File - Respiratory Therapy Files

RESD 60 Comprehensive Pulmonary Assessment
Spring 2015
Wednesday 3:00 pm – 5:10 pm
Building 67A Room 138
Instructor: Michael Haines
Office: Building 67A – 139
Phone: 909-594-5611 x4722
Class time/day: Wednesdays 3-5pm
Office Hours: Wednesdays 5-6pm
Course Description: Techniques of pulmonary assessment including history taking, clinical
laboratory data, pulmonary function testing data, chest X-rays, physician exam findings, arterial
blood gas data, hemodynamic monitoring data, exhaled gas monitoring data, nutrition, and
synopsis of findings.
Course objectives:
1. SLO: Students will be able to interpret physical examination data relative to the
cardiopulmonary system.
2. Given historical patient data, correctly interpret the data and relate the historical health
information to the pathophysiological contribution to the present condition.
3. Assess findings for sputum and cough and interpret those findings for their contribution to
the pathophysiology of the patient's current condition.
4. Evaluate and interpret chest x-ray findings and/or chest findings from computerized
tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, positron emission tomography, ventilation/
perfusion scanning, and/or angiography and relate those findings to the pathophysiology of
the patient's current condition.
5. Interpret arterial blood gas and acid-base data and relate that data to the pathophysiology
of the patient's current condition.
6. Examine mock patient using techniques of inspection, palpation, percussion, and
auscultation, interpret the physical findings, and relate those findings to the
pathophysiology of the patient's current condition.
7. Interpret available laboratory data including electrolytes, differential red and white blood
cell counts, microbiological data, enzymes and other markers of inflammation, urinalysis,
and pulmonary function data and relate the pertinent data to the pathophysiology patient's
current condition.
8. Interpret the electrocardiogram and relate any abnormalities to the pathophysiology of the
patient's current condition.
Learning Objectives
Learning objectives specific to each topic will be given each week. These objectives will break
down the course objectives into specific elements. These objectives are to guide your study for
exams and guide your text book reading.
Text book reading is a key element to success in this course and in the Respiratory Therapy
Program. Learning objectives will be assigned that are not covered in the lecture or handouts.
The correct answer to some objectives can only be found in the text books.
Required texts:
1. Wilkins, Dexter, Heuer. Clinical Assessment in Respiratory Care, 6th Ed. Elsevier 2010. ISBN
2. Des Jardins, Burton. Clinical Manifestations and Assessment of Respiratory Disease, 6th Ed.
Elsevier 2011. ISBN 978-0-323-05727-1.
3. Kacmarek, Stoller, and Heuer. Egan’s Fundamentals of Respiratory Care, 10th Ed. Elsevier
2013. ISBN 978-0-323-08203-7.
4. Butler. Laboratory Exercises for Competency in Respiratory Care, 2nd Ed. F.A. Davis 2009.
ISBN 978-0-8036-1378-2.
5. Wherman. Egan’s Fundamentals of Respiratory Care Workbook, 10th Ed. Elsevier 2013.
ISBN 978-0-323-08202-0.
Grading Percentages
Final exam
* All homework assignments must be completed and turned in or a grade of
incomplete will be issued. A grade of incomplete in this course does not allow a
student to progress to the next semester in the program.
For all chapters assigned from the Egan text, the WB chapters are to be completed and
filed in binder for instructor review throughout the semester.
Grading Scale
This is a core curriculum course. A grade of less than C will be considered a failing grade.
Revised Course Schedule
RESD 60 – Cardiopulmonary Assessment*
Cardiopulmonary Symptoms
Vital Signs
Fundamentals of the Physical Exam
Exam 1
Clinical Laboratory Studies
Clinical Laboratory Studies cont.
