/10 Meeting:
-Calculate influences of error > Dustin & Jake
-Single motion sensor (can use when release occurs as point 1?) > Jake
-90 degree shifting motor for release platform feasibility > Yoem
-Talk to micro e department for pipe fittings in vacuum; show current items > Adam
-Vacuum sealed connection points (pre-made connectors for bare ware connections) > Santiago?
Design review Notes with Dr.K on 11/7/13 (From Adam)
 Dr. K wanted to know if we could fit the 8” diameter tower in $3,000? -> most likely not
 He liked that the laser and drop mechanism are removable
 Lift Concept 2
o “Stiction” could result from the seals -> bad.
o Look into the bank delivery system
o has concerns regarding the catching mechanism.
o Wants the pros and cons of the concept.
 Release Mechanism
o Wants an electrical based system to open and close the drop doors.
o Wants a less tedious process.
o Pursue springs or electromagnets
o Likes the concept of electromagnetic force
 Wants all the units to be metric
o Consistency in units (choose 1 pressure unit)
 Wants to see what are drop objects will look like.
o Bring in examples
 Objects to calculate gravity slide
o Dr. K doesn’t think its error. (Miscommunication?).
o Call it effect of elapsed time on pressure
 % difference
o Say it in words what the slide is trying to convey.
o He thought that the graph was showing drag as an error.
o Write an equation to show what is going on.
o Show how the fall time error is related to drag.
o Only error should be in the error in how correct Cd is.
o Cd is a result, not an error.
 Laser error
o Time error should come from the laser sensor.
o 2 types of error involved
 Stationary error: make measurements form ___ to ____ distance find error
 Moving error: error from movement?
o Add the stationary error and the moving error and it will be the total positional error of
the laser. (+-2.5mm).
Evac time
o Math looks good(), however we will fight huge leaks ()
 Leak time
o Assume a crack with width and length could get really complicated
o Dr. K says use the best equation and then just see what time we end up with.
o ΔP method is very hard to do.
o Crack length use Cd*Acrack – something.
o Keep the leak rate in CFM and use the crack area.
 Can the laser detect the difference between the light blue and purple lines (see graph), i.e.
feather and ping pong ball.
 Dr. K wants 22in of clearance at the top.
 Does a laser work in a vacuum? (Would it be able to heat up?)
 For the wires
o Don’t make a hole in a curved surface, use a flat surface.
o Try some experiments with different ideas on how to seal the wire hole.
o Look into connectors
o use one hole
o strip the copper and then seal it with epoxy.
o Could use a pvc disk with holes in it for the wires.
 Buckling
o Put the tower on the ground, worst case
o Simulate it as if you were trying to stand the tower up.
o 30°-45° of tilt to 90° of tilt (show worst case scenario).
o He’s concerned about the tube bending during pick-up.
o ANSYS is not needed, just find the critical member.
 Ordering stuff
o RIT has an educational discount
o Scavenge the shop and his lab.
o For his lab, show a grad student the B.O.M.
o Wants the total project cost less than $3000, hopefully $2500.
o Scavenge from local shops.
 Overhaul the pumping system
 Instead of the laser
o High speed camera – dr. K likes this, I think.
o Multiple sensors, down the length of the tube.
o Not convinced the laser will work.
Final Review
Bill of materials, costs and where to buy and what’s coming from in house.
How the distance vs time data is going to be gathered.
Design review Notes with Dr.K on 11/7/13 (From Santiago )
He likes continuous lift idea #2
Release Mechanism
o Can you design a system that can recoil and come back to its original position?
o Bring some elegance to the mechanism
All reports will be needed to be handed in SI Units
Clarify in “Error to calculate gravity”
Leak Rate
o Figure out a leak rate having a “ Crack imagination Value” to figure out the leak rate as a
function of P
Can the Laser Detect the difference of time of steal ball and ping pong ball
22” clearance for ceiling height in Mr. Kandlikar Lab
Under vacuum conditions there is not heat dissipation
Look for flat surface for “Proxy”, for the cables to exit the chamber
Critical position when structure is laying down
Too many fittings will increase leaks
Go to Micro engineering lab, and learn from them in how to avoid leaks
Scavenge for stuff in Kandlikar’s lab to see what things we already have
o Set up an appointment
6 in Diameter set
Check scrap metals shops
Laser not set yet, look into new options
Identify parts in lab, before buying anything