HE3 Feb8

Monday, February 8th
• Discuss information from research on Friday
• How will we use this research?
– Instructions for Compare/Contrast paper on
McCarthyism and Witch Trials (due Friday)
• Review Act III
• Read Act IV
Compare/Contrast Paper
• Purpose
– Discuss the similarities and differences between
the hysteria over the Salem Witch Trials of 1692
and the McCarthyism of the mid 1900s.
• Process
– Use your notes that you took on Friday to get facts
to write this paper.
• Give context
– 1st sentence: Discuss the concept of either mass
hysteria or jumping on the bandwagon
– 2nd and/or 3rd sentence: Discuss Arthur Miller’s
reasons for writing The Crucible in one or two
– Last sentence: Thesis statement
• McCarthyism and the Salem witch trials parallel each
other in __________, __________, and __________.
Body paragraphs (at least 3)
• 1st sentence: topic sentence
– State what the similarity is
• 2nd sentence: give a fact about McCarthyism from
your notes (citation needed).
• 3rd sentence: give a fact about the witch trials
from your notes (citation needed).
• 4th sentence: Explain how those two things are
• 5th sentence: Explain how those two things are
• 6th sentence: Summarize
• 1st sentence: Restate thesis in a different way
• 2nd sentence: Discuss how events like
McCarthyism and the witch trials are significant
in history (think about hysteria, bandwagon, etc.)
• 3rd sentence: Think of another situation (in
history, literature, or current events) that
parallels these two.
• 4th sentence: Explain what this pattern shows
about people, society, etc
Works Cited
• A citation is needed when you use a fact from
a source other than your own brain; for
example, the websites you used on Friday are
outside sources.
• Within a paper, your sources are identified
using parenthetical documentation (Source).
• The word or phrase in the parentheses comes
from the works cited page.
Works Cited should look like:
Parenthetical Documentation
• Each time you use information from a source,
you will use parenthetical documentation. The
info in parentheses comes from the first piece
of information in the works cited entry
• Example: "An account of the Salem witchcraft
investigations, trials, and aftermath." UMKC
School of Law. Web. 05 Feb. 2010.
• This becomes (“Account”)
Parenthetical Documentation
• Most works cited entries can be documented
with the last name of the author, which is
typically the first piece of info in the WCP
• Our sources don’t have authors, but they do
have titles, so we will use the titles
• If a title is long, you do not have to use the
entire title, only a short phrase, like (“Witch
Similar titles?
• If two entries have similar titles, we can just
use enough of the title to show which one we
are using.
• Instead of (“Salem”) for the last two entries,
one would be (“Salem Transcription”) and the
other would be (“Salem Witch Museum”).
• Note: We use quotation marks because
quotation marks are present in the WC entry.
Tuesday, February 9th
• Vocabulary Quiz
• New Vocabulary Words
• Finish Act IV
Wednesday, February 10th
• Early Release Day
• Review The Crucible
Thursday, February 11th
• Test on The Crucible
• Time to work on compare/contrast essay. You
need a completed handwritten copy of this to
turn in to me tomorrow.
Friday, February 12th
• Go to the library to type compare/contrast