Interpretation of Blood Gases
Pulmonary Function Testing
Exam 2
Neurologic Assessment
Clinical Application of the Chest Radiograph
Quiz 2
Analysis and Monitoring of Gas Exchange
Exam 3 – In Class Assignment
Interpretation of Electrocardiogram Tracings
Quiz 3
Interpretation of Electrocardiogram Tracings
Exam 4 – Assessment of Older Patients
Assessment of Gas Exchange and Transport
Egan Chapter 15
Wilkins Chapter 3
Des Jardins Chapter 2
HW: Complete workbook for Ch. 15 Egans
Wilkins Chapter 4
Butler Chapter 6
Egan Chapter 16
Wilkins Chapter 7
Des Jardins Chapter 8
HW: Complete workbook for Ch. 16 Egans
Egan Chapter 13
Des Jardins Ch 4 & 5
Wilkins Chapter 8
Butler Chapter 28
HW: Complete workbook for Ch. 13 Egans
Des Jardins Chapter 3
Butler Chapter 31
Wilkins Chapter 9
Egan Chapter 19
HW: Complete workbook for Ch. 19 Egans
Wilkins Chapter 6
Egan Chapter 20
Butler Chapter 33
Wilkins Chapter 10
Des Jardins Chapter 7
HW: Complete workbook for Ch. 20 Egans
Egan Chapter 18
HW: Complete workbook for Ch. 18 Egans
Egan Chapter 17
Wilkins Chapter 11
Butler Chapter 35
Des Jardins Chapter 6
HW: Complete workbook for Ch. 17 Egans
Egan Chapter 17
Wilkins Chapter 11
Butler Chapter 35
Des Jardins Chapter 6
Butler Chapter 35
Des Jardins Chapter 6
Egan Chapter 11
HW: Complete workbook for Ch. 11 Egans
CSRC Conference (Take home assignment)
Final Exam
*The schedule is a guide for the student and may be modified by the instructor as
necessary during the semester. The student is responsible for any and all modifications
in this syllabus that are announced in class
RESD Course Policies
Attendance: Success in college depends on regular class attendance. Students are
expected to attend each class session and arrive on time. Students are required to notify
the instructor if they will be late or absent from class. It is not acceptable to have another
student notify the instructor for you. If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to obtain any
handouts or assignments, and find out about any changes in the course schedule,
assignments, homework, etc. that are announced in class.
Class time missed due to arriving late or leaving early will accumulate, two such
occurrences will equal one absence. Students are allowed two absences and will be
dropped from the course upon their third full or partial absence. The last day to drop this
course without a “W” appearing on your transcript is March 11. The last day to drop with a
“W” appearing on your transcript is May 3. If greater than two absences are accumulated
after that date, a letter grade of F will be given on the final grade report. It is the student’s
responsibility to keep track of accumulated time and absences. It is the responsibility of the
student to officially drop the course if the choice is made to no longer attend.
Assignments: Assignments will be announced throughout the semester and will be based
on class discussions and reading assignments. Assignments may include homework, in
class assignments, projects, clinical simulations, written reports or presentations. Assigned
homework is due at the beginning of the class period. Homework received after that time
will be considered late. Late homework is not accepted. Work that is not legible, poorly
written, or shows little effort will be returned with a grade of zero. The student is
responsible for all homework assigned and due in the event of an absence or tardy.
Class Participation: Students are expected to actively participate in class.
Exams and Quizzes: No make-up or rescheduled examinations or quizzes will be
permitted unless there are extenuating circumstances and approved by the instructor before
the date of the scheduled examination.
Additional Policies:
1. Check your Mt. SAC e-mail account on a regular basis as this will be the primary form of
communication for the course.
2. No food in the classroom. Drinks allowed at the discretion of each instructor
3. Tape recording is not allowed.
4. Cellular phones and other electronic devices must be turned off or silent during class
and may not be used in the classroom or laboratory at any time. This includes breaks,
before, and after class.
5. Calculators are not allowed during quizzes and exams.
6. The class syllabus is a guide for the student and may be modified by the instructor as
necessary during the semester. The student is responsible for any and all modifications
in this syllabus that are announced in class.
If a student does not adhere to these policies the student will be asked to leave the
classroom for the remainder of the class period and must arrange a meeting with the
instructor prior to the next class meeting.
Signature Page
I, ______________________________, have read the RESD 60 Syllabus. I understand and will
abide by all of the information and policies included in this syllabus. I have had the opportunity to
ask questions and have had all of my questions answered. I also understand the consequences of
not adhering to the information and policies included in the syllabus.